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Supervisor Upset - TLMV

Posted: Jan 18, 2015

...because so many people are not making 99.5% accuracy in their audits.  Perhaps it is time to consider that whoever promised the client 99.5% accuracy has something quite strong in their medicine cabinet.  For years, the standard has been 98% and that is for a reason.  That number is possible with humans.  Machines sure can't deliver 99.5%; just ask anyone who has to correct the harebrained interpretations of SR, which never learns, by the way.  Do the doctors have to be 95.5% accurate?  Sorry, just thought I would inject a big fat truckload of humor into this post.

I wish mine had sent that e-mail - I would be delighted to

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explain it to her, in detail, and with appropriate language.

Got it also..and I don't care - fir me!!!

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Kick me in the butt and make me change my life. At this point, I have been beaten into feeling like a moron, so I stay where I am relatively comfortable. Best thing that could happen to me would be to force a change

They will. - Fired for 99.4

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Go figure. Too bad the supervisors aren't held to 99.5%. They couldn't even spell correctly in their own emails. Turnover would be unbelievable.

and perhaps we have too many accounts to contend with - didnt fail before pods

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My head is spinning so much, eyes doing jumping jacks... look here, go there, remember this, check for headings, check for standards, look at the old reports, back to report, back to ADT, add cc, back to report, back to CP, go find Style guide, shoot... which one do I use, call QA, no answer, guess, back to ADT, arrrrggghhhhh! This whole thing is beyond ridiculous!

Probably upset because too many to performance manage as a result. - LOL

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Two minor "errors," and you flunk. We can't always agree where those pesky commas should be! LOL. Sure, some people (claim to) make a great line count with 100% accuracy 100% of the time, but the rest of us mortals don't meet unreasonable demands 100% of the time.

I just thought the same thing! The gall of being upset at 99.48% accuracy!! - sm This company is nuts

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When everywhere else industry-wide the going rate is 98%, and they actually have primary accounts on top of that!

Generic emails.. The worst management tool - ever..

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Nothing like bringing everyone into a pool of failure to motivate you to get out there and work. Deal with people individually so that everyone is not second guessing themselves. BTW, a reasonable accuracy rate would go a long way. 99.5% is a factory standard, not a human standard. Again, we are being treated like assembly line workers. I wonder how many of the suits actually look at the product ASR puts out and we are expected to fix for less money.

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