Great response! No one is forced to come here - Anyone that seems to be so disturbed as the one Posted: May 13th, 2023 - 3:39 pm In Reply to: I'm not Anonymous, but this is my post you're replying to - and
hijacking your thread, can easily move to other boards that support their abusive behavior. The purpose of this board helping other MTs has been lost to those that never seem cognitively unable to grasp that concept, and so they start with their snotty posts.
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- Medical Transcription is a DEAD profession - MTdonenow (Views: 1413, 2023-05-12, 6:10 pm)
- The gastlighting that goes on here is astronomical - nm (Views: 532, 2023-05-13, 12:48 pm)
- You would know - ... (Views: 509, 2023-05-13, 4:02 pm)
- Just asking - Start walking the walk instead of talking the talk (Views: 460, 2023-05-13, 10:41 pm)
- You first - ___ (Views: 420, 2023-05-14, 11:52 am)
- Gaslight - Word origins and movie trivia (Views: 582, 2023-05-14, 5:53 pm)
- I am - Beginning (Views: 595, 2023-05-14, 10:11 am)