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speech wreck suggestion - alphamt

Posted: Sep 02, 2010

I have tried to explain to manager that the program is slow, and does not seem to ever correct a lot of "normal" dictation, so I have come here to ask a question of you.  I feel that we are not getting enough keystroke count for these jobs.  I have had lengthy jobs with small actual counts because of all the repairing (MEing), and pickiing up of nearby conversations, using markers judiciously as requested.  None of these markers are included in the count that I can see, but they are keystrokes.  My fingers are hurting more now, and I am constantly looking at the keyboard to make sure I hit the right control and alt combinations, often having to redo a marker because of this type of back-and-forth activity added to the job of MTing.  I feel our speech wreck program is flawed or not getting the attention it needs, and that we the MEs are not being remunerated fairly and I wonder what reasonable suggestions we can come up with that might be listened to and effect a change.  I am caught between doing a good job, and not double-checking a report for accuracy.  These quirky speech "mistakes" often get through because they are tricky even for the human brain! 

Also the added tasks are eating up my 3/4ME and 1/4MT e-time hours.  It used to me that hourly line standards were set acknowledging 5 minutes for a "CEO" break or additional tasks not recognized by the program.  I wonder how more we are distracted by these from the actual job.  For instance, filling out forms for problem submission, research into docs that are not listed as staff but clearly are and need to be entered, the time spent in making sure CC addresses and name spelling are correct, the "carriage returns" on ADT pages and below markers, the time expected of us to take to send to "support" docmentation of speech problems/issues.  I am flabergasted that all of this additional work does not affect the line-count remuneration.  I am sure my foggy morning brain can add much more - please help me set this record straight. 

Saving MQ $ and earning MQ record income in a very bad year is not enough of a wake-up call to HR and its counterparts (Tony?!).  I am hanging on for 1 financial issue to resolve, and then I will be gone!  Let the other countries' new MTs relish in this pay that barely meets the bills here at home, but gives them a higher standard of living than being a practicing physician!  The value of the MT's contribution to medicine has dropped, while the expectations of what we should be doing with our time continue to RISE. 

I think this is bad "karma" for MQ and that it will end one day, but obviously statistics rule as do profits, and the damage done to a patient's life, a doctor's reputation, a hospital's certification can easily be undone in court with slaps on the wrist and confirmation that the almighty dollar must now be split in  half, before it goes to the worker.  Has anyone asked the Labor about this?  Thanks for your time fellow professionals.  I hope you have a better year than me.  tick/tick/tick.....


Love it, very well said! - Just Sayin NM

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Intelligent post! Well said! - n/m

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The biggest, most important thing to me - EX-RN

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is that we as experienced medical transcriptionists now have to be more concerned with the scut work of cleaning up the ASR. Sometimes by the end of the report I have no idea what the report was about. I could have brought all my years of clinical experience to work and possibly added to my knowledge had I really listened to what the doctor had to say. Hopefully, he knew what he was medically talking about because now I sure don't thanks to ASR.

Kumar doesn't care. The only suggestion he would - dnr

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consider is how to pay us less.

Where do I sign? - Adios

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These issues you bring up are the very issues I have been hitting my head against a wall about for some time.

Could not have said it better myself.

I feel nothing short of a lawsuit will change anything so I am also looking elsewhere for work. Meanwhile I keep bringing up these same issues, even thought I know they fall on deaf ears, because it is so wrong I just can't let it go.

I have thought about talking to the labor board but am not sure how to make them understand clearly what the problem is.

I am SURE they are not paying us right on this, for the reasons you state and beyond. There is no way I have found, I have tried everything, to get my productivity up. It is demeaning and I am tired of it.

I have said before if we all "open tickets" regarding these problems it may get their attention. Even then I am not sure they would do much about it. But if we send in reports job by job that somebody has to address, it will get their attention.

The last one I sent was sent to my CCM, who has never transcribed in her life, and her answer was it could not be corrected right now. Great response. This was in regards to three versus 3, and why would ASR not be programmed per our standards that we must go by?

Again, could not have said it better. I feel your pain. Every day it is all I can do to sign on because this is all just so ludicrous and unprofessional, and yet we have no power.

Hang in there.

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