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How do handle when a doctor makes up a word? - SM

Posted: Sep 16, 2014

I have a psych doc who always says "the patient was less complaintive today."  I've changed it o "the patient complained less today."  But the doc sends the report back for correction and wants the word "complaintive" which is NOT a word!  I've been giving it to him, but man it drives me crazy.

I have an ortho doc who ALWAYS says "all were in agreeance" and I change it to agreement and so far so good, but he is still dictating agreeance. 

made up word - MTME

[ In Reply To ..]
I do an ortho peds doc who always spells out hindfoot as one word and it isn't, it is two. I have even made a note of it to correct her and she still insists on spelling it that way. I type what she wants! Again, they are the smart ones, not us (according to the MTSO companies), so I just comply. This is not worth even thinking about! Who cares! I certainly don't and if I am in a quandary, then I just QA it and let it fall on them. Not my problem!

not so made-up? - shadow

[ In Reply To ..]
-- didn't find agreeance.

fwiw, I leave madeup words if they are "reasonable" and the meaning is clear rather than ungrammatical or possibly misspoken (I'd say agreeance is the latter)

hindfoot - sm

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Just curious, why do you think hindfoot is not one word? The foot is divided into three parts: forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot. I personally have never seen hind foot as two words and have been doing ortho for 30-some years.

If you have 4 feet, you then have 2 hind feet? - Agree that it is hindfoot.

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Hindfoot, definitely.

Hindfoot - Ooops

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You're right, perhaps it wasn't hindfoot but something else. Whatever the word is that she wants as one word is definitely not one. I will have to double check that the next time I do her, but I know I have checked this word out before and it was two words. Now you got me thinking! LOL.

I give him his made-up word. - sm

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There is no harm in it and it's his dictation not mine.

It is not my, or your, job to decide what "should" or "should not" be in a report. It is our job to type what they dictate. Done.

every company handles stuff like this differently. - Ask your QA. NM

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handles it differently - Follow up

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I do clinic notes and we got an e-mail stating the docs were going crazy with follow up, follow-up and followup. But then, who doesn't? The docs said to just type follow-up all the time and it is wonderful. Again, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. It is so nice not to be working with these Book of Style idiots! (wish I could put in what I would like to, but will settle for idiots)!

First time, blank it gets a blank. Second time, - I ask supervisor. sm

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I want all protocol in writing in case of erroneous QA grading.

Oops, that should be "first time, it gets a blank..." - Critical error for me. nm

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