A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Apr 05, 2010

I got this email this morning - yes, he's threatening to sue me over my paycheck - Remember, he owes me $415:

I have your email (received Friday 4/2/2010 at 3.30 PM) wherein you have agreed to the settlement offered by us. We are prepared to send your check for $171.00, as you have agreed to below, by Express Mail today so that you may receive it tomorrow. 

Finally, today I have received some emails from you that were sent to the Nevada Labor Commission among a host of other people.  Am I to assume that you have decided not to settle this issue and you wish to take this into litigation?  If that is your desire, then we will have to allow the litigation process to be complete.  If you do not intend to litigate, then please inform us and everyone whom you have sent letters/emails to, that this is no longer your desire and that the settlement of $171.00 is deemed complete and final compensation in this matter.  Please mark a copy of such email/letter to us for our records. We stand ready to send your monies today via Express Mail, but we need to discover your actual intentions.

Please respond immediately, as I do not want to miss the postal delivery. 








Did you agree to "settle"? - Ima MT

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Since when do MTs have to "settle" on their wages?

I hope you follow through with litigation.

Absolutely Not!!! - jm0405

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I copied some laws to him - cannot pay me past payday without penalties, what happens to them if their check bounces on me (cause I don't trust 'em - they have my direct deposit info, but will only snail mail a check), what if we disagree about amounts owed...

He replied, read the other mail...

Fine...expect to hear from labor commission today. The fees he is holding my paycheck over falls into small claims court, not payroll. The employer must pay the undisputed amount...so he says he will pay $178, but not $415...but now he's not even mailing that out...he wants to go to litigation. Fine...we'll see what Labor Commission does.

Personally, I think it's ridiculous on his part since it's a lot cheaper to pay my wages and get it over with!

To jm re: Siance - Legalguy

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If I were in your position, I would refuse his offer and I would send copies of all of your correspondence to the Fraud Unit of the Attorneys General in the state in which Siance is incorporated as well as the state in which you reside. What he proposes he intimidating and is illegal. You might call your own attorney--you quite possibly have a cause of action against this company--I hope so.


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NOTE - HE STATES I OWE HIM NOW...I worked for him, he's refusing to pay me and I OWE HIM???

I am still waiting on a response regarding the settlement issue. We are ready to send the check, if the settlement offer of $171.00 continues to be agreeable to you, as per your email on Friday, 04-02-2010. To get it to you by tomorrow, we need to put it in the mail no later than 3:00 pm EDT, which is 30 minutes from now.

If you are not in agreement with the settlement, then we will not be sending a check, as you will owe us, and the issue will be going into litigation we are assuming. Time is of the essence. We are trying to meet your request to get your payment to you as quickly as possible. Please let me know if the email you sent on Friday, 04-02-2010, accepting our offer is valid.

DONT DO IT - fight this

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How can a company use intimidation to scare you into reduced wages.

Honestly, I understand wanting to sue - MT2020
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But really, its gonna end up costing you more to sue, especially if you hire an attorney. I would just take the settlement, and chalk it up to lesson learned.
Why does he think you agreed to a settlement? - Ima MT
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He keeps saying you came to an agreement in an email, what's he talking about?

And I wouldn't correspond with him further, I'd just take the legal route.
Not talking to him .. - jm0405
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He believed I chose a "settlement" because on April 1, I asked about payday and I said in an email, "If you expect me to pay for the tech guy, how does that work?" I asked about the tech guy because in retrospect, something was wrong. Companies don't just charge something like that out of the kindness of their heart. That email sat there - COMPLETELY IGNORED - until I quit. Then that was deemed, with another one, SETTLEMENT. The other email he basically worded it, if you don't want to be homeless, then settle for $170. I didn't say anything immediately, but thought about it over the weekend and reported him all over the place!! He HAS to pay me. He cannot get out of it. Throw it into court? Ok..go on...I can live in a shelter, use their Internet, work and get out in about a week with my next paycheck. This is a temporary setback for me - a pain - but survivable. The damages he will have to pay with all the officials reported -he has heavier price tag. Sue me? For what? Speaking the truth about him and the company??? Sue me for what money?? Living in a shelter means very little money. Accomplish what by going into litigation? His coercion and intimidation failed in the end. I did explain those emails and my "near" giving in moment.
What are the tech charges you are being charged? nm - caycee
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Tech charges - jm0405
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The tech charges...I should have known better and was a fool...but this company spent Tues, Wed, Thurs at least 7 hours a day trying to install ExText and couldn't. Wed they said, "Can't install Sql 2005." I got online that night and went over to Microsoft - the Express one didn't load, but the other did in less than 2 minutes. Thurs, that guy got on a high horse about "needing a tech - Saince will pay for it on their corporate charge card." Whatever...he's paying for it - I am not. Go on. Tech came, told him NOT TO DELETE PROSCRIBE so he reformatted my PC and did it anyway. He told me he only speaks to the people paying the bill - Saince. OH...SO I WAS HIJACKED FROM MY OWN PC? This will never happen again! When I quit, he decided I need to pay for this tech.

