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The straw that broke the camel's back-insurance open enrollment - Finally moving to get out of MT

Posted: Dec 08, 2013

Well - I am finally moving!  Started applying to non-MT jobs this week.    Have known it, have been saying it, but just could not bring myself to do it. 

We just did open enrollement for 2014.  I now am paying $430 a month for my spouse and I to get contracted insurance rates - because that (and the wellness benefits) are ALL that it covers (not even pharmacy) until we pay $7500 together, then it covers a WHOPPING 75% till we pay $12,500 for our max out of pocket.  I'll be in bankruptcy long before that happens.

I checked with other health insurance companies - their premiums were worse for the same or even less coverage.  Some are saying it is the greedy insurance companies - well, if it is, we STILL have the President and Congress to blame for passing such a piece of (ugly word) legislation that allowed this to happen!!!!  With the people I know, ACA is hurting a whole lot more than it is helping!!! 

We are also waiting for the other shoe to drop with my MTSO - company was bought out by a big company, and changes are just starting. 

I truly just cannot do this anymore.  Good luck to anyone else in the same boat. 


then what makes you think it will be better - elsewhere?

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If it's Obama's fault, then insurance is going to be just as bad at those non MT jobs. You almost had my sympathy there for a minute.

It is his fault, but that's for another board. - NM

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It is his fault, but that's for another board. - upnorthMT

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Dang right that's for another board. I may be able to live for another 5 years because of the ACA. Stop watching Faux News. I am one of dozens of people that I know ("middle class," working people) who are getting affordable insurance for the first time in years. What does the other party have to offer.

Will not be any better - Could be worse

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...if the only reason you're leaving is because of health insurance costs, that's one thing you can't blame on the MTOS. But the rest is for another board.

Just getting peoples' heads out of the sand on this so that you understand that you are now paying for everyone with a condition, everyone who wants birth control, maternity benefits (doesn't matter if you're in your 60s), etc., so MM has no control over that. Just making that clear that it's not an MTSO situation.

see my message below (no message here) - original poster

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A bit of history - ancient one

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Health insurance premiums increased 131% from 1999 to 2009. I wonder how much yours increased from last year?

Back in the good old days, (late 70s and early 80s) My employer paid for full coverage for all employees and their families. I did not contribute at all. In fact, I was reimbursed $100 a month because I did not take the family coverage as my husband also had insurance at his place of employment where he did not pay either. Ah, those were the days, my friend.

Also, I used to get one day of vacation time per month PLUS one day of sick leave. After Ronald Reagan and HMOs took over, I had to start contributing to my health insurance coverage. They also converted my time off from VT and sick leave to "PTO" and reduced it from a total of 2 days a month to a total of 10 days per year.

Currently, I am paying to be on my husband's policy through his work, because my employer does not offer good insurance that is cost effective. This began several years ago before Obamacare. I currently get a fraction of the PTO I used to get, less than 6 days a year and my holiday pay is a joke.

Let me know where that good job of yours is when you find it. I want to apply too.

Exactly the same thing here. History really needs to be "credited" before - placing blame. TY&NM

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Straw - Anon2

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I am confused. The same insurance companies exist outside of MT. The premiums are the same. If you get a non-MT job, especially if your spouse is on your policy, you will still be paying out of pocket. Your new job will need to be 20 hours a week or more in order for you to qualify for health insurance. I work 40 a week. I have good coverage where I work, but still have to pick up part of my premium (just for myself). Every policy has co-pays and deductibles, regardless of where you go. I don't understand why you see this as an MT issue.

insurance - smm

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If you are being raped by insurance companies, that's not the fault of the president or ACA. If you are looking at policy fees that high then you either have a state that is interfering with your ability to get decent rates OR you and your husband make a SIGNIFICANT amount of money. I've been helping others sign up for Obamacare and I've probably helped 40+ families and none of them are seeing rates like you describe. The ones that fall on the higher ends are those families whose income is higher.

So you can't really get sympathy from me if you're making enough a higher income. For many, many people, ACA has been and will be a godsend.

You are so funny - sm

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A couple weeks back, you were blaming the insurance companies themselves for the issues caused by Obamacare.

NOW, you're blaming the states instead for the issues caused by Obamacare.

There are only issues because of Obamacare.

Just did open enrollment and *NOTHING* changed - except I added vision to my

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plan for 2014 because I need new glasses & that's only an extra $3.41 per paycheck. My insurance premiums are still the same, nothing has changed.

Even though I have "insurance" thru work, I - still dont use it because - s/M

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I can't afford the co-pays. So most of the time I skip going to a doctor. When I get hurt (i.e, broken arm) and have to go, I go to the E.R. and then stiff teem on the bill. Let the greedy hospitals just eat it.

(PS: Cant spell. The word i was searching for - was "them", not "teem". Oy..

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So you just stiff them - xxx

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Karma is a brutal thing. It'll bite you in the end.

