A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Dec 10, 2009

I am so broke being an MT I have no gas to heat my house.  The only room I keep heated is my office and the bathroom with electric heaters.   On my bed I have an electric mattress pad that keeps me really warm.  On my days off, I fire up the fireplace if I can get out to get the wood from the barn.  It could be worse. I could be on the street and cold! 

let the newbies take note. - no message

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All MT's...This year what was your top pay/hours and your lowest pay/hours. - Typin_away

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I read this post and I have to say that I feel bad that this MT is without heat. Have you tried to apply for Liheap to help with your heating costs?

I am currently enrolled at MTEC, struggling through my course and wondering if it is even worth completing when I see posts like this. So my question for everyone is this...For the past year what was your top pay and how many hours did it take for you to produce that and what was your worst month?

I know being new I will probably make around minimum wage when I start but wondering if it will get better later.

Wages - huh?

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This certainly gives one something to think about, doesn't it?

I am an under achiever by MT standards. I make probably $20,000 a year or so right now. My highest year was $35,000 I think, but that was years ago. Needless to say, I am pretty much a part-timer.

It all depends on how hard you want to work and how many jobs you carry as to how much you are going to make. As a newbie, you probably should be thankful to get something at minimum wage these days. I know women with over 30 years of experience who are basically making that now.

Offshoring has really hurt our profession. Until our protected health information is no longer allowed to leave our shores, your chances of making a decent living doing MT work are extremely endangered. I, myself, decided to go back to school. I don't want to leave my future to question.

Wages - Taylor

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My best year was in 2007, when I made $59,000 and an extra $12,000 in bonuses. Before that I averaged around $35,000. I have been an MT for 9 years and this has been my worst year yet. I think I will barely hit $20,000. Not only has the pay gone down, but the health benefits are gone, the bonuses are gone, and the supervisors are now nothing but babysitters. If a company does offer a bonus, it isn't obtainable and ridiculous and the reward isn't worth my time. There are too many transcription companies all working the same account. That is becoming a bigger problem now then the outsourcing overseas. Also, with the new software, companies spend a fortune on licensing, so our rate goes down. Great platforms, NO PAY! We can complain all we want, but it isn't going to get better. This is the industry now.

Best year/worst year - Long time MT

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I made $56,000 in 1998 working full time. This year working 40 hours a week I will barely clear $44,000. I've read the other posts and can see that relatively speaking I'm doing okay, but in what other field but ours do employees find themselves making $12,000 less per year than they made 10 or 11 years ago working the same amount of hours?

I will be right at $57K this year. Been in the $50Ks for years. - You CAN do it. Do not let others tell you what yo

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You can email me if you want.

No food, 3 months late on mtg, no insurance - Made 59,000 in 2007, 57,000 in 2008

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When the account went to VR, I was faced with another account in Acute Care and that is not my area. The HR representative suggested I quit since Spheris did not "do employment." I did. Found an IC job and a room mate. Room mate proceeded to steal everything she wanted and what she did not want, she broke. When I was informed my ID was stolen I had her arrested but not before I had to tell manager of IC account as I had to miss work - lost that job (security breech). I am at my present job, no spaces paid, no paid training. I am three months behind on mtg, first take home check was 189.00 (training unpaid), and creeped up slowly from there as I familiarized myself and my speed typing engine to new account.

Why didn't I save...you ask...cancer - under insured and i have no medical bills though my treatment was 250,000 in total.

I am not at the mercy of Chase bank. I have animals who are my family and if I lose my house, I am finished. Literally.

I am very, very sorry for your situation, so touched - Linda

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I read this and then came back and read again. I have no words to say what I think other than to say the above. Do you have family or people who can help you in any way?

no food... - oldone

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I am so sorry for what has happened to you. As far as earnings, I am so low right now that I have no car and was evicted...I was making a lot hourly as an MT teacher but company went under really fast No savings...I am a diabetic w/o insurance. No savings because I tried to buy meds for a while. I will pray for you (all MTs actually). We deserve more. Please take care and post on here anytime you need to. I am oldone...literally...37 years as an MT. Fought for respect and then lost it lately because we are under valued and under paid. Please please take care

MTs/rough times - ron

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God bless you and strengthen you ladies going through hard times. Everyone should say a prayer for these strong MTs (you will pull through this!)

