A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

HELP! My hospital is outsourcing to medquist - 2stay or 2go?

Posted: Dec 14, 2011

Hi Everyone - Question, my department of about 13 MTs were just notified last week that our hospital will be out sourcing to MQ. Now MQ was there and offered all of us positions. My question is, after looking at all these posts and from our own investigating, is MQ a good company or not? We are going from an hourly rate with the hospital to 9 cpl for typing and 4 cpl for VR and then 3 cpl for master editor or something. What we have found is that MQ is not such a "great place to work" as our hospital has told us and looks like the average MT makes 18,000 a year. Now for me....thats a HUGE cut in pay!  Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks everyone

Let me try and understand - anon

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You've read all the posts here and you still wonder if it's a good place to work or not? I would say $18,000 is a little on the optimistic side. OK I would say it's a LOT on the optimistic side.

My advice to you in a word: RUN.

cut in pay, true for sure - anon

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Yes, with all the SR or VR work my pay has nearly dropped in half. It sucks, I have to have another job to be able to afford this job. If it weren't for the medical benefits that I need and cannot afford privately, I wouldn't keep this job. I moved to MME status and in less than a year begged to go back to an MT/ME doing typing, editing, because then at least I was still not making what I had been but at least I wasn't being berated for making corrections and having to defend my knowledge all the time.

It is a good place to work for in the respect that you can work from home in your PJs, take care of your children still and you do have benefits available which so many companies are dropping now. We didn't take huge hits during this depression/recession and we have continued to grow. However, I believe quality is dropping as they hire newbies straight out of school because they need the training and more and more of the old timers that care about their jobs are finding its not worth it any more.

All of those points are valid but Medquist's ocean of problems - are soooo much bigger that that

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Anyone who ever wants to gauge job satisfaction with Medquist's employees need only read the first page or two of this forum to answer any question they could ever have about the company, and more.

Did they promise you - that you would stay on the account?

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I know first hand from my CCM that MQ tells employees from hospital buy-outs that nothing will change and they will stay on that account, BUT (and straight from his mouth while he was laughing) he told me that they employees stay on it for about 2 months maximum, then the account goes into the general pools for everyone and the employees go into the cesspool like the rest of us. The pay is terrible, benefits are terrible, pay keeps getting cut year by year, and I am a tier 3 CMT and still run out of work. Best of luck to you! Hope you have it better than the rest of us here. I am on my way out as soon as financially possible.

Can you transfer to another department? - Frosty Mug

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anything, unit secretary, admissions, housekeeping, ANYTHING would be better than joining us here at the poor farm. I am dead serious!!! Check out other opportunities at your hospital, you won't regret it.

Thanks - 2stay or 2go?

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Yes we can, but they go so quickly and then there is an interview process. I dont know. Its just a slap in the face to all of us to go from an hourly paying job to cpl paying job especially after finding out that MQ was used by its employees for taking their lines from them which in turn equals $$$. After seeing someones post about going from 30,000 last year to 18 this year, seems for me that unemployment is the way to go for now. Thank you for your help :)

Would someone PLEASE tell me... - sm

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...what on EARTH MQ salespeople tell prospective clients to get the business? The management is greedy and pathetic, and third-world countries will eventually get all the work. I realize that hospitals need to cut costs, but when docs are accustomed to first-rate documentation by their own meticulous in-house MTs, don't they get upset when they see the quality deteriorate?** I thought that, in the end, docs called the shots...I mean, they're the ones who bring in the business, after all. Don't clients ever complain after MQ sabotages them?

**Not suggesting that MQ MTs aren't among some of the best, but cesspool distribution of work guarantees that MTs can't refine and perfect those troublesome dictators. And what about the fussy docs who demand that their work be given special priority with unique instructions?

Hey - elite bouncer

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My title of "Elite Bouncer" gives me the authority to answer this question for you.

Yes, I CAN, and DO refine and perfect the troublesome dictators and fussy doctors who demand their work be given special priority, even with their unique instructions. This is precisely why I make minimum wage for my elite title. Do not think for 1 minute that I cannot keep up with you, who only does 1 account. I have been doing this service to MQ for the better part of 4 years, at 99% accuracy per MQ LAW, without fail.

It is not impossible, and yes, this elite bouncer is one of the Best of the Best!

I'm the other elite bouncer on this elite bouncing team - MME

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We can bounce with the best of them. We are given the title Elite because that is the term that our CCMs give those of us who never work the same account twice in one day, or sometimes even the same account twice in a month. I too can "boast" a 99%-100% accuracy rating each and every month per MQ's impossible requirements and consistently get my 500 lines a day and I take pride in my minimum wage paycheck that I pull over and cash in on the way to the Food Stamp office.