This tech wasn't for me. I have nothing on my PC to enjoy for years to come. It was for Saince, their ExText, their issue. I have the disks to reformat my own PC so why did they NEED a tech when I could have done it myself? My PC came home with LESS on it than when it left - I couldn't work for 3 days on my other job and Saince didn't have anything for me to do that weekend either...HMMM...

I told Labor that I don't believe I am responsible for his fees - I lost money; he lost equal amount. And he has a tax deduction w/business expense. Charging me = Double billing!! He will get paid twice for the same service - I pay and the IRS pays. Unethical.
They did damage to YOU! do not settle with him NM - wow
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So you are saying that accepting less...sm - VTMT
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than half of what she is owed for work done is what she should do, better something than nothing? This is exactly what the employer is hoping she will do, especially given his scare tactics.
Exactly MT - jm0405
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Almost did it...but I got mad...OH NO WE DON'T!!! You see, if I end up homeless, NV law at the Labor Commission place, this company has to pay me for my inconvenience and losses. Imagine that. Bring it on big boy. If I ever needed a lawyer, go into a shelter, beg for help, get a free lawyer and walk out with cash in the end. This guy is an idiot for pursuing this like he is. I have nothing to lose, everything to gain, which is why I am fighting it. Principle and win/win for me...with a few changes and a pain, but in the end...I'd be a fool not to fight this jerk.
I am not suing him...I have Labor Commission - jm0405
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I have Labor Commission - I am not suing him - he's threatening to sue me. I don't need a lawyer. I want my paycheck - he owes it to me. I am defending myself.
How does he justify what he says he owes you vs....sm - caycee
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what you say he owes you?
Justify what he owes? - jm0405
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He never did. Never answered me. He changed the subject actually. I got miffed and sent an email - I QUIT. I DON'T WORK FOR FREE YOU JERK AND HAD YOU BEEN HONEST DAY 1 THERE WOULDN'T A BEEN DAY 2!! LOL!

No explanation for this and when I asked about the line counts - is the screen actual or are you going to subtract lines from that number as well...LIKE YOU JUST DID HERE???
Did he tell you how he calculated that amount? You do - have the right to know that. nm
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Nope... - jm0405
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He gave absolutely no answer. I got calculator happy and told him that his $100 = $2.66 an hour what the hell is he thinkin'? No answer. I copied/pasted NV statute where it is illegal for subcontractors and employees to work at jobs under minimum wage - no answer. I kid you not - NO RESPONSE...nothing. This rant is in the pile of crap with the unemployment and Labor Board. Let him explain himself there. LOL
From my personal experience with the Labor board....sm - caycee
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they are very helpful and supportive. A company I worked for, not MT, reneged on a verbal agreement and I ended up getting paid what I was owed, all with their protection and support.
Once before - jm0405
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I used Labor once before a long time ago and I had a check within a week. Most people don't want feds knocking. This guy? He's an idiot. But they employ the lawyer in their office so I guess he doesn't have to care.