Thank you comrades :) - Poster from above

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Unfortunately, I am from what was a very small family and in the past 2 years, the 2 remaining members passed away. So, yeah, I am alone and now realize this is why family is so important, if for no other reason that to help reminder you of things when you are so overwhelmed with problems that memory starts to fail, as if in information overload.

At the moment, I am waiting for a call from HUD regarding my home. Mtg is affordable (753) but just keeping utilities on was all I could do. The dominos fell with past due charges and late fees/penalties which made some payments double. I only really have 17,500 in debt but that was 15,500 just in July. It is obscene what is happening in the financial industry. I do believe I am helping repay TARP money.

I just type and type and type. 6 days a week, holidays, when people are sick or need to take off for a few hours. I just changed exemptions on state/federal tax to increase monthly take home as well. I'll deal with the taxes later. 3 million foreclosed homes and counting and I just can't be one of them.

I am terrified really. And feel too old to be going through this. I also wish I had a relationship as I know that would have prevented this from happening (2nd income) but you know how that goes. "Better to have a dog."

Thank you for the prayers. I am touched and the tears fall down my cheeks are proof of how much you guys mean to me. I know we fight all of the time and argue about the pettiest of things but it is times like these that I know you all are on my team.

I just keep up the quality, notice physician errors and give these companies the absolute best of an America MT - high quality and accountability and surely it will turn out okay.

God Bless each and every one of you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Hold strong.

To "Thank You Comrades" - what an outstanding - thread. I am rooting for you to make it.

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I believe God is gonna bless you and take care of things. I pray He does.


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So sorry about your situation but it is similar to mine. My house is in foreclosure with Chase (but I am fighting them tooth and nail as I have lived here 35 years and my life is here). I have no health insurance. Right now no heat. Did apply for state energy assistance but have not heard back yet. I just want to retire in my house and be able to enjoy my grandson. Going back to school is no option because I am just too tired. My hands and fingers and back are all showing my age. I am tired of fighting with Chase and all the other creditors banging at the door. Right now with the holiday season, there is just not much work to speak of anyway.

Chase (WAMU) is also my mtg holder. - See message

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This web site is a forum which has tons of information. There is help out there but only if your mtg is 31% of your take home pay. This is what I am worried about and why I am so angry at our industry. With my income I qualify for discounts on utilities (20%) which has kept me with heat though I did lose gas over the summer. It did not help that they attached a 200.00 ~deposit~ onto my balance due. Don't you just love how they (businesses) kick you when you are down?
Aahhh.... I miss the good ol' days of bank-burnings - in the 1970s. Good times. Good times.
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My net income last year was only about $19,500. - (sm) - Zircon

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My bank savings account in the past 4 years has gone from $5,000 to $0 because I've had to dip into it every month. On the very RARE occasion that I buy anything to wear, it's only at the local secondhand store. I still have company health insurance, but still don't go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary, because I can't afford the $20 office visit copays. I still have heat, but I keep it set at 60 degrees and wear winter outdoor clothing such as long underwear, parkas, scarves, etc. in the house. I've long since given up trying to eat healthy - now I just eat what's on sale at the supermarket. Hot dogs, tortillas and macaroni go a lot farther for less $$ than fresh meat, poultry, fruits or veggies. I use my car as little as possible, and when I do I carefully plan & combine trips to save on gas, and wear-and-tear on the car. I pay my rent no matter what, since I don't want to live in my car. But heat and electricity are luxuries these days, so other than this PC, the less utilities I use, the better.

I just turned down an invitation to a fabulous, locally famous Christmas party coming up this weekend. I'd love to go, but I'd have to come up with something dressy to wear (my ONE dress has way too many miles on it, but it's all I've got). Then I'd have to cough up $8 for the toll booths, $15 for parking in the city, and then bus or cab fare to get to the party (which is in an area notorious for NO parking whatsoever.) Plus some kind of a small gift for the hosts. Nope, instead I'm gonna stay home and try to scratch out a few more dollars doing this stupid job.

If it weren't for occasional monetary help from my mom and my sisters, I would've gone under long ago. I keep hoping something will change, that the industry will somehow be regulated in more favor of the worker, or that a better job will come along. I've been looking every day, but this is the only thing I'm any good at.

