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Coding / Medical Billing Today's Top Viewed: Timestamps.. (Views: 44)

Thanks to you too - just saying

Posted: Aug 29th, 2015 - 12:23 pm In Reply to: Based on your research skills I don't think coding is going to be a good choice for you - sm

I guess I misunderstood the purpose of this board then. I thought it was to ask questions and get help. When I do, you slam me for depending on others. You have no clue about my research skills based on a few posts on an anonymous board or my work ethic or my persistence in pursuing my education. I did email the school 3 times and they did not respond. I just thought that maybe someone here had a better email or advice. Instead I get snide responses. So if this is how all the coders act from this school maybe this is not the route I want to take.


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