A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Does Transcend outsource? - PT

Posted: Nov 28, 2009

Is it true that Transcend outsources to offshore transcriptionists?  I'm with MDI as it merges with Transcend, and if this is true, I don't want to condone it by staying with MDI as it becomes Transcend unless I absolutely cannot find another job.

Yes, they admit to outsourcing, usually at night, but... sm - tj

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would not do so much of it if they had more of us willing to work at night, or at least that is what I was told by the ROM.

Transcend says the reason for outsourcing was - Answers

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they could not find enough US transcriptionists to fill the jobs. This was run in the Atlanta newspaper about 2 years ago and someone should still have a copy to give exact wording on this. The CEO stated not enough MTs.

I work nights - PT

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I do understand that if they mainly only use for night coverage, especially with the time difference. I'm the only night coverage on my account at this point. I'm single with no kids, so it's fine with me. Weekends, too. Wish there were a bonus, though :)
Nighttime coverage - MDIMT
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I work for MDI and work the night coverage, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. 2 nights per week,and I was sure there were others covering most every night of the week on all accounts. I think we get paid differential for working hours after midnight.

Why they outsource - anon

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Because they CAN. Because they do not care about American jobs for American workers. I would not work for such a company.

which is fine, but don't put the rest of us down who need to work.nm - anon but like a paycheck

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Not putting you down at all - anon
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I just have a personal belief that people who value their country do not work for people who offshore. Period. And believe you me, I need to work as much or more than anyone else. I have a special needs child. I also need to be able to look at myself in the mirror and know that I did not participate in the sellout of America.

When I worked there my account was entirely SM - Anon

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outsourced. However, this was after the hospital had contracted with eScription, and we were told it was the hospital's decision to cut the rate it would pay an MTSO to outsource level. Transcend could service offshore or lose the account. At that time it seemed to me that a lot of eScription-associated companies were starting to outsource, though I haven't been watching what's been happening since.

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