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Dear Skilled Editor and VR Trainer - ??

Posted: Sep 16, 2010

Skilled: I've read everything you posted and thanks for the response.

Okay, I'm not a genius but I'm not totally stupid either, and I feel like if there are MT's out there that are editing and have increased their line counts and are able to earn more money, then I can too. I am a high producer transcribing. As I said before, I am now editing at just about the same lines per hour that I typed.

Here's my system, so far, that I've developed: I reprogrammed my keyboard to allow my fingers to stay on home row keys for navigating through the document, which has helped me tremendously. I have Shorthand as my expander and I also use Autohotkeys (I do NOT have a handle on that program yet!). I have macros set up for some docs, mostly things for the exam. I do have things set up for short phrases or a few words like sd for she does, hi for he is, tps for the patient states, etc. I have recorded keystrokes that delete periods and inserts commas, I have it set up so that if I type dsr it will delete 6 words to the right of my cursor, etc. All of that has helped me get to where I can edit about 300 lph. Not good enough. At all.

The places where I find I am struggling is, for one, most of my editing seems to be in the HPI and plan. The places where there are long paragraphs of text and in a majority of sentences there will be small errors like she instead of he, or the patient's name is wrong, a left out and or the or it.  These are taking me forever and the errors I find most, that are most time consuming, don't seem to be anything I can really make a quick fix for because in one report for Dr. A it could wrong and the next report for Dr. A it could be right but then a different error of sorts. Do you know what I mean?

Second, formatting is a big issue and I know there has to be a way to fix this (probably through Autohotkeys, which I will NEVER be smart enough to figure out). I work on M-Modal. So for current medications, when I get the draft all the meds are jumbled together, some capitalized/some not, some wrong/some right and in paragraph form. I have to press control L which inserts a bullet for numbering right before the first medication of the paragraph. I then have to go to the end of that first medication, possibly delete a comma/insert period if needed whichi it usually is, hit enter and the next medication drops down with a bullet in front of it. And then on and on and on. So, if there are 10 meds, all with commas that should be periods, this takes FOREVER! And wait.....we now get to PMH, PSH. Those also have to be in list form by pressing control L......and the whole process explained above for meds. Then we get to the PE and  subheadings (VS, General, Neck, Heart). When I get the draft, the PE is all smashed together w/o any subheadings. I do have recorded keystrokes set up to insert all my subheadings, however, I can only insert them one at a time because I have to find where each new subheading should be inserted. So, I sit and listen and follow along, come to the place where he starts with the neck exam. Stop, type shortcut to insert neck heading. It is inserted, then I MIGHT have to hit delete because there could be an extra line but not always. Then I have to delete "neck" because that was supposed to be the subheading and I used my shortcut. Then I have to capitalize the first letter of that sentence. And on and on I do this through the whole PE, all the while fixing all the little random errors.

These are the issues that make me slow and that I need to figure out. Unfortunately, I will never be able to control the system and its editing accuracy percentage. But, others are successful at this and I refuse to believe that I cannot be also.  VR Trainer - You could very well have a successful side job giving tutorials to us new MT's switching to VR. It is hard to "read" the tips/instructions versus actually getting to see them in action, at least for me! 

Oh! Here's a big issue impacting my production - While I don't know the percentage, many of the docs on my account don't get to do drafts but still have to be typed because I guess the system doesn't allow them? So, I spend A LOT of my day typing still. Why does this affect my production? Oh, I can still get good lines in that way, but I am no longer paid to transcribe but to edit. So the new pay scale for editing of 4 to 5 cpl now also applies to transcribing. YEP. So I sit here, hoping for editing jobs but get ones needing transcribed, sit here doing the SAME job I've done for 11 years now only I get paid 50% less to do it.  I have to vent a second here - CAN YOU BELIEVE I AM MAKING LESS PER LINE THAN WHEN I HAD NOT ONE SHRED OF EXPERIENCE?????  Thanks to my company!  Way to look out for your workers!

If you've gotten to this point in my post, I thank you!

Thank you - carolMT

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I agree. There are no shortcuts to help alleviate the problems regarding medications (why are there always commas and never semi-colons in one long list?), the PMH, PE, etc. The random errors are very time consuming, no period, he/she, random word not dictated inserted, on and on. I average between 400-500 LPH straight typing. (Please no comments). No way can I edit 800-1000 LPH, because a doctor cannot even dictate that fast (even though we think sometimes they do), but it is not humanly possible. So, that means I took a 40% pay cut to edit something I could straight type faster in the first place, and right the first time. I have been transcribing a long time, and believe me, I have mastered all the shortcuts and know the program like the back of my hand. Yet my pay has decreased by 40%. Thankfully, I have another job straight typing, which is where the majority of my energy is focused.

