I agree with you. You will see those same posters try - desperately try to recharge at thread Posted: May 15th, 2023 - 2:15 pm In Reply to: I appreciate your thoughts - Thanks for the advice
several days later. Seems this may be their only human contact, and they will insult, berate, and abuse anyone for the attention. Simile rule to follow in dealing with anyone --if you have nothing nice to say TO them, say nothing at all. The gaslighting appears all over this board, and each thread of the gaslighting contains the same individual(s) claiming they are pristine in their posts, and it is only they who are attacked; simply not true. They took gaslighting to a high art form.
As for the MT field, I do not believe it is to6tally dead, but the good jobs have to be sought out. They are not nearly as abundant as before. I went into a more difficult are of MT and I am glad I did. I am never without work, and I do not have to go through what I did before fighting for every job that showed up in the queue. It was not an easy learning process, but a necessary one.
Good luck in your endeavors!
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- Medical Transcription is a DEAD profession - MTdonenow (Views: 1413, 2023-05-12, 6:10 pm)
- The gastlighting that goes on here is astronomical - nm (Views: 532, 2023-05-13, 12:48 pm)
- You would know - ... (Views: 509, 2023-05-13, 4:02 pm)
- Just asking - Start walking the walk instead of talking the talk (Views: 460, 2023-05-13, 10:41 pm)
- You first - ___ (Views: 420, 2023-05-14, 11:52 am)
- Gaslight - Word origins and movie trivia (Views: 582, 2023-05-14, 5:53 pm)
- I am - Beginning (Views: 595, 2023-05-14, 10:11 am)