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Coding / Medical Billing Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 46)

Just read on Andrews site that there are students - who can

Posted: Aug 26th, 2015 - 3:07 pm

work remotely as their first coding job, assuming they can pass both the CCS AND employers' tests.   While I would prefer to work in-house, I am in a situation in which working remotely is the best way (I'm an MT currently).  Mom was just diagnosed with dementia, and I moved her in with me (I'm single), so I know from this point out I will probably need to be with her more and more, not less.  I don't want to put her in a nursing home until it is absolutely necessary.    

So my question is, is it really possible to get that first coding job remotely?  I understand it would probably take longer to do, if it IS actually possible, and I'm willing to accept that.  It would be okay if I had to wait even a year or more to get this remote job as long as I knew eventually it is possible.  I am willing to put as much time into studying that it takes as well.  

Are there any coders out there who got their first job working remotely?  I've read anything from it's possible to not a chance.  I just can't afford to put in the time/effort/money if my chances are slim to none.   Thanks in advance - I will so appreciate any advice.  


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