BINGO! - Me too

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This hits the nail on the head! I too am a high producer (500-600 lph) with straight typing. I am only able to edit 250-300 lph. Been in the business a couple of decades and I also know all of the shortcuts and programs inside and out. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that since we are already "maxed out" per se at our top level, we have no room to grow. For the slower transcriptionists, they do have room for improvement and therefore someone who types 150-200 lph will likely see a jump to 300 lph with VR. This makes them more successful than us. I too am making about 40-50% less than what I made straight typing. At this point, I'm sure I made more on my very, very first day ever transcribing than what I made yesterday. If I was being paid the same amount per line to edit that I made typing, I would be fine...but I'm not and I won't. And, it takes me longer to undo the mistakes of the machine than it would for me to do it right the first time. Go figure....

Thank you - carolMT

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So we are punished because we are high producers? Seriously? Even with VR, I am still one of the highest producers, yet my pay cut was 40%. Again, thankfully, when we transitioned to VR, I was able to find a local, direct to client, part-time job straight typing, which more than makes up for the VR cut.
Reading your posts is rather painful. It sounds like you're underpaid. - Skilled Editor
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First off, let's remember that 300 lines is very fast on one account and unacceptably slow on another. So the figure on the paycheck is not just our goal, but something we can evaluate much more reliably. "I used to take home a minimum of $X before deductions." I speak all the time of getting faster to achieve that, and hopefully more, but if it's still out of reach after weeks of striving and succeeding at getting fast at editing...!

In this case, when someone like ?? has worked so diligently at increasing speed and is apparently still taking home noticeably less, it seems very likely the line rate is inappropriate to the work required.

It's great to hear you've reprogrammed your keyboard and it's working so well for you, by the way. That's still on my list, but the family member who was supposed to help with AutoHotKeys hasn't figured it out yet either. Impressive that you have. I've never had even programming for future file clerks and am going to end up hiring a highschooler. I don't care to take on the task when I know I'd forget vast amounts of it between times I needed to know it. Been THERE before.

Regarding auto numbering, this's not an impressive "what I do," but I do use a set of numbering macros with auto numbering to help turn a paragraph of drugs into a list.

One for drugs with no punctuation between. I assigned "oo" to the keystrokes that toggle numbering one and off. So for drugs with no punctuation between, keeping with an "o" to help memory, "co" inserts a period after the word before, sends the drug to the next line (numbering in the process), and jumps the cursor to the beginning of the next drug. oo oo oo

"xo" does the same when there're commas between. xo xo xo

"zo" does the same as "co" but without inserting a period behind. Like after "t.i.d." because there's already a period there.

There are about 3 more that use one of those AND jump the cursor over standard-length dosages such as "50 mg p.o. b.i.d." to the beginning of the next drug.

Not a perfect solution, for sure, and I'm still bunny hopping over "nonstandard" dose information, but they do help a lot anyway.

loving the info - ??
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You said "In this case, when someone like ?? has worked so diligently at increasing speed and is apparently still taking home noticeably less, it seems very likely the line rate is inappropriate to the work required." I think if I only had to spend my day editing, I may very well increase my line count and pay. I just realized that when I said I am editing 300 lph, that is not accurate. That hour and those 300 lines were not just editing but also typing. I really don't know what my line count would be with just editing. My account still has so much that has to be typed. I will actually have more typing in a work day than editing. That is why I can no longer make money, why my pay has decreased so much. I'm now getting paid 5 cpl to type. Not to mention the bad drafts that I do get that are filled w/errors.

I'm moving on! I'm going to a new company, new account. 50/50 editing and typing with 2 different pay scales for each, AS IT SHOULD BE! No way am I going to type hours and hours with 11 years' experience and get paid 5 cpl to do it.

Now for the shortcuts you mentioned, do you use Shorthand? The keys you mentioned that do autonumbering, what are those. What platform do you edit on? You may have told me but I forget if you did, sorry! I've been taking so many tests I think my brain is fried!
Excellent, ??. Moving on has to be positive, but - Skilled Editor
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I hope you really like your new position too.

Regarding the rest, sorry. Something I read here sounded so familiar I just started rattling on. I do use Shorthand and am on the newest version of Enterprise with M*Modal SR. New Ent has an auto numbering feature that's extremely nice to work with, but M*Modal still isn't recognizing a lot of the stuff many dictators spew out as numbered lists.

