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got the boot. Do I have to sign the corrective action form? sm - zig

Posted: Jun 15, 2010

After being with MQ for 11 years and with YOG (bought out by MQ) for years prior to that, I got the boot for something I know I did not do.  I got the call yesterday, 6/14, for a violation that I'm accused of making a couple of weeks ago.  So why the delay?  Why did it take 2 weeks for them to contact me?  The thing that gets me is its their word against mine.  How are we supposed to defend ourselves?  Once a report has been transcribed and submitted, its out of our hands.  We have no way of proving that the report was changed on their end and then they turn around and place the blame back on the MT in an effort to "clean house".  Prior to the MQ buy out, I used to get praise from the QA staff for the quality of my work.  Now all I've gotten for the last couple years is nothing but criticism.  I feel that if I sign the corrective action form I'll be admitting to doing something that I didn't do.  Has anyone ever refused to sign one? 

Wow. So sorry, but . . . - LK

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Sorry for what happened, but it's probably for the best you're getting out of MQ. You deserve better.

There is no reason whatsoever that you have to sign that form. They can fire you for whatever reason they want (or no reason at all), but I definitely would not sign a form that says I did something I'm pretty sure I didn't do. They can't do anything to make you sign.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll find a better company to work for.

Write a rebuttal - jaeme

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You know, since everyone knows about the mandatory 80% of MQ work that has to go to India because of the SEC filings, they are probably just looking for anyone to get rid of that they possibly can. Instead of signing it, I would write on it that I refuse to sign something that is unproven, and I understand that this is just an underhanded ploy to get rid of people so that MQ can send CBay/India their 80% as required in SEC filings. Will it matter to them? Maybe not...but at least they will start figuring out that their employees aren't as stupid as they think they are!

I refused to sign, and they wanted me to sign a form stating that - I refused to sign the original form. They won (?).

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No they didn't. - LK

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No reason not to sign that - by signing it, you are confirming that you don't agree with the corrective action form, and therefore refused to sign the original form. It just documents that you disagree with their corrective action. That is actually a good thing for you to have in your file.
(By the way, in my former life I was an HR director, so know something about this stuff).

I would still sign NOTHING these snakes put - in front of me. (n/m)

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I would sign NOTHING. And, I would tell them what - then can go do to themselves.

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They always kept YOU worrying, looking over your shoulder, wondering what's coming next, right? Well, this time, don't sign anything that might protect them legally. Regardless of whether you plan to sue or not, let THEM do the worrying, for a change.

If you don't sign, what can they do - fire you? - sick and tired

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what on earth did you do? - I am freaking out

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I have been reading these posts of people getting fired for no reason and especially the long-timers.

Do I have to start copying every report right now???

I am so scared. Will you get unemployment?

I would start copying. Only way to protect yourself. - Long-timers should consider a little class-action,

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lemme guess....a HIPAA violation? - like staying in an old chart

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too long or trying to decipher a CC that turned out to be the wrong one?

you got that right! sm - zig

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Accused of changing the dictator's name, which I know for a fact I did not do. I know the doctor's name and voice. There is no way I would have changed it. What I did change was the W/T. It was coded an H&P. Doc stated it was a surgical consult and admit note (I made a note of that fact). Since there was no such report type, I changed it to a consult because the doctor started his dictation as "reason for consultation". According to MQ though, I changed the doc's name...NOT!!!!!! and they canned me. As my husband said, its their loss not mine. I can now enjoy a wonderful summer and quit walking on egg shells every day.

GOOD GRIEF. So if they enter the wrong ID and we - sm

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happen to not catch it or hear it incorrectly, we'll be fired?! This is by far the most ridiculous cr@p I've ever heard in my life. No way would I sign ANYTHING. What are they going to do about it if you don't sign it, fire you?!
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That is why I am getting out of the sweat job shop. Really stupid to stay in this field, especially with the HIPPA laws. My old CCM has sent approximately 19 emails regarding a warning about HIPPA laws and about sending copies and doctor's names, etc. I knew this was coming when we had to watch the video of the 5 scenarios of what could happen. I do not have 2,500 sitting in savings to payout for a screw up let alone the cost of 25,000 or even 250,000 and then get fired for it.

You mean they can fine us for a HIPPA violation? - Has this happened to anyone? nm
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Wouldn't a prosecutable 'violation' imply that it - sm
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was done intentionally?? If the dictator enters an incorrect ID or MRN, or if we 'hear' it incorrectly, that's an accident. How can they prosecute you for an accident (not to mention they'd be prosecuting MQ, not the MT anyway, but that's another discussion), but how can they prosecute you for an accident yet send all these reports with this info OVERSEAS where they're full of errors and security breaches?! WHAT A JOKE THIS IS.

