A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

why are we not checking out companies that don't outsource? - missindale

Posted: Jan 25, 2011

there are jobs over there on the job seekers board that say no outsourcing, US only.  we are unhappy here.  are those companies bad too?

Medquist - Rocketgirl

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I have no idea why we're not trying to find something better. Maybe that which we already know feels safer. Plus, I worked for one company that paid literally pennies per day before Spheris/Medquist. ****

No Outsourcing Companies - ICMT

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It took me forever to find another company to work for and then I quit MQ, but I had to take an IC position. When that bunch didn't work out, I found local companies and do clinic notes and of course, no fear of outsourcing there, but eventually, it will be gone probably. I am still working as an IC though. If there are companies out there that don't outsource or use VR and will employ you as an employee, I have yet to find it. I have found other jobs, but it is almost all voice and the ESLs are 90% of the dictators. Again, what to do? I am hanging by a thread it seems. I keep looking, but have been an IC for over a year now, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

I work for one. - Anon

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I work for a smallish (80 or so MTs) MTSO that does not outsource or use VR. Everyone who works here is an employee. They pay well, have enough work, and treat us well. I'm not giving their name because they are not hiring and don't want to be slammed with resumes, but I wanted you to know there are such companies out there. You shouldn't give up looking. I used to work for Spheris and can attest that there is life beyond the huge MTSO!

Where - Where

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