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onshore post audits??/ - new but old

Posted: Nov 10, 2013

Anybody getting these now??  Instead of just explaining my error or what they believe is an error - I am getting a 4 paragraph explanation for each one.  I certainly don't mind criticism but I feel like I am being talked to like a 2 year old who has done something wrong.  It is amazing to me how they hear something completely different than what I heard and I am told I should have left a blank if I felt there was a problem.  Do they not realize that if I felt there WAS a problem I WOULD have left a blank?????


Errors - burnedoutco

[ In Reply To ..]
I have not really been getting post audits, but on ones I send with blanks, the reports are picked through and I am getting these "explanations" at length like I am really stupid and slow. The thing is that nothing is consistent, one QC says this is wrong and then in a different report another QC says it is the way you should do it even though a previous QC said it was wrong. Makes you head spin. Then you have to take your own time to get it reversed. I think I will just stop taking the time to get reversals, just look at Fiesa, mark reviewed and go on my way. How much time would be saved if there was just some consistency.

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