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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: MT work.. (Views: 32)

Like so many, transcription suited me well. - Former MT

Posted: Sep 23rd, 2023 - 8:32 pm In Reply to: Leaving MT going back making comments - Mary

I was very happy in radiology transcription--both in-house and then later remotely--for quite a few years. That home-based job was made-to-order as far as hours, days, etc. (I like "different" days/hours). I didn't leave that position; it left me, as did the job before it, when the company jumped on the outsourcing/offshoring bandwagon.

Eventually I did a find an in-house FTE position locally, but oh mercy--long story short, it was not a good fit. Then after that there were a lot of twists and turns before settling in where I am now. 

I am glad to have my current (non-transcription) job and benefits, especially since some health issues emerged (and were/are being dealt with) but I still think of those days in transcription when it was good. 

I know it will never go back to what it was and I'm glad I realized I had a good then when I had it, as I'm sure we all did. I understand I'm missing what it once was, not what it became.

For all who have stayed, left, or are in transition, I wish everybody the best.



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