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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Medical scribe employment.. (Views: 55)

Keeping track of numbers - Not defensive

Posted: Aug 8th, 2023 - 9:38 am In Reply to: smh- i hardly think she is keeping track of the numbers - defensive much?

Actually, the OP said, “literally dozens.” That sounds to me as if she is counting the number of posts she reads continuously “every day.” I don’t have a Facebook page,but to my understanding the MT group on that site is a closed forum so they must have access to be able to read those discussions. How Facebook and MT Stars became intertwined is another question. I’m a former MT working elsewhere now, and to be honest I don’t owe anyone an explanation regarding why I still participate in this forum. In regard to the complaining, for some this is the only place they have to vent, but we’re all free to stay or go as we choose, and the OP can do the same.


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