A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Feb 16, 2015

If any TSMs, Regional Managers or executives are reading posts on this site, I don't know how you sleep at night!  We, as MLS', know exactly what is going on, even though you think we are stupid.  The only reason you have implemented the "Patient Safety Compensation Plan" is to pay us less so Nuance can make more money, it has nothing to do with patient safety, it is corporate greed so STOP all the lies!!!

Also, please save all the crap at the end of the "updates" that continue to say how much you appreciate us, it just irritates us even more and I for one want to sign off immediately.  If we were truly appreciated, it would be reflected in our pay and our PTO.  I also love how the managers have a "corporate holiday" yet we must use our own PTO for any holiday and the accural rate is ridiculous!  None of us can actually take a vacation, not to mention if we are sick - OMG we are totally screwed.  I'm waiting for you to show up and insert a chip into my body so you can track my every move!

If Nuance treated us like people with real lives and actually valued us, I'm sure most of us would bend over backward to work more and help out whenever necessary but since that is not the case, you will get what you pay for. 

My biggest issue with Nuance is the fact that so much work is being shipped overseas taking all the work from the American MLS'!!!  I think it should be illegal, it's definitely immoral and disgusting!!!! I wish the Federal Government would step in and shut it down.  I know what we get paid here so I'm sure those poor people get even less to allow the execs to become millionaires. How proud you must feel!

I'm done with my rant and I know nothing will change but it makes me feel better to let you know we don't believe anything you say so stop pretending you care!! 






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If patient safety were really important to Scruance and their clients, someone would get after the dictators and insist that they stop dictating on cellphones and start speaking in a clear, coherent fashion. More errors are made from misunderstanding them than anything else! It's so nice to be punished while doing our job. If we can't understand some pompous jerk who doesn't know how to speak, we get penalized with QC percentages. Nice.

Furthermore, why should we take classes on how to *understand* how an ESL butchers English. That is the absolute height of preposterousness in my view! They should not be allowed to dictate until they master the English language and can string together at least one coherent thought in a sentence.

Patient Safety - Classes

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Once upon a time when I worked for Spheris, they wanted to do the same thing. Learn how to understand the ESLs. They used to send out lists and lists of things for us to use while transcribing. Like that is going to happen. I thought is was beyond absurd at that time and now this joke of a company wants to do the same thing! Wow, stupidity runs rampant with these companies. Way to go Corporate. You are all such jerks!

Right on! - Anon

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Doctors are "Gods" and Nuance does not care what we have to go through but they are sure ready to bust us if we cannot hear or understand them! They will never tell any physician to stop using their cellphones or speaker phones. It's all up to us to make them sound like they know what they are talking about.

Nuance Managers, - Also known as The Devil

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Your post was 100% right on and I couldn't agree more. I actually wrote a similar letter to corporate Nuance at one point, also stating I would not take a position with them, because of what I read on MTStars. Again, don't know who read it, if anyone, I am sure they get mail all the time, or e-mails, but like you I had to vent.

I hate to see what has become of being an MT, but my best advise is to quit these places and move on. I know there are a lot of MTs out there that put up with the abuse, low pay, horrible ESLs etc. and wouldn't leave for anything, but if the majority of you left, it would have an impact and tell them why, tell them like it is and quit. That is what I did with M*Modal when I just couldn't take one more second of that place. Talk about devils! Worse!!!

Nuance blues - Anon

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Listen my sisters -- no one takes advantage of us without our permission. I have worked for nuance and complaining will only make things worse. Quit. If you can't then ask yourself why you need to play the victim.

We are ALL victims - We were

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lied to from the beginning about pay, schedules, benefits, etc. or I would not have accepted this job and I'm sure others feel the same way. I am looking for another job and will definitely quit as soon as I find something but others may not have that option since they live in rural areas where there is not a lot of opportunity. Must be nice if you can afford to quit but many cannot and Nuance knows that, we are held hostage!

Victims - SuziQ

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Yes, it is a sad day, when you have to stay at such a horrible job because there is nothing out there. I do believe that is the case for many MTs, either due to geography, age, physical limitations, etc. I have been down the road of working for these companies and did manage to find a decent MT job, but I am an IC; it was that or stay at Nuance or M*Modal and suffer. It was horrible and it took me a year to get back on my feet and now I am still looking to get out of MT altogether, and not having much luck, unless I want to work for $8.85 to $10 an hour which I can do at home. These companies should be held accountable for the "lies" they spew, but they aren't; they should be accountable for the horrid QA rules and all that Book of Style garbage. They should treat us decently and pay us decently, but they don't; I hope they all burn! Good luck to all of us.
New to transcription - What does IC mean?
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IC = Independent Contractor - nm
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The only way you win is to leave en masse. - adiosamigos

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Find a way to get out and don't give notice. No work force, no income.

They only speak pocketbook.

EBAY? - Meh

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I've been meaning to start selling on EBAY, but procrastinating. Maybe current Nuancers who can't find another job can make the same amount of money from EBAY and thus leave en masse. Down with Nuance. Ha, ha. Let all the jobs go to India including the difficult jobs and have them get in trouble with patients and get sued.

Sick of the BS - Fool

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Bingo! I have discouraged countless folks from going into this "profession," a profession where we are expected to have MD, MD/PhD, Pharm D, and DDS/MD behind our names for a minimum wage job.

As a former manager - Truth

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who has been laid off, I can tell you that the TSMs, managers, etc, don't necessarily agree with upper management. Only a select few are in on policy making. The rest just have to follow along and try to sound positive.

So, managers get pink slips while MLS get no work or fired? sm - Undead

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Something is very wrong with that picture. I have not seen any MLS post that she/he has been laid off. Maybe I missed it.

I do believe you that most of the TSMs are just following a script, particularly when we receive the generic emails they send out. Some of them cannot seem to string a sentence together actually. LOL

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