As far as Karen - sm Posted: May 13th, 2023 - 9:45 am In Reply to: Thank you for the posts - Anonymous
"Now, it's used as a moniker for any white woman who's thought to be acting inappropriately, rudely, or in an entitled manner." I have seen many videos of men and women, not just white women, labeled as a Karen on the internet now. It has to do with the sense of entitlement some people feel they have to speak to other people. For example, "But as usual, you think you know it all. Pretty clear who the relative "Karen" is here and which posters have mental health issues. Seems you finally get it, your opinions are not facts. Took awhile, but there is hope for you. You comprehend little of the written word. It was a total assumption on her part, as are most of her posts. You sure act like one Karen - Grow up We're all sick of your incessant whining and obsession with your need for constant attention. Grow up, move on, or get help. Her hubris and arrogance leads her down that path." Who talks to people like that, especially people you don't even know? A Karen does. You might think I'm a Karen for calling out a Karen, and you might be right, but we could all learn to be more mindful of others.
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