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How would ASR handle a sentence like this? - any ideas?

Posted: Dec 07, 2009

I am just wondering how would ASR interpret this sentence...

"The patient was able to cite the exact site and moment when he lost his sight."

I dictated the sentence in Dragon - Snow Bunny

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And this is exactly what it typed on the first try:

The patient was able to cite the exact site and moment when he lost his sight.

(I kid you not. It got it all correct.)

Question about Dragon - any ideas?

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Is Dragon one of these Artificial Intelligence machines?

How does it "know" or determine the difference between the proper usage of the words cite, site and sight?

you're asking the wrong person - Snow Bunny

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The best place to get that question answered would be at:

Choose the forum for Naturally Speaking.

But I can tell you this. It can tell the difference between "ilium" and "ileum," if you train it to.

VR - HeidiHo

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To edit, I would simply delete "site and", thus the sentence would make perfect sense.

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