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Coding / Medical Billing Today's Top Viewed: I just watched a video on the internet about this.. (Views: 56)

Yes there seems to be more remote jobs than ever if you have CCS - and can pass employment exam

Posted: Aug 26th, 2015 - 4:34 pm In Reply to: Just read on Andrews site that there are students - who can

If you take a short course in medical coding you very possibly won't get a job at all. If you take a high-quality advanced level one like Andrews and get your credentials, you have a good chance of getting a good job, even a remote one. You may not find one if you have just a CPC, but that's even possible. I wouldn't risk it because I've been seeing people who took short courses and got a CPC but can't get a job at all. You've got to be able to pass that employment exam in addition to having the credentials they are looking for.


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