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Nice surprise in bank acct this a.m. - new but old

Posted: Apr 27, 2013

Nice to see I got the quarterly bonus this morning when I checked my bank balance.  Definitely came at a good time.  Really didn't think I would qualify but glad I did.  Makes me actually want to work today!!

Surprise in bank account - redmaj

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What?? Do you work for MModal? If you do, I have never heard of such a thing!!

quarterly bonus - new but old

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No I work for Nuance and this is their quarterly bonus that you get. I forget all the hoops that you have to jump through, all I know is that I actually had to go to payroll and look it up. I had gotten an email awhile back saying that those eligible would get it before the end of the month, but to be honest didn't think I qualified for it but I guess I was wrong!!

You'll be on the hit list now - been there

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The "quality" team will begin to find a lot more "errors" in your work. You will find that somehow, you just barely managed to exceed that 15% cap on lines sent to QC. Your accounts will be switched, or you'll start getting more and more of the garbage dictators, so that your line count will drop. One way or another, they will try to make sure that this doesn't happen again.

Thanks but no thanks - new but old

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I understand that you mean well, but I really don't appreciate it. I have gotten bonuses before and have no more or less a problem with QC then everybody else. I don't count on them so they always come as a nice surprise. I do not obsess over my LPH or my FIESA scores. I just do my job, no more and no less. They leave me alone and I leave them alone!!

hit list - anon

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that's just not true!

Congrats! Buy yourself something nice. - nm

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actually, it kind of is true. I have noticed it myself - anon

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If you get the bonus one quarter, you can be assured you will not get it the next quarter. They will do a million audits until they get you under that magic number.

Aren't you a ray of sunshine? - nm

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This is true. - Happened to me.

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It's a 10% cap on lines to QC now. - it was changed. nm

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I'll post here again if that happens to be true... - But....for the timebeing...

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I think you're wrong.

Congrats new but old! Good job. nm - anonnnn

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excellent job! What a great surprise! - anon

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Great to hear of someone getting the bonus!! I love your attitude and will try to do the same (I am Accentus, we will soon be switched over to Fiesa and I have been dreading it!)

Thank you Stay positive - new but old

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I have my bad days and yesterday actually was one of them. One of those days where it seems that between bad dictators, computer and internet problems and just plain having a bad day - I was definitely feeling it last night. I really struggled yesterday to get my LPH but I got it and so I was pleased about that but was definitely drained at the end of the day. I just would rather spend my time and focus on good rather than bad. If I was as unhappy as some of these people seem to be, I think I would have to quit. I don't have the time or the energy to be negative and find that I do better when I look on the good side which is that I DO have a job, a great team leader and for the most part just do my job.

Thats right - "focus on good rather than bad" - I would rather be optimistic and

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positive and happy then to be stressed out and worrying myself over stuff I cant do anything about or things have not even happened yet or probably never will. Im glad you got your bonus, Im sure you deserve it.

I felt the same way!!! - VERY nice surprise

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I had completely stopped TRYING for the bonus as I just simply thot I would never ever get one. I was SO please to see the extra money and, like you, it couldn't have come at a better time! Things aren't so bad here after all and my work pools are filled with work. Yup...happy camper here, been here a year last month.

Quarterly bonus - Poor MT

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Does this mean if bonus didn't show up in bank account today, we're not going to get one? (I'm supposed to!)

The ADP portal might be more reliable - than the bank. sm

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Not sure if all Nuance employees have access to the ADP portal, but I always check pay info there since my bank deposit sometimes lags a day or 2 from the e-mailed ADP pay notification. Good luck, I hope you got a bonus.
Yeah go to ADP portal - new but old
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Yeah go to the portal. I don't normally go there but when the extra money showed up on Saturday and I saw it was Nuance I went to the portal and it shows the separate deposit from my paycheck and that it was a quarterly bonus. It could depend on your bank too - it may take them longer to process. My payroll went in in Friday so I was really surprised when this showed up on Saturday and didn't come in on Friday with my paycheck
Question on Quarterly bonus - ANONYMOUS
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So am I understanding you correctly that your REGULAR paycheck went into your account on this past Friday (04/26)? Just curious, because my regular paycheck isn't until NEXT Friday (05/03). I was really expecting the bonus and mine isn't there. If that's the case, then maybe Nuance has two different pay days and I'm just thinking that the rest of the quarterly bonuses will show up on next Saturday, the day after the regular pay day for me.

Just curious.
I'm wondering the same thing - sufferinginsilence
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If Nuance has different pay days, this is news to me and I have been here since the beginning when they took over Webmedx. I'm supposed to get the bonus also and it is not in ADP, nor did I get a "surprise" this weekend. As Anon said, our next pay is this Friday 5/6... very interesting.
Bonus Pay on my email said 04/29 - if no direct deposit they mail it
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out on 04/29, otherwise, it was to be in my acct. on 04/29. Nuance just bought out the company I worked for and this is the first quarter we were eligible. I received several hundred dollars and was VERY happy to get it because of huge pay cut when they bought us out.

I also faithfully check my FIESA and have had several "editor errors" reversed, which ultimately made a big difference in my final score.

There are a few really nasty editors on my accts. and they will hunt high and low for any reason to hit you with the largest deduction they can to keep you from getting the bonus. A friend of mine did QA/QC work for Nuance, and told me that editors that had excessive challenges would then be scrutinized themselves (and it would eventually cause problems for the editor). In my case, the very ones that I consistently challenged with their editing errors, backed way off and stopped "over editing" of a full point deducted for a comma and other very subjective "editing" they employed. I quoted the acct spec, BOS page #s to support my challenge. Hope this helps someone else.
My LAST regular paycheck was on 4/19.... - My NEXT regular paycheck
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is on 5/03. I got an e-mail from the ADP portal, informing me of money that will be deposited to my direct deposit account on 4/29 (Monday). When I went to ADP portal, sure enough, for the date of 4/29, there was a check issued to be deposited for the amount of a bonus. Check the ADP portal. If it's not there and you are certain you should get one, contact HR/Payroll and/or your team lead.

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