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VR versus straight transcription - BZB

Posted: Apr 28, 2011

With my company I get about 80% editing and 20% straight transcription, about half as much per line editing as for transcription, of course.  Personally, I'd rather transcribe a difficult dictator than edit most anyone.  My pet peeve is when a difficult dictator's reports (which used to be transcribed) gets changed to editing status, and it takes just as long to fix the VR document but now at about half as much pay.

We all have the same pet peeve!!! - jmn

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Exactly. The half pay is based on good SR dictators, - then they send the OTHERS thru too. NM

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VR or Straight - DinkyDo

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Lets put it this way - ask your tech people, your supervisors, and anyone else on salary and ask them if they would also like to take a 55% pay cut. I can guarantee my MTSO has NOT negotiated new contracts with the present clients - but their excuse is they want to be competitive. My bill collectors and my stomach are pretty darn competitive too. This is just another shaft for a fading, miserable industry. Right, you can type faster than VR.

That is Not My Experience - TXMT

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My experience is the complete opposite. Last pay period I averaged $6 per hour more on SR editing than transcribing. My cpl for SR is exactly half of what it is for transcribing yet I make more editing. I edit at almost exactly double the speed I transcribe. I don't understand all the woe-is-me stuff. It just hasn't been my experience at all.

Woe-is-me - B

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'Woe-is-me stuff'? How unfair. Good for you that you have apparently gotten lucky in the reports that you get.

Then you're in the minority. - Anon

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If you have the same few, clear dictators all the time, I could see where you could do that. But working for a multi-specialty, multi-account MTSO, I don't see it. I'll get one report from one client. The SR will format itself for that client. The next report will be for a different client, but the SR has set the headings, font, etc. for the former report. I then have to highlight and switch all of the headings that are/aren't bold, all caps, colon-ed, etc. If I get more than one report in a row for the same client, whooo hoooo, lucky me. I don't have to switch everything around.

More like "woe are we."

My experience is I am doing more typing than editing, would be great to be able to - fly through those jobs, too many mistakes in them

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I would rather do VR than transcribe UNLESS the VR machine - like VR

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is kicking out garbage and then it takes longer to edit than to transcribe. But I blame the management of the companies for allowing the VR editing companies to get away with producing terrible drafts and it just means that someone is definitely not doing their job in monitoring this process. Yes, there will always be a few errors in VR, but when it gets to the point that it is more than 50% in a draft, then someone needs to revamp the managers of those programs and get some effective people in place.

Woe-is-me....you have no idea - LTDN

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I got switched to VR pay without my knowledge. I DO have a legitimate complaint about how the company I work for went about this whole thing. Had the system been in place and I had been doing the editing sooner, or had they not screwed us out of our normal transcription pay, I would have no complaints. They have the best of both worlds. They aren't paying us squat and it's taking the same amount of time to edit as it did to transcribe with some of these providers! Lucky for them huh? And, I've heard from some that the providers haven't been told the system even changed! The VR system wasn't ready, but they did it anyway and as soon as my first document went to the VR, pay got cut more than 50%. This, BTW, after in writing we were told that our pay would not change without our knowledge. What a joke. So, for some of my providers, I'm taking the exact amount of time to edit because the VR has messed them up so bad, as I was to type the document, only I'm making about 60% less (in my particular case). What about that is right? But hey, don't complain right? If this isn't for me they'll ship it overseas. Negotiate??? Right, tried that and was more than professional about it! The response I was given was that this wasn't for everyone. I'm not some high school dropout that types for a living...I'm really good at what I do with a freaking Bachelor of Science degree. I think these "employers" think they're dealing with a lowly SAHM or someone who's just trying to make a buck. News flash, I've done this for close to 20 years and I've never felt worse about this job the entire time until now. Plain and simple, I got screwed. And if you're doing editing twice as fast as transcribing, then you must not have been able to transcribe very fast. With the autocorrect in place before and being able to use all my shortcuts, I was able to bring in $200/day EASY, in about 3 hours. Granted, I can fly and maybe you can't...but this editing? My son made more last week working for the neighbor in the yard at $8/hour than I did typing for a two week period. It's pathetic, that's what it is. And now I'm climbing back down off of my soapbox I felt the need to be on to vent!!

VR/STRAIGHT - disgusted

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LTDN: Very well said! I too have been in this field for over 25 years, and have taken the good with the bad, but this is totally nuts. Who says we want to do more than our production requirement and at the rate of pay, why should we? I can beat $7.92 an hour anywhere and that is what it is my friends, do the math once again, 6500 lines x 0.488 cpl divided by 40 hours = $7.92 an hour.
to disgusted - LTDN
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Thanks "Disgusted"! It's nice to read that SOMEONE besides myself gets that we're getting the shaft and has been doing it as long as I have. Like you said, "Do the math". If someone is telling you you're making more money, they're nuts!! I could be bagging groceries at the local grocery store and making more money at this point, just like the high schoolers!!

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