A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

VR - how many lines per hour do you do? (sm) - VR Virgin.

Posted: Jan 21, 2010

With decades of experience as an MT, I'm just now getting into VR. I'd like to know, if you would please care to share, just how many lines per hour you are able to get with VR. I know this varies from person to person and platform to platform, but please, help me out with this! I'm terrified I'm going to go broke doing this! Thanks in advance.

This is such a hot topic, if you answer correctly you are - accused of being something other than MT

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I absolutely love VR. I read on here that some are horrible and others like a particular one. I work on Escription and have now for about 6 years. I can make over $20 per hour day in and day out with my particular job. I find Escription a tremendously good platform, easy to use, so user friendly. There might be others who totally hate and will say they are making minimum wage. I do not find it beneath me to do VR. I have put in way over 35 years of doing this and the profession has been very good to me in the past, still is as far as I am concerned. Do you know what platform your company will use or anything about it?

Guess I did not answer your question - Other than MT

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My lph goes anywhere from 500 to 700+ an hour on VR.

VR - Chibaby

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There are so many variables. The platform and the account make a huge difference IMO. Yes, you can definitely make money doing this.

I would say for an "average, normal" MT with "a life" VR 300-400 lph...nm - .

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Why the fuss here. Are you jealous or something - about people who only work say

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8 hours in a day and then can average much higher than the 300-400 lph? It is something most anyone can attain if they put their mind to it.

every day 700 lph? This are 18 pages per hour!..sm - .

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How can she make CORRECTIONS at that pace? I cannot even read that fast.

Even with Escription, 700 lph, I do not believe this.

Does somebody try to promote VR here, or try to persuade MTs NOT to quit this profession?

Editng VR is not an assembly line, or sweat shop job.
We have to use a lot of brain when correcting VR, and cannot just "fly" through the pages. 18 pages per hour!
Where do you get 18 pages per hour? - Is that for radiology or something? nm
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Am not saying anythjing further, no sense - People who only work.....
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answering questions when people do not want to believe. You do not have to believe, that is your choice. My platform is almost 100% accurate. There is very little to change. I am not in a sweat shop job, in fact I really enjoy VR as fast as I can possibly go. Different strokes for different folks, right?
100% accurate? Are you getting paid for reading? Should be FRONT-END....nm - .
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Back end transcription - People who only work
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Am I getting paid for reading? That is a strange question. Sure I do and accuracy, do you know a 100% accurate MTer or are you in that category? My company is the same as others 98. accuracy and we are graded like most here.
You did not understand my reply: You say that your VR drafts are coming through..sm. - .
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with an almost 100% accuracy. Then the VR system must be almost perfect. These documents do not need a back-end editor anymore, those could be done by a front-end dictating doctor.

If I were you I would not brag and flaunt it so loudly on this forum! You get paid for reading these drafts, not correcting them.
What is your cpl? 2-3 cents?
You are right, they are almost 100% accurate - People who work
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but there is straight typing that I do also mixed in. My VR system always seems like it picks up a different "bug" once in awhile. I am now having to correct the numbering system on most everything whereas before that was ok.

If you would tell me what I am bragging about then we both would know. Telling the truth is not bragging. Now if I said I did 1000 lph that would be bragging.

No, am paid the 4 cpl that most companies seem to be paying these days.
you should not post here if you have a "bug"...nm - .
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You got the wrong meaning, not a virus bug - People who work
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Bug has other meanings besides just a virus. That is NOT what I am speaking of. I am saying my platform does different things at different times, sometimes numbering incorrect, sometimes leaving out the physician's names in dictations when said, sometimes saying the wrong patient name when given. Oh, please.....
Wow! And despite all these "bugs" you edit 700 lines per hour? Lol!..nm - ,
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So many haters on here, just feel so bad you all - People who work
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cannot be the kind of employee like I am, top producer, making good money and if you read correctly you would see I SOMETIMES have these problems. I am so fast really does not matter, just a little blip in the road of MTing. Quit being a hater. Maybe one day I will teach you guys here how to be productive with this.
Hi, Virgin. My reports require lots and lots of editing, hands continually - MissIndigo
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at work, not that relaxed scanning with few changes some have.

On my worst accounts/work types I do over 220 LPH, on very familiar creampuffs with templates pushing up the lines but still plenty of corrections approximately double that, with everything else in between. Anybody who says it can't be done are giving bad information.

I used to work EditScript/eScription and always did over 600 LPH. Cruising at 700 is very possible.