To me, this is a big hassle, very expensive for his business to fight $415 or thereabouts. If they are this ugly over this small amount of money, what do you think they would do if someone earned $1500 in a paycheck???
jm0405 - LegalGuy
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You are doing well by going to the Labor Board. Really press your case with them. I bet you are not their only victim. FIGHT BACK! Hopefully they can be put out of business. Good luck to you!
Thanks to you...atty gen packet is going in the mail... - jm0405
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I appreciate your support and advice. The envelope for atty general is leaving tomorrow. Mail was picked up at noon and I wanted to make sure Labor didn't ignore me on a technicality cause I mailed my 1st complaint before payday when they 1st threatened not to pay me..again today to confirm they don't wish to pay me. A call was placed directly to the hospital admin here in Vegas for that group of 5 hospitals, giving them a heads up on this company. This $415 is going to be a costly adventure for them not to pay. They cannot go on threatening, intimidating, destroying people. I even contacted mtjobs.com and gave them a heads up so they won't post anymore job offers from this company - maybe some MTs can avoid destruction and threats. Companies like this have to be stopped.
While I understand what you are saying MT2020, I have to disagree with you. (sm) - anon
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There are loads of companies out there that continue to do this to good hard-working MTs and if someone does not make a stand against them then they are going to continue. Companies like this have to be stopped and I commend JM0405 for going for it.

I really wish you the best and please let us know how things go JM0405!!
I agree. Not worth it for that amount. - nm
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NO WAY!! Sounds like you are the employer in this case - Do NOT SETTLE
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Get what is legally owed to you and maybe you will even be awarded damages for the intimidation and thinly veiled threats he is sending to you. I hope you nail him good!
You better believe it! - jm0405
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Now you guys know why I said on 2 other posts - RUN!! AVOID SAINCE! LOL! After this 2nd email, the guy called me - I hung up on him. Conversation ended after I spoke with Labor Commission this morning. I am not backing down. What's funny...he wants to sue me..FOR WHAT? I don't have anything! Sue me so he doesn't pay my wage? What a joke!

About the computer deal - After much thought, that's a joke too. He paid a tech $154 to get into my system, they deleted my other job's platform. I lost 3 days of work over it - about $150 to $175 lost...OK...150-154...any moron with a kindergarten education would consider this a wash...NOT LITIGATION...

The way this is being handled is why I think it is fraud. I don't think this company is real. Every company is commented on this site. This one not even mentioned until about March 2010. I believe they used legit job sites to scam people. It starts off, we pay you...then we pay you a little...YOU OWE US!! They won't use direct deposit. He demanded to mail a check. Like all those other scam sites where they mail fake checks that screw up your checking account??

I meant what I said when I said...RUN....AVOID THIS COMPANY!! I just called the hospital group here in Vegas they allegedly were contracting with. That's another red flag - ALL of the hospitals they have are not JCAHO accredited. That's odd....REALLY ODD...they belong to the same Universal Health...but not accredited...is that how they mail out their work to India without getting caught? Just stay under the wire?? If they actually have any typing they do. I still think it's fraud because if they worked for any client, they would know payroll rules. I am just wondering why they picked this group to harass, harangue and use as their "market" so-to-speak. I called anyway, left message, "If you really negotiated...LOL"

This company is either 100% stupid and uneducated or 100% fraud. Either way - RUN!!! DON'T WORK HERE!! No, I am not giving in. I refuse.
Saince - RW
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Saince IS a real company, I've worked for them, and they have some perfectly nice, hard-working people working there. I worked with a couple of their people at a previous company that then sold their transcription dept to another company, and I was happy to work with them again at Saince. They are friendly, honest, and fun people to work with. I worked for them for a while, and was always paid me on time and paid what I was promised, and usually a day or so before the scheduled pay day. I only left because the schedule was being changed to include every other weekend and I don't do Saturdays. They most definitely are a real company and not a scam and they actually called me this past week and asked me to come back to work for them with a schedule that suits me and I'm giving it serious consideration. I can't comment on who you are dealing with or what is going on, but I can tell by the style of the email you received that you aren't dealing with the same main person I dealt with, though. I can attest to the fact, however, that they are most definitely a real company with real accounts for hospitals who are accredited.
Read Sanice Web Page - Press Release - jm0405
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It is April 20th, still no money. Read their web site press release - They are, through their own admission, an Indian company that outsources. They only have 12 US MTs per office staff's own admission.

-April. 2008
SAINCE announces plans to spend a major part of their development budget on developing Identity Management solutions for the healthcare industry using IBM Tivoli suite

-Sept. 2007
SAINCE wins the outsourcing award from Southeast Louisiana Hospital

-July 2007
SAINCE partners with LaserFiche to introduce LaserFiche Electronic Document Management Solution in the Indian market

Is this an offshore company? His/her use of English is odd. - curious

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Just wondering if this is an offshore company? The odd grammatical style in this email makes it look like English isn't the writer's first language.

