A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Wow, they shut you out of Webmail quickly after you quit - formernuancer

Posted: Mar 21, 2015

Like within 2 to 3 hours. It's not like I care about the e-mails in the account, but wouldn't they want to talk to me about getting their foot pedal back to them? Or removing software?


Anyway, I'm free!

Foot pedal - Alice

[ In Reply To ..]
I don't think they care. I removed their software from my computer when i left, but they never actually mentioned it and they never asked for their foot pedal. I still have it after 5 years.

Quit - Bobo

[ In Reply To ..]
Did you give 2 weeks?

Food Pedal - Resigned

[ In Reply To ..]
I put in my notice last week and in the email I received back from my TSM is says this under the equipment return section "There is no need to return foot pedal issued to you from the Company." So I guess that is your parting gift :) LOL.

I'm free too!! After this week anyway...

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