I am specifically not a fast typist, but:
I work hard and fast in order to push up my earnings for each hour I do work (I have a life, just not while I'm at the computer),
I do not work for my modest base rate and income from lowish production, but rather for the upper levels of incentive pay on top of it that come with higher production. For me, this makes all the difference between unacceptable and acceptable pay rates and checks.
I am very familiar with my usual accounts.
I have no trouble reading that fast,
I don't need spell check,
I punctuate "on the fly," seldom slowing or needing to redo.
I fairly seldom look up terms,
I use my expander extensively from memory, and
I do not work with an expander box open--my eyes stay on the text. I don't know how much of a factor this last is, since people probably get very skilled at watching box and page, and end up muscle-memorizing a lot anyway, but it has to be worth something.

Hope you enjoy VR as much as many of us do. I like being in and out of so many more reports each day.
Ms Indigo, you are 1000% right about this work - People who only work
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Every item you mentioned is exactly the way I work, and others can if they put their mind to it. It does not take working 12 hour days to get the amount you want. I too scan as fast as my systesm goes and can type that fast also so either straight or VR does not slow me down. I do spell check only upon getting out of the report. I never go back and read the report once I finish it. I look up words in a great while but with Google how easy is that. I am glad to have someone else chime in on something that should not be so anxiety ridden.
I could've written your words too, PWOW. :) Happy - fellow travelling. MsInd. NM
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how can you compare yourself to MsIndigo?...sm - .
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You said that your drafts come through "almost 100% error free," whereas MsIndigo states that she has to do a LOT of corrections?
Blah, blah?
you see, my message did not post at the end, it posted right under it...nm - .
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yes, MsIndigo, we know you already as the "VR-Wizard."...nm - .
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A little support - MT in PA
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I think "People who work" is being unfairly chastized. I also have worked on Escription in the past, and have had days where I do 600-700/hour. If you are lucky and have a combination of a good dictator, good platform, and fast fingers, and a sharp mind, yes it can be done. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean someone else can't. She's not bragging, she was just simply answering the question. The reports I did were NOT 100% perfect, but Escription is a good platform that learns corrections well.
And I appreciate the support - People who work
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This is a hot and touchy subject on these boards. I felt bamboozled when I was first told we were going to VR but I never had concrete thoughts that I could not do. So many think with the 4 cpl no way possible can you make a good living but it all goes back to what you say, good platform, the ability to edit really fast and such, a workable thing. I have programmed myself to work as fast as I can and do not mind at all. I see so many here that want to jump ship immediately when they are told going to VR. People call you a suit or a plant if you like VR but I never tell where I work or what system I work on. What happens is so many work on platforms that I guess are not really friendly or worse yet, do not give it a chance. I am glad, very glad after all the years I spent entirely on straight to finally get this break and look forward to working, except those weekend days when I get all those ESLs but even those are picked up by my system now. Thanks for the support.
I hope your LUCK lasts! Very fortunate coincidences!. 1 out of 100,000...nm - .
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I think that MsIndigo and this "people who work" are VR software vendors...nm - .
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can you be so lucky and have all this day-in and day-out? BRAGGING.sm. - .
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Maybe she works only for 1 doctor and knows his reports already by heart.
believe it or not, on 1 day I made 800! ONLY 1 day!..nm - .
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How many times do you have to be told - People who work
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You are not bragging when you are telling the truth. Why you gotta hate so much? My what green eyes you have.
Nothing about "hate and jealousy," I do not believe you, that's all..nm - .
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And I said this so, so many times - People who work
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That is your right, absolutely. Have no idea why you just want to come on here to cause friction though.
Like I said - MT in PA
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Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean someone else can't. I work for a small company and type for a few different hospitals, all with between 20-50 dictators each, maybe more, I don't really keep count.

If you read my post thoroughly, you would have seen that I said Escription learns edits well and it also picks up voice well, therefore, the more you fix, the more it learns and the less after so long you need to fix. Yes, I am lucky to have this job, and I don't take that for granted, but just because some of us don't have as bad of luck as some others on this board, doesn't mean we deserve to be put down for telling the truth.

600-700/lines an hour is possible with the right platform and right work ethic, period.

I did 450 something lph the one and only day I did it, type 350-400 lph regular, nm - tttt

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there are still honest people in this world, thanks..nm - .