I'm considering going to night school, but I'd still have to work full-time (and borrow money from my mom) in order to do it. I'm 60 - who knows how much longer my mom will be around to help out? And what can I learn that pays more than minimum wage, that won't take 10 years of night school to achieve? I'm not much of a people-person, so nursing is positively NOT an option. Looked at ultrasound tech, but the course takes years, there's a long waiting line to get in, I'd have to first take some high school & college courses to even qualify, and the field is starting to get crowded. Not to mention it's a pretty old technology, and I wouldn't be surprised if it were phased out before I ever even got my certification.

Vet-tech is more along my interests, but would take just as long to learn. I've been looking at vet-receptionist, but even there, for the better jobs I'd need more than a high school diploma (as an Art major!)

I've looked into Legal transcription, but I think anything having to do with transcription is all going to VR and India. Even some court proceedings are now being done with the aid of digital recordings, and court reporters are starting to get nervous about it.

The longer I stay in this dead-end job, the more depressed I get. All my life I worked hard, paid my bills & taxes, learned a skill that used to be valuable, and continued to learn and improve during my 35 years in MT. Although the need for MTs is still there, it's been overshadowed by the GREED of the entire healthcare industry. May they ALL rot in He11.

That is just the thing, the money is there but going to the top - of the pyramid

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It is as if the CEOs think they deserve a raise, rather than increase rates, take the money from us via no spaces, poor insurance, benefits that amount of nickels and then expect the MTs to have the experience and quality of a master MT but salary of a low-income earner.

That is why I am so angry about this. The cash has been shifted into the corporate offices.

Were I a leader, I'd organize a nonprofit web site for IC MTs, create a mass group insurance, an organization which could oversee working conditions and reasonable pay according to charges. Were this to happen, we'd cut out the middle man and voila' our wages would return to where they were just a few years ago.

If some of us were leaders ----- sm - Zircon

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then maybe we wouldn't get stomped on like we all do. But I think a lot of MTs got into this profession because they were more comfortable with transcribing words on tape and on paper than with giving speeches and trying to motivate people. I know that's sure true for me. MTs tend to be quiet, sometimes introverted types - exactly what MTSOs like - because we're so darned easy to take advantage of.
My husband would so disagree with the statement, quiet and introverted - for his wife
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I am so not like that, my children say I am in your face, hubby says be nice when I talk to others, sometimes how I say things might sound like I am too aggressive. When we have repair people here at home, hubby takes care of them but when I have to make appointments, talk to person on the phone regarding any situation, then I do that. I have no problem with meeting you face to face to tell you what I want you to know. Far from a timid church mouse, this girl. I like to be seen and heard.
Sorry for the stereotype, but I think you (and I) are - the exceptions to the rule. -sm
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When I think back on former jobs (inhouse), and my coworkers, 99% of them were people who kept their heads down, did their work, never spoke up, and allowed themselves to be stepped-on over and over again. And nowadays most MT work is done at home... a very solitary job. I'm a loner and like it that way, but gregarious people often can't stand the solitude. So you rarely find outspoken, "leader" types of people in this field. Add the current economy to the mix, and no one wants to stick their neck out and risk their existing job by making themselves heard.

I believe that unless something changes in a big way, we will all be out of this field in 5-10 years, lost to offshoring and VR. Even QA is going offshore. The way I see it, we're all going down, eventually. And when I go, nothing would please me more than to bring some money-hungry MTSO down with me.
I will tell you what got me to where I am now, that is - outspoken and out there
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The older I get the more out there I have become and when you get to where you donĂ¢€™t have to kiss up, very good feeling. Years ago an employer could basically do like they wanted and being I had to have a job, their word was set in concrete. Now am past the age of HAVING to have a job and just donĂ¢€™t have to take the gruff anymore.
I still HAVE to have a job, but I wont take any cr@p. - "Doormat" is just not in my DNA. nm
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I'm an ex-management person - LK
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And definitely not the timid type. I've negotiated contracts with labor unions, fired people, mediated difficult situations between employees and supervisors, you name it. I've only been an MT for 4-1/2 years, but when I didn't like the way I was treated by my first company, I just quietly found myself another job and left. If you don't like how they treat you where you're at, you go somewhere else. Actions speak louder than words anyway.
Ive already left before, and I plan on doing it again. - And again and again, til I can make a decent livin
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19,500 I would be happy with that - Typin_away

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If I could make $19,500 net I would be happy with that, if I was not working more than 40 hours a week. I live in an area where cost of living is pretty low. I don't know if that is an insult to people that have been in the business a long time but making $9-$10 working from home is doable for my lifestyle.

