I appreciate your thoughts - Thanks for the advice Posted: May 15th, 2023 - 8:14 am In Reply to: One of the tips I've read for dealing with a cruel person is to - talk to them
I have a different take on the situation. How did this thread go from the original topic of medical transcription being a dead profession to a counseling session? You may not recognize it, but that deflective behavior is exactly what people refer to when they say someone is "gaslighting," which has alread been mentioned. The cruel people in this forum don't deserve the time that would be required to "talk to them," they will only continue in their cruel ways because they enjoy being bullies.
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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
- Medical Transcription is a DEAD profession - MTdonenow (Views: 1413, 2023-05-12, 6:10 pm)
- The gastlighting that goes on here is astronomical - nm (Views: 531, 2023-05-13, 12:48 pm)
- You would know - ... (Views: 509, 2023-05-13, 4:02 pm)
- Just asking - Start walking the walk instead of talking the talk (Views: 460, 2023-05-13, 10:41 pm)
- You first - ___ (Views: 419, 2023-05-14, 11:52 am)
- Gaslight - Word origins and movie trivia (Views: 582, 2023-05-14, 5:53 pm)
- I am - Beginning (Views: 595, 2023-05-14, 10:11 am)