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will no one share HOW, and back up their claims? - MTBucket

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how about some substantial tips on how to get hundreds and hundreds of lines/hour using VR, and I mean other than just saying 'use your shortcuts' or speed the voice file. Would like something more tangible as in what work TYPES are you doing, what type of account, clinic or hospital. Having done radiology years ago that is a work type I could imagine a cazillion lines/hour as they are basically statements for the most part with the occasional exception.

is it possible with extremely difficult dictators, Ops, teaching hospitals with changing residents. is it possible with MTs like myself who get stuck with the hideously horrible miserable dictators on a daily basis... (and when we speak up for ourselves it gets worse -oops that is another story!)

I have not met anyone yet who will really share how to maximize VR, other than vague statements.

actually, there was a post a while back and someone was nice enough to really try to describe how she works at it and it was quite helpful, but I mean for the most part on here people just brag about it without sharing the nitty-gritty details.

TO PUT IT SIMPLY - I could transcribe (regularly) 1500 lines/day in an 8-hour day when I first started MT, with hardly an effort. 18 years later now I can barely get 1000; however, I am on a most difficult account with is about 90% extremely difficult dictations.

what I mean is, almost any MT could probably VR 1000 lines/hour too in the perfect kind of circumstances.

Its not perfect - MT in PA

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Even I did not do 600-700/lines a day EVERY day, I was just saying it is POSSIBLE. Most of the time my averages were between 400-500/lines an hour.

I typed for a hospital account with decent dictators for the most part, although there were a few difficult ones thrown in there, although the platform I was on was good at recognizing their voice for the most part, so that helped alot. There was one lady doctor who I would get that the speech just couldn't get, and she always slowed me down a lot, but if I didn't have her that day, I could race through.

You just have to do job after job after job. That is the only advice I can give you. Sit there like your life depended on it and pound those reports out.

I don't usually take a second look at a report when I'm done, I send it through, and my quality was always 99-100%. I never spend more than 2-3 minutes on a blank. If I can't get it, I move on.

I'm not sure what else you want, but that's what I do.

This is a big help, thank you for replying... - MTBucket

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you are SO right about doing job after job. unfortunately, with such horrendous dictators that I get I am finding it necessary to step away between reports because it is almost abusive in my opinion with what I am having to tolerate. between the doctors and the QA, I am actually starting to hate MTing for the 1st time in many years of doing this.

that you have 99-100% quality with only 1 look which is amazing. unfortunately, for the account I am on that is not an option. you get harassed on a daily basis about either leaving too many blanks, or not enough, spending too much time in a report, or not enough time. I am just very unlucky when it comes to pulling work. it is about 90% horrible. probably because I speak up once in a while, I do it to myself because then I 100% get bad. too funny.

It was not that long ago when we were treated like we mattered only to have reverted back to the days where we are all just laborers for the 'man' and we are nothing anymore. we don't matter. we are insignificant. not only MT though, I see that in my social surroundings. I don't mind hard work, either, but there is no pride anymore, no appropriate compensation, and no social justice, even in MT.

you made some very good points, though, and yes I think the decent dictators are probably making an entire world of difference.

MTBucket, some of us posted on this board about same - VR Lover

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Like the other stated here, it is possible to do up to 700 lph but it varies anywhere for me from 400-700 per hour. I work only 8 hours per day but in those 8 hours I set a specific amount of money I want for the day and I achieve that. This is what I do. I do have the speed turned up as fast as it will go. I only turn it down when I have something I have to replay, the only time. I do not take breaks and type my 8 hours straight through, even getting a bite of dinner at the desk and can do because just being able to let my foot stay on the pedal. If at all humanly possible, keep that foot down on that pedal at all times. I do not use hot keys, use the mouse and usually keep that about a sentence below where the actual editing is going on and that way if I need to make a correction very easy. I do hospital work. Most of my work is VR but we also are a teaching hospital and I do interns and they are not on VR. On straight I always did 2000+ a day. I like VR much better. I do the same hospital day in and day out, do not want to work on different places. I have worked for the same place now 20 years, worked inhouse prior to a company having the account. I have some dooziers on my account that I do with the non-English speakers and my voice does those as well as our English speaking. I never thought it would be able but it is and our work is litterly now probably 80% of more of those dictators. I guess there is nothing more I can give except the very way mine is done. I have no secrets, no extra keys, just working as fast as I can and I really, really love it this way. I have read others describe as a sweat shop, not for me. I made really good money inhouse and was dreading going to this but went in with a "I want a job" and "I do not want to have to get out on the streets at 50++ and find something else" and that was my reason for giving it a chance. We were offered other jobs in the hospital when this came through but so glad I made the decision I did. If you want to talk further, I could email you, just let me know.

yes, I will shoot you an E. I appreciate your honesty... - MTBucket

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did you happen to see my post above? it kind of explains my situation a bit as well. I wish I could be more like you... I was up until a couple of years ago. thanks for your reply!

