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LOL - see msg

Posted: Aug 8th, 2023 - 7:50 am In Reply to: just amuses me to no end - how

LOL. Personally, I come on here for a couple of reasons, even though I left MT over a decade ago. One is to reaffirm that my decision to leave was a good one! I would say that it had gotten to the point to where it was an easy decision to make, but difficult to execute.

Another reason I come on here is to give people hope and help them realize that they are not as stuck as they think they are. I have gone so far as to point them in the right direction and give them ways to word their resumes so they look marketable in things other than MT work. Not lying, just revamping the focus of their non-MT skills that can serve them elsewhere, so that they pop on the resume. I don't do that anymore. Too many MTs have their heels dug in, and it's a waste of my energy. They come on here and cry, then get mad when you advise them.

Then, of course, there's the backlash nonsense that we're "bragging."


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