A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

yet another global call of BS - Alice

Posted: Jul 28, 2010

Let me boil it down for you.

India = GREAT


more later when my head cools down.

more from Alice - Alice

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I just cannot get past the fact that I work for basically nothing when the company I work for is raking in millions and hiring upper level execs like they were at a BOGO [buy one, get one] sale at Payless, and one HR person who is the absolute worst.

I cannot even put into words the rage I feel sitting there listening to this man drone on about things that do not even pertain to the US MT.

oh look! new accounts!!!

[for India]

It all amounts to a lot of **** talky talky that wasted an hour of my life that I needed to be working to get my lines in.

What I'd like to see is a profit/loss statement for this place. My church provides us with one quarterly. Who makes what...pastor...children's minister...secretary...what money goes where.

I would loooooooove to see one of those. Come on and show us all who are working for less than minimum wage and at risk of having our electricity disconnected where all those millions go.

what'd you guys think?

ha, what a joke - american MT

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How about how proud our CEO was to tell us how "successfully" one of the US accounts was in being rolled over to the India MTs. One question asked by a fellow MT..."what does this mean to the US team on that account?" Well, duh, it means "scr#w you, US MTs...You are out of work and will no longer be able to pay your bills."

did you hear the very last part s/m - MTer

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There was a direct question at the end of if there would be any new work for US MTs and the answer was that he didn't know. He didn't know! It does not sound as if it is in the plan to get us any more accounts. That was very unnerving to hear that. That's why I have a new part-time job now and hope to transition away from this company. I used to love it here. :(

unnerving to say the least! s/m - Alice

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why should we get any of the work when the Indians consistently perform well over 99% for every month every year LOL. [being sarcastic...obvs]
revenue - Martha
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Yes, and did you hear how much revenue the company made? 4.1 Million? Okay, my check was half as much as it was before starting SR....and doing twice as much work....So WHO exactly GETS that 4.1 million???
Who? - medspeaker
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Can you guys tell me what company you are talking about. I think it may be the one I quit last month. It probably goes the same for many large companies and as bad as I hate to say this, a transcriptionist union is the only thing that would save our jobs.
Acusis n/m - Alice
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I betcha AHDI got some of it. - (nm) - Rocky Raccoon
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Maybe they spent the money on Hindi lessons. - }:p
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So they can give the Indians a bunch of B.S. too, when they start sucking all THEIR work away from them and handing it to China.
Im sure the cow-worshippers are evaluated on a - different (lower) scale than the US MTs are. nm
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I agree. Show us the money. What did they do - with all the cash they stole from us -

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during last year's rape (I mean pay cut)? Did PB get herself a new $50K Lexus? Maybe good old RD got himself a swanky new yacht? Or Mr. You-Lose-Ski wolfed down a few thousand more Krispy Kremes? While the rest of us are eyeing the canned dog food in the pantry, and wondering if you can make meatloaf out of it.

a bunch of bull - Martha

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He basically used a whole lot of words without saying much of anything....another wasted hour. Big whooping deal that we get paid for that hour.....less than minimum wage.

Precisely why I dont attend the global calls anymore - - its just a lot of corporate doublespeak. nm

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