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Synernet - bong bong noise! - OJ

Posted: Jul 10, 2014

I have called for help for this, but have not resolved this problem. I keep hearing a loud gong gong noise while I am typing. Tech told me it is a system prompt telling me I am doing something that I should not be doing, but I'm not!  I checked all the system sounds and alerrts and find nothing... Any ideas!  TIA!!

Bong Bong - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I used to get this a LOT...but not for over a year now. It would eventually stop on its own; I never called IT about it. Don't remember if I even suspected wrongdoing on my part.

Synernet bong bong noise - csb

[ In Reply To ..]
I had that too and was told that when the internet signal is weak, it will make that noise in the voice download. It has since quit since I went to 4G. Hope it gets better. I can drive you crazy

4G service - GhostMonkey

[ In Reply To ..]
How is that 4G service working out for you? What kind of plan do you need to handle the work? Do you use your cell or MiFi? Is it cost effective versus cable ISP?

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