As well as telling someone they have comprehension - problems, signs anonymously Posted: May 13th, 2023 - 3:23 pm In Reply to: There is a very fine line and talking about peoples's - mental stability
Routinely insults others, and that poster tries to bait others. One need only look at all the anonymous posts --they are loaded with insults, correcting poster's punctuation, telling people they do not read, they can't comprehend, thinks she knows who each poster is and falsely accuses them of other posts, calls them Karen (seems the only one that upsets is her)...the list of insults goes on. She does it on the Politics board, too. Guess she comes here to launch her insults when the Politics board is slow.
Then her posse of one (pretty easy to spot where she responds multiple times to her own posts anonymously), attempts to dominate every single thread, regardless of the subject.
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- Medical Transcription is a DEAD profession - MTdonenow (Views: 1413, 2023-05-12, 6:10 pm)
- The gastlighting that goes on here is astronomical - nm (Views: 532, 2023-05-13, 12:48 pm)
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