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Completely fed up with horrible Transcend Voice Wreck - fed up

Posted: Jun 16, 2011

I am on working right now and had to get away and vent on her for a second because the editing with voice wreck is SOOOO bad right now, I am putting way more effort into the reports than what I am getting paid for.  There are amazingly stupid mistakes, whole sentences missing, other sentences made up that are nothing like the dictator is saying.  If this is going to be the way it is tonight, it's gonna be a short night for me.  I refuse to make crap pay for this kind of work.  Thinking about calling it quits altogether.  It's just not worth it anymore.

I'm with you there - splabbit

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I'm part-time and can only work a certain number of hours. Have done VR before and expected it would take me a bit longer at first as the VR learned, but after 4 months I still couldn't make enough in my available time for it to be worthwhile. It drove me crazy too. Plus the constant haranguing...I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West was over my shoulder all the time. So not worth it. I feel so much better now that I don't have to worry about all that mess any more.

Oh my gosh, you sound just like me! - fed up

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We must work under the same ROM. Your story sounds exactly like mine. I can only work part-time as well, but now that they are enforcing I meet the quota, I'm having to flex days, which is not working for me. I've got some decisions to make now because I can't flex daytime anymore. I'm either going to have to quit or I'm going to get fired for not meeting lines.

Not Transcend - sm

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I work for the Q and their ASR is horrible too. I believe they all are horrible. The companies are keeping customers by charging less for this crap and we are the ones suffering. We have taken cuts in so many other ways and I am not willing to lose anymore doing that crap. If I lose my job over it, so be it. I hope that every one of these companies lose all their valuable MTs due to sweatshop labor and then lose their businesses. Just keep your chin up, don't accept substandard pay for your talents and believe that some day they will get theirs. I may lose my job over refusing to do it, but at least I can keep my pride and not let them take advantage of me. I will find something else.

Transcend VR - nina

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What's the name of the VR that you are referring to - eScription, ChartScript, M-Modal??????

M-Modal - mt

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It used to be pretty good, but I think it went on vacation during MT week and never came back. It is unbelieveable how bad it has gotten now.

M-modal - nina

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I've never used it before, but I've heard of it. I think they all pretty much S _ _ _. I would rather type everything. :)
Me too. This VR is crazy. Typing is quicker and much more accurate - mt
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BeyondTxt - Mim
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Does anyone use BeyondTxt? Is it easy to use for VR? I've read a lot of negative for other VR systems and now I'm worried.
I use BeyondTXT and for me, it's very good. - But mileage varies widely
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from one team to the next. My particular region is very aggressive about continuing to train the "speech wreck" engine, and some of our dictators' drafts are darn-near perfect, which means we can speed the audio file way up, and often transcribe the report in less time than the length of the audio file. Believe it or not, this includes some ESL dictators. Other dictators aren't so great... in fact, they FINALLY took one dictator off speech rec altogether because he was a disaster. Another doctor never even got put on it because it would have been a waste of time.

But... as I said, mileage varies widely. It really depends on how proactive your management team is. The technology is good and it can be trained... but the GIGO theory applies. (Garbage in, garbage out.)

I tried VR and this is exactly why I quit VR, no money to be made - typing not editing the work at low pay

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same here - LTDN

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I quit for the same reason you did, and am I ever glad I got out!!! I can type way faster than I could correcting all of the screwups from the voice wreck, not to mention I was SOOOOO bored with editing. I've never been happier than I was the day I did my last edit. I now have my own account, I'm making more than twice what I was editing, and I'm actually enjoying myself again! It's like a new life for me away from editing and that company...Thank GOD!!

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