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acct going to Escription, Nuance won't upgrade company sypplied computer- sm - MT wallet

Posted: Apr 30, 2013

Nuance says they will make a $300 loan toward purchase of a personal computer to work on te account, paid in 26 installments. I know a decent computer that has their specifications will cost more than that. What to do?  I'm on Dictaphone now.

I mean supplied - MT wallet

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also need new glasses!

Nuance no longer supplies a computer. - anon

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They supply a foot pedal only, I believe.

I suppose in this modern era, it is expected that everyone already has a computer so it isn't asking anyone to supply equipment that is above and beyond.

I will say the "loan" program is hilarious. You buy the computer, send them the receipt and they will send you a check for $300 and you repay it over 26 weeks. LAME.

Not lame at all. At least they offer to loan - it to you.....

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interest free! If you worked at an office but you didn't have a car to get to work in, would the company LOAN you the money to buy a car?? I think not. Same difference.
Sorry, I was never a cheerleader. I still think it's lame. - Ever heard of public transport, so not same
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IMO, still not lame at all. In these days of - corporations not giving
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2 cents about their employees at all, I think "loaning" the money interest-free is a pretty good deal. Yeah, I've heard of public transport. You have to PAY for that too, don't you? But, I guess YOU would ask your employer to pay for THAT too, huh? Same thing.
Wow, it's really scary how much some people just sit back and take - blech
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Don't make assumptions. - try reading post entirely.
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I don't want anyone to pay for anything, nor did anything I said indicate that I did.

If you want to work for this company (or any other for that matter) and they ask you to supply things then either do it or move on. So get off Ye Olde High Horse with me.
I simply stated that the $300 "loan" is lame. I continue to stand by that.
I wasn't ON a high horse with you. I was - simply stating MY
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opinion, just as you are yours. And I still stand by MY opinion that it isn't lame at all. :) You have yourself a nice day now, ya hear?
Clearly and obviously you did not even read my post. - anon
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You made a HUGE assumption that I wanted someone to PAY FOR EVERYTHING.

Actually, my statement in my original post was exactly the OPPOSITE of that.

I said everyone has a computer now days, so it isn't like they are asking too much.

Now you go on and tell me how I am wanting freebies based on that?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Bottom line. Ask them, "Am I an employee or an independent contractor?" - sm

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If your status is employee, then they have to supply you with the computer for the upgrade. If you are an independent contractor (which you probably are not), then I can see paying for your OWN computer. However, an IC would also make more money than Nuance would ever be willing to give anyone.

Followup: Call your state department of labor - sm

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I'm sure it is different in every state, but you should call and find out. Generally, the following is true:

"Does the worker providing labor or services furnish the tools and supplies necessary for the performance of the contracted labor or service? Generally, an employer furnishes tools and supplies for their employees while independent contractors furnish their own.

Has the worker invested in the equipment or facilities used in performing the labor or services? A significant investment by the worker in the equipment or facilities used in performing the labor or services usually indicates independent contractor status."

My husband had to supply all of his own tools as an employee working at a factory. - anon

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So, I don't think a requirement to supply equipment necessarily defines whether you are employee or IC.

That's why I suggested calling DOL. It might not be legal. - SM

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it might be legal. You don't know until you call. I have called DOL before about how pay for vacation/sick time was calculated and it took me 3 minutes to talk to the person, who called me back with an answer within 3 hours. It wasn't that hard to make the call and at least you know if it's on the up and up or not. If you are just willing to take everything at face value with this company, then I guess that's your prerogative.

Not true. As an employee, a company - see message

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may require you to supply your own equipment, PCs, uniforms or supplies.

yeah, those are the facts. - anon

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However, when I made a similar statement, I was basically told I was naive, in a very condescending way, for my opinion on the matter.

The facts as you see them. - nm
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Well, not really, facts are pretty much just facts and - and wishing they were not so changes them not at a
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Hey, I'm not wishing anything. I'm just suggesting - SM
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That the individual get their facts for THEMSELVES rather than relying on people who randomly answer on this board. What is so wrong with that? You make a call, you find out, you know for sure. I don't know you. How do I know you even know what you're talking about. How does the poster know I know what I'm talking about? They don't know until they find out the facts for themselves.
Correct and this includes your opinions, which are very forcefully made - I might add. NM
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So are yours, I might add, opinions, forcefully made. Free country - nm
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Prove it. - nm

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Argument of "proof" aside, why would you even want to be classified as an IC? - anon
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You still have to sign a contract for a schedule (you do, you just do). You get no benefits, like PTO or insurance AND you pay all of your own taxes.