You wouldnt be if you lived on the East or West Coast. - Guaranteed.

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I live in Western PA - North of Pittsburgh - Typin_away
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I was getting paid $10 an hour as a Dental Assistant and had a job that I had to drive 45 minutes to get to. No insurance. No benefits.
But would $10/hr. fly in New York or Los Angeles? - Or San Francisco? No, it would not.
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Low yearly income - Mountain typer

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I know exactly how you feel. My yearly income is so low as well, about the same as yours. I feel like all I do is type, but with so little return. I also have been in the field for 30+ years, and when I started out, this skill was so sought after. Working onsite in hospitals was so good -- everyone wanted us to do their transcription. I was able to move from job to job without EVER having to miss a beat - no want ads, no interviews - just the fact that you were a fast and accurate MT was enough. Back then, it was a coveted skill. Now -- forget it. The MTSOs figure that they're giving us the "luxury" of working at home, hence as an IC -- no benefits, no nothing. I also am not a people person. I worked in hospitals for many years, loved the work, but hated getting sucked into everyone's drama. No matter how hard you try, you inevitably get pulled into their nonsense. I figure I might as well stay with the company I'm with now. If I change to another company then it's the same nonsense - no pay for training, then struggling to make lines until you get used to the new dictators, account specifics, etc. It's just not worth it, even for an extra penny a line. Two more years, then I can get SS which will be a big help. Like you, if it wasn't for my family helping me out with groceries, etc. I don't know what I'd do. One of my friends is throwing a big Christmas party, but also had to decline because of the cost - gift, gas, something to wear. I hate that we don't have a union to help us, because the MTSOs are raking in the dough from the sweat on our brows. They're greedy and don't give a hoot about us. All we are is a pair of hands and a foot pedal, and if you have a problem or question, nobody picks up the phone -- voicemail, so I don't even bother. I try to figure it out on my own and if not, then it goes to the QA hags. HOW DID THINGS GET SO OUT OF BALANCE IN THIS FIELD????
Hang in there fellow MT.

Broke MT response - Just Me

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I'm so sorry you're in this situation!!!! My thoughts and prayers will be with you and all MTs, who are in the same boat.

It's a sad state of affairs for sure. I remember when I first started, after going to school to be an R.N. Once I started a family, I found being an MT the perfect win-win situation. Back then after gaining experience over 3-5 years, I was earning 0.13 cpl based on a 60-character line with all headings, spaces, etc. paid.

I worked for an MTSO and some local doctors and it was great. As time has gone on, my character line has increased to 65 characters (thus reducing my pay) and I'm making 0.10 cpl - SE employee. Soon, I will be working as an employee making 0.095 cpl and not needing the benefits (but without the deductions that I need)and that will be dropped to 0.09 cpl shortly thereafter.

I asked it if there was room to increase the rate down the road, and was told no way.

Then, I got the bright idea to start on VR. I trained and I'm working on it, but the rate is 0.35 per line and my check is more than half of what it was before. I'm doing 50/50 VR and straight typing. I'm finding that the VR accounts are more or less ab lib - just let the incorrect usages go, train the system, blah, blah, blah.

I guess my point is that at one time this was a great occupation for growth, learning, etc., but now as we all know, the competition if fierce. As I've gotten older, changes are harder and the old body slows down. So I can relate to everyone. I'll be lucky to break 20K this year, and forget December, I haven't had any extra to even get a gift yet. Work is slow and who can save to make up the difference when the heating bills have tripled, as well as groceries UGH!

Okay off my soapbox. At least I have my home and a wonderful family and in all honestly, that is the bottom line. I don't know where we are heading, but I do know that I can't continue working for 15-18 hours a day to make what I made all of those years ago!

Sorry this is so long.

Again, my prayers to those who are feeling the pinch, we can only pray that things get better.

All of the people I know (me, too) who gave up celebrating - Christmas/Chanukkah are MTs.

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That sure says something about MT as a so-called "career", doesn't it? MT is no longer anywhere near a career - it's just a flush away from going down the drain entirely. I hope all the big muckety-mucks remember to wipe afterwards.

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