Give the Elite Bouncer team your mumblers, your auctioneer wannabees, your rejects and any language from anywhere on the planet and we can decipher it with fluency. We weild our well-worn references like a suit of armor and our Elite Bouncer superhero capes with pride. We are the proud, the accurate, the employees with no region - we are the Elite Bouncer team.

Oh. Those doctors will still get their special requests - alright

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Because my region just brought on a few new accounts which would normally be a good thing except that one of them is a relatively small one with about a dozen doctors - and *each doctor* has their own specs and formatting requests. So *in addition to* the dozens of accounts they bounce me around between all day long, within each account are those doctors who each have their own client profile specs and formatting preferences. It literally is enough to drive anyone insane not to mention it takes an *enormous* hit on your income. After the docs get comfortable with the domestic division bending to their every beck and call for the first month or two, then they get shipped off to India - that's when the wakeup call really starts for them.

If I make $50 a day trying to conform to all the individual specs, it's been a good day for me and that is no exaggeration.

Would somebody PLEASE... - from the above poster

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Tip of the hat to both of you! I know that excellent work can be, and is, done by MQ MTs, albeit at enormous cost to your financial health and sanity. (Note: I myself was one of you until about 4 years ago!)

My rhetorical question, though, is how on EARTH do the MQ salepeople get the business? Do they put hospital administrators in a trance? Don't administrators do any research? Is the bottom dollar their only criterion? Would they want a vendor with a less-than-stellar reputation when it comes to treatment of its employees?
no trance - all about the money
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I bet there are a lot of knee pads worn at those meetings and a whole lotta butt kissing. Then, they take out all of that pent up frustration from butt kissing out on us MTs!
prospective clients - neverland survivor
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They don't tell the prospective client how they treat the employees, that never enters into the conversation and why would a prospective client look for reasons not to go to a company that is looking so good on paper?
Blinded - 2stay or 2go
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Kinda of funny on this aspect, it would have been WONDERFUL had we known about MQ at the time of our meeting last week. Most definitely law suits and the way the empolyees are treated would come up, its just too bad that we didnt know last week. I have to let MQ know by the 19th if I plan to sign on with them. NOT!
BINGO. - ALLAbout$
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You are SPOT ON.

Hospitals DO NOT CARE about their employees or even their own patients. The ONLY thing beancounters care about is the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR.
bait and switch - in the know
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The hospital administrators sign up I am sure for the cost savings, but also because the Medquist salespeople assure them that the MTs will still have their jobs, they will be able to stay with the same account, blah, blah blah. They make it sound like a win-win. Then in a few months the account goes to India or the MTs find themselves with a new primary or a new CCM and eventually minimum waged or performance managed out the door but Medquist still keeps the account, the hospital still gets the savings and the employees are the ones who lose.

Remember when they capped the tier rates a few months ago? That was because some hospital contracts included that their inhouse MTs who were soon to be MQ employees were to be given a higher wage in exchange for the contract. Medquist couldn't force out those higher paid MTs fast enough so they just cut the pay.

Docs DO NOT call the shots anymore. SM - VeteranMT

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Well I don't know where you've been (not literally), but docs haven't called the shots in hospitals in 10 or 15 years or even longer.

BEANCOUNTERS run the show now. EVERYTHING is about budgets and the bottom line. Docs are trumped by bureaucratic eggheads.

In the old days doctors OWNED hospitals. Back then they were in charge and of course patient CARE always came FIRST. No more.

MQ - Kitty

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I am so sorry for you ! What you read on here is true. I worked for Spheris and MQ took us over. One pay cut after another, lower PTO, cut in shift differential, then half of your work was sent global and then ALL sent global. They said they had other work for us....account was 95% Spanish speaking dictators in addition to HORRIBLE sound files. As bad as I need to work, I could not take it. That situation was growing worse by the day and I could not make money with that mess anyways. As others have said, making 18 a year with them is being VERY optimistic.

HELP! My hospital is outsourcing - 2stay or 2go?

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WOW! As crazy as it sounds, I cant believe that this company still exists! The moral has to be horendous and you all work at home and not in an office so there is no anamosity felt. Girls, I thank you soooo much for your help and thoughts on the company! I wish you all luck in the future and hope you find something worth your while! Happy Holidays!

Welcome to working for India!! - Lee

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India---MQ----they are really the same thing---they use American Salesmen to get the accounts---but the business is really owned by India, who do not have to adhere to HIPPA. We were all sold out...

My thoughts are: Your hospital just sold you - & your coworkers down the river.

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"Not such a great place to work" is a humongous understatement.

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