Did you transform into a "machine or robot" in these 20 years?...nm - .

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Why this bashing, what are you getting from it - VR lover
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Been here much longer that the 20 years on the same account. Either you can do or not, either you are "threatened" by others who seem to enjoy it. I don̢۪t get your way of bashing, though. Can you not find something more to take up your time? A person does not have to work excessive hrs or even a 40 hour week to make a living at this. I don̢۪t care if you or anyone else believes me, no skin off my back. I enjoy and hope you fit into the scheme of life somewhere.
Sad that one has to become a "machine" to be successful in this profession..nm - .
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And sad to see that others are so - VR lover
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incompetent as to not be able to do VR. This is what I suspect your problem is.
I am very competent, but I am not a machine or robot..sm - .
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What do you use to lubricate your joints? Shell Mauritius?
Are you happy with what you are doing?
I am extremely happy with my job and my life - VR lover
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Why the nastiness, are you so unhappy that this is your life? This is not for everyone but I love it. Remember all types of people in this world, I am one, you are another. Diversity.
Shaking my head... - MTBucket
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I think it just shows the frustration VR lover and probably not directed toward you...

many thanks for your post and the advice because it makes me know that I could also do better and rather than working 'smarter' like I used to I guess working 'harder' is the trend. I unfortunately need this job and have to wait to see what is going to happen with the economy over the next couple of years, if we can last that long!

it is a hard truth to face that this is no longer the job or 'profession' that it was. we are now more like "truck drivers" (in mentaility) (only without a union) when we used to be more "secretarial", and we are becoming a dying breed.
I would not come down on the truck drivers - VR Lover
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Hubs is one and he is union. How sweet is that? No insurance for us to pay, the income is great and he loves his job just like I love mine. There is 1 guy at his work that makes probably more than $150,000 a year, older guy and he works and then draws full retirement. Again, very sweet job they have.
my partner drives a school bus (and now makes more than me!) - MTBucket
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and is union.

Sorry, I did not mean it as truck drivers are bad, I meant it as they are rough and tough, and this job when I started in the 90s was quite a 'secretarial' job, in the hospital, where we could not even wear jeans but had to wear dresses.

Nobody was cut-throat, either. Everyone worked together and there was an air of professionalism and respect for what we did.

Not sure if you know what I mean...
Dressing for success, remember when pants suits - VR lover
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came on the scene and there was debate about whether we were able to wear or not. I probably still have a pair of panty hose around here somewhere! How long have you done now?
remember SMOKING< actually in the hospital?? - MTBucket
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I remember like yesterday, charts all over, papers everywhere, right there, everyone smoking with ashtrays all over the place, haha. It is almost unreal now. What a fire hazard.

What I miss most are holidays in the hospital. The doctors' wives would bake us cookies and some doctors would give us gifts like microwaves and toasters, candy (tons of boxes of candy) and flowers! They were so appreciative when we would make them sound good.

We were also allowed to use the treadmills in the cardiac rehab unit on certain days when it was closed to patients. I was so fit back then my dresses actually looked good on me!

It must be those who started MT at-home and have never had the experience of being in the hospital don't understand and are the ones who sound so harsh all the time. Telling people to just shut up and take all the changes. those are people who have not really lost anything...

but I will never forget how it used to be...and the losses we've accepted and agreed to.
You were all in 'LALA land" back then, WE young ones had it never LALALA!..nm!.. - .
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don't even know what you mean, oh well.. - MTBucket
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? I have no idea what you mean.
We are fast-paced ROBOTS and VRLover is the fastest, happy now?...nm - .
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Slide down from your high horse. Stop telling me that I am not qualified..sm - .
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because I cannot make 700 lph, day-in, day-out.
Who are you to make this judgment? You might be lying through your teeth! At least I am honest. The majority of MTs do not get 700 lph, are they all NOT qualified?

I hope that your account goes all together to the doctors, EMR and FRONT-END, where it should be being downloaded with a 100% accuracy! I hope you understand what that means for you: You are OUT of your "reading" assignments!

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Powerscribe - How Many Lines Per Hour Do You Edit On Average?
Jun 01, 2010

I was wondering if anybody out there was paid per line for Powerscribe and how many lines per hour do you edit on average?  I have always been paid a report rate for Powerscribe Radiology.  Also, which version do you use?  Thanks!! ...