Stiffing the ER - Anon2

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They will turn you over to collection and/or try to make arrangements with you to collect the money before they write anything off. If they'd known u[ front that you didn't intend to pay your bill, they could refuse to treat you. Please don't "stiff" the hospital or ER. Set up a payment plan if you have to and pay your bill. Just me, but I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I had blown off a financial obligation.

Those greedy hospitals - maybe you need to reflect

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You're not just stiffing the "greedy hospital." You're stiffing everyone who works there, from the nurses and admins to the maintenance and food service staff.

Nice, really nice. It's sick that you're proud of what you do to people.

More input from the original poster ... - ME

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Ok - point was the advantages of working at home as MT absolutely no longer exist. My salary is down significantly (at least 40%), and now the insurance is such that I won't be able to afford to use it at all (except the contracted rates and the annual exams). The insurance cost/coverage is just the kick in the pants I needed to really do something about it - get out of my comfort zone, you know? I'm smart enough to have known for at least 5 years I truly needed to make a change.

I do know there places that still offer plans with at LEAST office co-pays (I have none) and decent deductibles (went from 500 to 2500), and I will find take my time and find one. I don't even mind paying MORE than I am paying now - for decent coverage that we can use.

The copays, deductibles, and OOP max is what I feel has changed due to ACA, and I don't feel anyone can argue with that fact.

We do not make a lot of money but enough that together, with employer offered insurance available, I was told we did not qualify for subsidies. The rates I found were no better and benefits the same or even worse.

I do not work for MM but actually am considering trying it again if I don't find something fairly quickly (words I never thought I would say) because they do have decent health insurance (verified from a friend who does still work there).

I'm happy for the people ACA has helped .. just wish I knew more of them. :(

copays and deductibles - sm

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It has been spelled out pretty clearly. Deductibles and copays have been going up for years. Obamacare is actually holding down the costs. I moved to a high deductible years ago and I would recommend that younger, healthier people do the same and then put away some money in a savings account, so that later as they get older and more in need of insurance, they can go to a higher deductible.

You should thank your lucky stars that Obamacare is there in case you lose your job or your job move does not work out for you. It sounds like you must be a high insurance user--a year ago you would not have been able to get insurance with a pre-existing condition.

I have paid for insurance for years and have never used it but - just this past year or so ...

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we have had to. That is what eventually happens to every one as you get older.

Why thank my lucky stars that I can get something that is super expensive that I can't even use because of the copays and deductibles? Especially if I lose my job? Seriously?
If you lose your job - sm
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Your income will go down and you will qualify for Obamacare and most likely a subsidy. And now with your pre-existing conditions (like happens to everyone eventually as you said) you will be able to get insurance. Yes, you should thank your lucky stars. Seriously.
And how do I pay for ACA even with subsidy w/o a job? - LOL
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Seriously. However, I am grateful for my life and my skills, and my ability to help provide for my family as I have over the years. I will find another career path where I will not be in this situation, which was the point of my original comment.

I don't want government subsidies. I want to provide for myself and my family. It is not the government's job to take care of me. Old fashioned and old school I guess. If I become disabled, yes, I would accept gov. assistance. When I reach retirement age, yes, I will gladly take Soc Sec and M'Care, I've helped pay for those.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. That is one of the blessings of living in the US.
Original "intent" seems to have evolved - nm
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I wish I made enough money - 138% of poverty

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so that I did not qualify for a subsidy. You are very fortunate and probably should not complain).

You can do it too if you work 2-3 jobs like I have ... - and who do you think PAYS the subsidies?

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Parts of the ACA are great, seriously, but the whole concept of the program is just flawed if you do the math, IMHO after reading and research.

We have worked HARD and many hours a week to make the income that we have to provide for our family. We tend NOT to want to get breaks on everything and depend on the government. We have tried to be accountable and responsible for ourselves.

I used to could afford to pay higher insurance premiums and manage the other expenses when they occurred. Now I truly simply cannot. Maybe those not making more than the poverty level should look at their careers and try to do better like I am.

You can do it too.... - upnorthMT
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While I appreciate that you work hard at more than 1 job, I would think you might have a little more compassion for those who are doing the best they can. But them compassion seems to be a dirty word these days. It's turned into every man for himself.
I believe you. I had a similar experience with my husband. - Many choices and a good subsidy.
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I also have a friend with a prexisting condition of blood clots in the legs. He couldn't get any insurance. He feels very grateful for the ACA.

More input from the original poster - upnorthMT

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Okay, I can argue with that. My office copay will be $10. My deductible is $150 and my OOP is $500. Maybe some of you have your states to blame for their marketplace or refusing the Medicaid expansion. I had 25 choices for insurance. Oh, and my tax credits will pay for the premiums. OK, I'm done now because I know some people won't believe me or will never be convinced.

That is awesome! Congrats to you ... - Truly not my case AT ALL.

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I truly hope it works like that for you; it should be that way for everyone. I have heard many more horror stories like mine than I have positive ones like yours. Count yourself blessed.

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