Frying one's brain taking tests sounds wonderfully sane. Did you run into that one so many people are talking about here?
do you mean testing? - ??
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Hi Skilled,

Do you mean the MTTest? I did read some threads earlier in the week about that site and the testing. Of course, after that I tested for 4 companies and all of them were through that site! I tested for American Trans Solutions right after reading that. I was really nervous about it after hearing all the problems with it. But, I thankfully had no problems. Out of the 4 I took, I heard back from 3 companies.
Yes, that's the one. How encouraging. And how strange that some - Skilled Editor
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with many years on the job report such bad results and no call-backs. Whatever, it's so nice to know what others are still doing well.

There is some truth to what you are saying, carolMT. - VR Trainer

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If you are at the very top end of transcription production, you will not be able to see as much gain in editing. It will be physically impossible. This is a very rare situation, however, if you are actually consistently typing 400-500 LPH x 8 hours every single day. Very rare.

The average transcriptionist, however, cannot do that. They have the capacity and opportunity to meet their transcription production earnings and exceed through ASR.

VR Trainer

Yes, I realize that - carolMT

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Thank you. Yes, I could consistently produce that many lines per hour in 8 hours. I wish I could remember what I produced before word processors and macros, back in the IBM Selectric Days, but I was always the highest producer. I am not the "average" transcriptionist and never have been for the last 25 years. That being said, the whole VR system "punishes" the skilled and fast transcriptionist. No company out there would be willing to pay me the same rate for VR as straight transcription, just because of my skill. They would just hire someone else at the 4 cents a line to edit.

A few more tips - VR Trainer

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I do formatting changes before I ever start editing. If the PE is supposed to be in stacked, do that first. Any information that should be in a numbered list, handle it first. I scan the report for any obvious issues I need to correct (i.e., expanding "mm" to "millimeters"). Numbering a list shouldn't take but seconds to do.

Need a specific order for your report? Make sure it is all done before you edit.

The editing should be only for content accuracy - not formatting or structural correction.

Learn your specific program. I would not spend time remapping my keyboard. Learn the system. Learn the keyboard shortcuts and use them.

True, it is more difficult to switch between transcription and editing on a constant basis but once you are well rehearsed in editing, it flows much easier. I prefer 100% editing to transcribing now.

Do you receive any type of metrics on your production? I would set progressive goals each week on my ASR LPH and ratios.

If you are transcribing a report (it pulls in a blank report when you receive the job and complete the ADT/demographic screen), you should be paid to transcribe it, not edit it. So, if that is not the case, I would be speaking to management.

In summary, allowing your hands to learn everything new again does take effort but once that is done, it is your concentration that will impact your success the greatest. You absolutely must stay alert and actively engaged through every single word of the report. There is no dwaddling, auto-pilot, stare/trance time -- you must listen (not just hear) to ensure what is on the screen is what was said AND that it belongs there.

VR Trainer

To VR trainer - Transcender

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You wouldn't happen to be a trainer for Transcend would you? The more I read your posts the more I think I know who you are. Not that it's important but I'm just curious.

Not as a trainer. In the past I worked as an MT/Editor for them, though. - VR Trainer

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To ?? I also have to deal with every - single thing S/M

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you wrote about. I also use M modal. I am wondering if there are different M modal platforms or they are all the same. I ask because it sounds like we may work for the same company, and I was very shocked when you said you are now paid the same for edit mode and straight typing mode. I am wondering if I missed the email about this. Was a global email sent out to tell you about this change in pay rate?

I think I could increase my production if I did the things that you say you have done. I also use Shorthand. All of this is very new to me, using SH and also VR. I need to find out how I can learn about all of these SH shortcuts. My company really did not provide any training. Thanks for your post. It makes me feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one who is struggling.

You are correct, and m-modal gets worse not better. - Agree with you

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These VR trainers are blowing hot air. They could not make a living by having to get paid by what they produce and they know it. Mmodal is the worst program out there. None of the team leads, managers, etc., give a hoot about your income, they just want to make their production goals and get their bonuses for making us make them look good. Editing is horrible and it is not going to get any better. I have no respect for the trainers or for the people who interface with the mmodal production. They allow this to happen and that makes them no better than the program.

M-Modal is one of my primary platforms. Fantastically successful with it. - VR Trainer

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I would like to know how the people you trained feel. - agree with you
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they probably have a different opinion.
Until they come along, I trained myself but also do very well. - On M*Modal. Anon. NM
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(Do not listen to losers.)

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