You guessed it...Indian Company - jm0405

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Owner's name is Raghu and we aren't talkin' spaghetti sauce! LOL!

HE PAID $170 YESTERDAY - jm0405

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Just to redeem Saince thus far, they sent me a legit check that had the money in the acct to cover it. But they still owe me over $200 and that is in Labor Commission this a.m.

RW, if you worked for Sciance..... - jm0405

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Out of curiosity, I have to ask:

1. Why not 1-800 number or list of contacts given?
2. If they are contracting with 5 hospitals in Vegas, why aren't they advertising for MTs? Seems odd they aren't trying to staff.
3. Why no receptionist if you call their number? You have to leave a message.

This never happens to me with other companies during business hours. Legit companies have people during the day, 0 = receptionist to direct your call, otherwise you leave a message on someone's voice mail. They contact you! Only info given to me - no contact numbers, QA email given..THAT'S IT. What if my Net went out?? Who do you call to call in sick? Not everybody wishes to make no money and have to foot a bill for long distance calls to this company.

If they are legit, please explain. I am sure there are many MTs that would like to hear about it. It's odd I am about the only person that has posted about them - even in archives, this company didn't exist. It's really out of the ordinary. The good, the bad and the ugly - big or small - is discussed here. If you think they are a great company, fill us in.

Saince - RW

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Ummm. You are spelling it incorrectly for one thing. I have lots of contact info for them (see 888 number and address below) and I've talked to a receptionist on many occasions... I also have the personal cell number for the person who hired me and who I worked with before, which I won't be sharing for obvious reasons. The QA manager I work with is Pam, who lives in Atlanta, GA, and I've actually seen her live and in person. LOL I do believe they are owned by an Indian group, but I don't know it for fact. I know they do outsource work. They also have American MTs. They are a relatively new company (2000). As a matter of fact, there was a TV spot about them being are one of the 50 fastest growing companies in Atlanta. Do some research and you will find it. I think it was called Pacesetters or something like that. I was working for them at the time that the TV spot was on (not an ad for the company, a special interest type news story). I don't remember saying they were "great." I find them to be a little disorganized, but trying. I said I enjoyed working with the people I worked with. My personal preference is companies who do not outsource as much as this company does. What I said was that they are a "real" company with "real" accounts, and I've worked for them before and would not hesitate to work for them again because I always got paid and got paid what I was owed, and my relationship with my supervisors was very pleasant. I also said I can't comment on the problem this particular person is having and that I'm positive they aren't dealing with the same person I deal with. I was addressing the "this company doesn't really exist" theme. Whether you believe it or not, I'm 100% sure of it because I've worked for them, drawn a paycheck from them, and talked to several of their employees numerous numerous times.

5470 McGinnis Village Place, Suite 103
Alpharetta, GA 30005

Tel: 888-472-4623 (4SAINCE)

Fax: 678-762-9577
General: info@saince.com
Sales: sales@saince.com
Jobs: jobs@saince.com


[ In Reply To ..]
-April. 2008
SAINCE announces plans to spend a major part of their development budget on developing Identity Management solutions for the healthcare industry using IBM Tivoli suite

-Sept. 2007
SAINCE wins the outsourcing award from Southeast Louisiana Hospital

-July 2007
SAINCE partners with LaserFiche to introduce LaserFiche Electronic Document Management Solution in the Indian market

Pam must be one of the 12 American employees in the company per MT Director's own words to MTJobs.com. How many Indians are working versus Americans? Is Saince growing because of the 99% outsourcing? Share more details informed one.

Scaionce in US 10 years and only has 10 MTs!!! - jm0405

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I found out yesterday that Sciance has been here 10 years, only has 10-12 MTs...and funny thing - 6 of us were on the phone for training on March 23rd. No wonder they don't know US payroll/wage laws. I said from the beginning it was an India-based company.

Sciance - forgive that typo - LOL - jm0405

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They are actually threatening to sue me for posting against them on this site as well. This is freedom of speech - WE ARE NOT IN INDIA - WE HAVE 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY! LOL...They are a joke.

Like I said from the beginning, avoid this company...but, then again, they don't hire Americans much!

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