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Question -- Not Sure How to Handle This - southernMT

Posted: Dec 11, 2013

I have been informed by my employer that our company will be losing 70% of its accounts and thus many transcriptionists and employees will be let go.  There is an extremely good chance that I will be among those leaving, as 90% of my accounts are going to be gone.  So, I already have a job interview set up with a local physician in a private office, but since my employer has not let me know whether or not I will be laid off, should I tell my employer that I'm looking for another job and use her for a reference?  I would not be leaving on bad terms, it's just that she's telling me I MIGHT be laid off, but won't tell me if or when.  So I think it's wise of me to start looking for a new job NOW and not wait, but should I use my current employer who is probably going to lay me off as a reference?  Not sure how to handle this.

Been there - movingon

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Straight out ask your employer. Not only is the concern of if she lays you off, but if she doesn't will she have work for you? Nothing worse than being tied down to a job with no work. Upfront is the best policy so both parties know what is happening.

Thank you - southernMT

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I was considering just asking her straight out, but have never been in this situation before. I will do that. Thanks again. :)

Not sure how to handle this - greyhoundmom

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It does not seem right that you are told you "might" be laid off, and you won't be told if or when. You are doing the right thing as far as looking for another job. She or he must have an idea of who is not going to stay. That's very inconsiderate of your boss to leave you hanging. No reason why you can't get a reference.

Possibility of being laid off - sm - Javamom50

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I had a company tell me on a Sunday that the upcoming Friday would be our last day we would be working for them as the account we had worked on for 5 years decided to go with another MTSO. I honestly felt like she was not being 100% upfront with us, as I am sure she probably knew well ahead of time that this was going to happen. This was right before Christmas, too, a few years back.

I agree, they're not being fair to you SM - Paloma

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They're doing what unscrupulous bosses have been doing for ages...keeping us in the dark & everything on a "need-to-know" basis, if that.

Consider yourself lucky, though, to at least be told of the possibility; I believe most MTSOs would just pink-slip you, having already locked the MT out of the system.

Yes, I would definitely look for another job ASAP; I would certainly take the Dr. office job, ANY outside job, in a heartbeat, if it is offered. I wouldn't even give them notice.. treat them as they treat us, because, how much advance notice do they give US in the case of termination??

Inconsiderate Boss - SouthernMT

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I actually did shoot her an email this morning asking her straight out if I was on the chopping block or not because, obviously, if I was, I needed to start looking for a new job. She has not replied to me yet. I've got an interview tomorrow and have already decided to take the job if it is offered to me. There are a few things about my current job that aren't quite "kosher" so maybe it's time to move on anyway.

Smart move, smart lady. - YorkieMom

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I think this is one case where "a bird in the hand" isn't necessarily worth 2 or more in the bush. Right now, I'd kill for a medical office job...regular work, reliable paycheck, than the excrement these MTSOs dish out to us. JMHO.

You are very lucky to get the Dr. job in a world of transcription and MTSO - and account uncertainty which is running rampid.

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If she lost 70% of her accounts - are you SURE she'll be able to keep her business going? and for how long?

hugs and good luck. I know what I would do, but I'm not you....unfortunately.

Suggestion - Anon2

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Start looking, and if you get another offer that is great. If you are on good terms, there should not be a problem; don't provide any references until they request them, they'll probably call for employment verification anyway. Don't feel guilty about looking out for yourself, take the job if it is offered to you and it is what you want. Telling you that you might be laid off could just be a heads up for you to start making other plans. If 90% of your accounts will be gone, well, use your own judgment. My experience with asking management for specifics is that they generally don't tell the whole truth anyway, sometimes they just don't know. Something else that could happen, they could drag it out. My department was told we would be gone in a year but we ended up lasting 2. Most of us looked for other jobs the entire time, took classes, etc. and they totally understood. You are not doing anything wrong. If your current employer has nothing to offer, you are not obligated to stay.

Another idea - SAM

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If you are offered and accept the other position, be sure to tell your current boss to feel free to contact you if/when things pick up again and maybe you can pick up some nice side work, too.

Good luck with your decision :-)

yes, most definitely u should use them as a reference - im sure they will understand..

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I dont know anyone who wouldn't seek other employment under those circumstances, thats totally understandable.

I GOT THE JOB! - SouthernMT

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The doctor and I hit it off right away, she loved me, and I was offered the job. So of course I took it. I'm so happy that I can hardly believe it. I gave my two week's notice to my current employer and will be leaving on good terms, so yes, maybe in the future if she secures more accounts I can work for her part time to pick up some extra work if I need to. What a great idea. Thanks so much for everyone's advice and encouragement. You're all awesome.

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