A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Why do people spend time on this board... - Just Wondering

Posted: Mar 04, 2010

when you don't work for the "Q" ? Why do you care what is going on here?  I'm just curious. 

Maybe it is morbid curiosity. - Like watchin a horror movie.

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That MQ wrote and produced.

Maybe people are amazed at what is dished out and what we take.

I don't know, just a guess. I am a soon to be ex-MQ-er. A couple weeks then I am done!!!!

I personally have had enough of living the horror movie that is MQ.

Because most of us work at places that operate exactly - the way MQ does. When MQ makes a - sm

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change, especially one that's not good for MTs, invariably my company does the same thing not long after. They all want to be like your company. When you describe what goes on in management, you could be describing my company. Only problem is, most of my coworkers aren't on this board, and if they are, they never mention our company by name. MQ is so big you have your own board. I care just as much about what happens to you at the Q, as I do about what happens at my company. I get a lot of insight into the business, and how you handle certain aspects of your software and company rules, etc. that help me deal with my company. And, reading what's going down at MQ give me a forewarning about what's coming down the road for the rest of us. So I hope you don't mind that others read your board. What happens at MQ, and to MQ employees, affects ALL of us.

I do not work for the Q and asked a simple question earlier because (sm) - anon

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as I posted earlier, I am a MT and I am always concerned about what is going on in my industry as a whole. Also, I have friends who work for the Q and I am concerned for them, as well as any other MT.

Because I used to work for MQ and have - wannie

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actually wished many times that I had never left. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

can I ask for specifics? - just wondering

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What its like out there. Pros and cons of some other places, etc. TIA

Sent you an e-mail. nm - wannie

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We shouldn't want to know what the biggest - pig at the trough is doing?

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Come on now, you could have figured this out for yourself, Suitster.

Pig at the trough - LOLOLOL!!! - RubySoho

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That brought up all sorts of visuals, including that idiotic "Feed the Pig" commercial and the "Cable Pig" commercial...Thanks for the giggle :-)

LOL too! - "Dont Feed The Pig" !

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why I come to this board - SM

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I used to work there for 15 years and cared (past tense) very much for the company. I've been gone for a year and am so happy I left, love my new company, but I still have many former colleagues who are still at the Q and of course I care about what is going on for them.

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