HUSBAND WAS RIGHT ZIG! - Major blessing in disguise.

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Listen to your husband. He is so right! It is definitely MQ's loss not your loss. You will win out of this because you are FREE AND I MEAN FREE! Eleven years with them (from what you said in the earlier post). You are out of there and done with them. GOOD FOR YOU! I myself have seriously aged big time in the last 10 years with this company. Now you can go onto bigger and BETTER things in life than the mean MQ. From my point of view, you were probably paid too much (in their eyes) when in fact you are probably grossly underpaid in reality because of working for them for 11 years and they had to come up with something to get rid of us older, more mature, and know better employees.

Questions for you ... - sm

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When you say you "got the boot" are you meaning fired or written up? Big difference. You wouldn't be asked to sign a corrective action form if you were fired.

It is a rare situation that they outright fire an MT - there has to be issues ongoing and a performance plan in place.

Third, your corrective action form is your opportunity to voice your opinion. Signing it does not mean you agree with what they are doing. It has a place you can state your side. Use it appropriately for yourself.

Yes, they can version every report and see what the MT did, what QA did, what the client changed, what was changed in the report after the client received it, etc. Voice stays for 30 days.

Go through HR and request a meeting with your management with HR present. Ask for a copy of that report showing what YOU did versus what QA did, etc.

Refusing to sign is pointless.

"got the boot" means fired... and yes, they want me to sign a corrective action form. nm - zig

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oh yeah - and I would trust that

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I would not trust a company who stole lines from us MTs to show me what was changed in my report. I 100% believe they can change what they want and say that it came to them like that.

I don't know what the - What the

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color of the sky is in your world, but MQ does fire people without previous performance issues. HIPAA is a big thing right now and they have to find somebody to fire for it, so they pass the buck to the unvisible MT. Yes, they do ask you to sign a form if it is a HIPAA violation even if they fire you.

form just a CYA for MQ - no need to sign

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I got a verbal/written warning for a non HIPPA violation and they wanted me to sign the form and I refused. I did, however, contact HR and sent them my own comments I wanted added to the form in my defense. This form is a CYA for MQ- in case of a HIPPA violation if MQ does not perform corrective action then they can get in trouble too. It is much easier for MQ to throw their MTs under the bus rather than get on the doctor or actually defend their MTs. You do not have to sign it and can certainly add your own comments. I am sorry about your job though.

What were you accused of doing? - May I Ask?

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READ the line "You got that right! Solu-Medrol by Zig" - MarineMom

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she tells what she was accused of doing
HAHA Darned word expander!! "sm" NOT Solu-Medrol - MarineMom
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Hahaha! Sorry, that was too funny. - SMILE. No message below.
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Actually, I was referring to the non-HIPPA violator and asking what she did. nm - May I Ask?
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I believe the term used was insurbordination - no need to sign
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I had the audacity to call out my QKL and my CCM on discrepancies between the CP and the "samples" the QKL was sending out and conflicting info relayed in emails. Asked for clarification and got written up because I didn't know which rules to follow. My CCM told me I was the worst MT she ever had and if she could she would have fired me on the spot, but HR wouldn't let her escalate directly from a verbal to termination. I sent in my own rebuttal to HR and just sucked it up and was a good girl for the next 6 pay periods until that came off my record. But the happy ending is the CCM got fired for not forwarding emails from corporate, you know those pesky ones about MTs switching regions and needing new log in IDs. Karma is a #$%^ sometimes.

consider yourself blessed (sm) - ontothem

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You can enjoy this beautiful summer and put this immoral, unethical, illegal nonsense behind you.

Hope that all who have left/let go take time to contact their State's Labor Departments/Human Rights Division. We ARE being discriminated against (based on nationality) and the Human Rights complaint form should be sent to every MT's State Labor Dept.

Bet an investigation would uncover other illegal activities that we are not even aware of.

Take some time to breathe in your newfound FREEDOM. Surely something BETTER will come up for you to do for a living. The rest of us are sure to follow soon as we are incapable of producing an accurate note, full of CRITICAL errors and HIPPA violations. :-(

x-YOGer - ***

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Did you work for C*MC?
Full time or part time?
Did you opt for CMT raise?
Was this an april phone call?

Got the boot - there is a way to see what - MtnMT

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the report looked like before QA got their hands on it. Login to DQM statistics. Drop box to "details" then set parameters whether correction or transcription, select the date of job and hit enter. When the list comes up, click on your job. When header comes up go to the bottom and select "count log payroll" and hit enter. The report you see is what you sent in BEFORE it went to QA. This is the proof of how you sent in and whether or not it's different when from the DQS format to view it. Hope this makes sense, and good luck if you decide to pursue it.

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