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MQ computer upgrade - COL with cats

Posted: Nov 30, 2011

To those of you using MQ computers, if you had to get a different one because your current one was not going to work wtih the new upgrade in December, did they want your old one back?  Why? 

I threw out my boxes, and the only shipping labels I have are for the center they closed down. 

Hey, if it won't work, will they want it back?

Tell 'em to send the CEO in his private jet to pick - it up. nm

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For HIPAA reasons mostly - DQS stores backup reports on your computer

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Or used to, I'm not sure if it still does, but if you've had yours before DQS 6 came out, the autosaves are saved on your harddrive.

Yes, they do want the old computers back, - Jaz

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for HIPAA reasons I believe. They will send a return packing label with the new computer and you can use that box to send the old one back. Can call FedX to come pick it up, that is what I did. Be sure to get a receipt as proof you sent it back just in case.

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