I just do not see the benefit of being an IC. This argument boggles my mind.

If you tell me that it sets up some beautiful lawsuit to FORCE the MTSOs to treat employees fairly, I shall merely point to MedQuist's lawsuit where the employees and former employees benefited not at all from that, even though MedQuist "lost" the lawsuit and the MT "won."

I have to say with all the complaining and threats of lawsuits and actual lawsuits, no wonder the MTSOs are sending all the work overseas.

For my reason, I am paid twice as much (as I was at Nuance). - nm
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I don't need the overpriced insurance, I could never actually use my vacation days for vacation because I was always running out of work and, finally, because it's easy to mail my tax payments myself quarterly.
Okay. I did IC for years and was so happy to be done with it. - anon
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Different people with different priorities, needs and experiences.

Funny how that works.
I don't think so - See MSG
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Nuance's insurance is certainly not over priced. Also in regards to being an IC you DO pay more taxes as you have to pay the "employer" part of Social Security.
Be serious. You must have missed the part - SM
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where I said I make TWICE as much now as when I worked at Nuance. The difference in taxes is about 6% more for me. Big deal. I'm making TWICE what I was at Nuance. And, yes, insurance at Nuance is over-priced and not that good either. I used to work there. I know. And, I stand by my statement about PTO. What good is it if you are always running out of work and you have to use it to SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME? Please.
I don't know what PROOF you need but.. - OHMT
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but I have had my own service for 3 years and I had 2 MTs try to take me in front of DOL because THEY thought I HAD to provide them with a computer to "let" them work for me. Guess what? DOL told them that I wasn't forcing them to work for me. If they wanted to work for me, and my company rules state I do NOT provide a computer, they would need to buy their own. How's that??
LOL, great post. Those are FACTS. NM - anon
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Did you take out taxes? Did you offer PTO? - SM
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The reason I ask is because it sounds to me like you are talking about independent contractors, not employees. That's the point I'm trying to make. Nuance has employees.
Yes, I took out taxes, I told them how to do - things. They were
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EMPLOYEES. Trust me, I know the difference between ICs and employees. You don't own your own company and not know that difference.
Point taken. There is still a possibility that the OP's state does things differently. - nm
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Yeah, I guess so. Not sure though.... - OHMT
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Dept of Labor is a federal office and I would think that would be nation-wide. But, like you too, I'm not sure either.
Hmmm, gee, do you think Nuance has lawyers? - this post not aimed at OHMT.
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Well, if they do, I am sure they weren't smart enough to know the ins and outs and loopholes of labor laws.

Insert argument that Transcend and MedQuist have both been sued.

At least in MQ's case that resulted in nada for the MT. Oh yeah, I work for MModal too and guess what, you have to supply your own computer for their new platform too. Guess their lawyers are stupid too.

Oh, and I worked for 2 or 3 other services as an employee and I had to supply equipment for them too. There must be a lot of really stupid lawyers out there.
Actual quotes by dumb lawyers link - sm
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They don't have to supply you with anything - to work from home.

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I don't know where you got your information from, but they don't have to supply you with one thing.

I don't know the specs you have to meet but check out - NewEgg.com

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Their reconditioned computers are sometimes KILLER deals. The one I'm on right now cost me I think $170 a few months ago, including shipping. And they have a GREAT reputation among techie folks.

You can get a brand new Dell Desktop for $249. - Even cheaper on eBay.

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Ebay sells brand new in the box Dell computers, the whole package, monitor and all. The Dell computer FROM Dell is $249 but you still have to buy a monitor. Depending on what you want, there are all kinds of deals out there on monitors. Check TigerDirect.com. It boils down to this. If you work from home, you KNOW you will use a computer for more than just working. If you were to work outside in their office, THEY would supply you with a computer, where they would have control of what you use it for. The days of companies providing a computer for an "at home" employEE are gone.

thanks for the suggestions, will check them out! nm - MT wallet

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