A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MTSOs who don't outsource? - Curious

Posted: Jun 05, 2015

I refuse to work for a company who outsources anymore. I don't mind waiting for the right job, but I'm wondering if it even exists. Do any companies NOT outsource work to India? Anyone know?  


Thanks is in advance. :)

Outsource vs. off-shore. - sm

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I think you mean companies that off-shore. Off-shore means sending work out of the U.S. Outsourcing is what the hospitals and clinics do. They outsource to all of the MTSOs we work for.

Hopefully, someone will mention the name of a company that doesn't off-shore. Most of them do off-shore, though.

No such animal anymore. - :(

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Keystrokes doesn't. I like it there. sm - Another KS MT

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I've been there just over 5 years and am happy.

Don't you run out of work all the time? I have 7 accounts and I do. - Also KS

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