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Coding / Medical Billing Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 55)

Decide what is important to you - Coder

Posted: Aug 29th, 2015 - 7:30 pm In Reply to: Well since I seem to have better luck here- are they accredited? - just saying

The school you are currently attending is telling you that they *might* accept transfer credits from an accredited -- probably regionally accredited -- college or university. You now seem to be looking for a coding course, and your most important criterion in choosing it is whether the credits will transfer.

No, they will not transfer because Andrews is not a college or university. That is why it is not a regionally accredited institution -- it cannot be because it is not a degree-granting institution.

Students do not attend there because it grants degrees. They attend to earn to code at a level high enough to qualify for and pass the CCS. So they can get a job without struggling.

If your goal is to get a degree, just take all those courses on the Andrews syllabus at the university. If they do not teach them, take them at a junior college, but get prior agreement from the uni that they will accept them, because chances are they won't. It really makes no difference if you learn to code or not because your goal is just scoring transferable credits.

If, however, your goal is to get a job in coding, it is possible to complete Andrews, pass the CCS, and then use what you learned to test out of required courses like med terms, AP, pathophysiology, coding, and reimbursement methods. You can take CLEP exams for some of them, as well, if they accept that. Or, you can take the course at uni for an easy A.

That way, you can learn coding we and get a head start at uni. However, I would not recommend trying to complete a school like Andrews at the same time as college courses. They are, in fact, just like college courses and contain the same material. You won't have time.

I think that deciding against Andrews and coding in general is a good decision for you. Your interest in discrediting Andrews speaks for itself, and others have pointed out the difficulty with coding.


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