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Question for third shift MTs... - passing through

Posted: Jun 14, 2010

I have been working third shift for about three months and am still having some trouble getting used to it.  My question is do you work your shift then go to sleep or do you stay up until later in the afternoon and then sleep until your shift starts.  I work a 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and am trying to find the best way to be able to stay awake during my shift.  I do not drink coffee.  I have tried some of those energy drinks that are sugar free, which helped some, just now wondering how others handle it.  Thanks ~michelle

night shift - been there

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I KNOW OF WHAT YOU SPEAK!!! You have described me to a tee. I have done that since Easter and still not used to it. This is the first time I have ever worked this shift (used to 5 a.m. to 2 p.m.) I am also 10-6. I do go right to bed at 6 a.m. but I am never able to sleep past 10 or 11, definitely not enough sleep. Then I sometimes take a "nap" around 8 or 9 p.m. but if I do sleep, I wake up tired and stay tired the rest of the night. I now set my cell phone alarm for every half hour just in case. I know I have fallen asleep at my computer, especially if the dictators are boring and monotone and I blame it on them that I fall asleep.

Well, to correct my problem and get some sleep, I have quit this job and going back to 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. and I can hardly wait. I have heard you either "love" or "hate" the third shift. I am too darn old for this. It is really messing up my life and those around me. And people are telling me how tired I look, and I agree.

Sorry about your situation, but been there, done that. Good luck, but I don't have an anwer for you. I know there may be others, but I just made it easy on myself and quit the job. An easy way out, maybe but . . .

nightshift - nan

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I used to work that shift too and I agree with the above-poster, I don't think you ever get used to it. I also tried to sleep right afterwards and then take a nap before my shift. You never seem to get enough straight sleep. It is always broken up and our bodies need straight sleep. It helps a little to get up from your computer once every hour or so and to take a stretch break. I literally go on my living room floor and lay and stretch and walk around a bit. I figure I get more done that way than trying to sit for hours at a time falling asleep. I guess there are many different ways people tolerate night shift. Personally, I think our bodies are just not made to do that. When I was younger, things were closed at night and you couldn't even find a gas station open on a Sunday, but things have changed; our bodies just don't know it. LOL Good luck.

nightshift - nan

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Forgot to mention. Another thing you might try is see if you can split the shift up a bit. Perhaps work 4 hours, take a 2-hour break and then work another 4 hours. If that is possible, it might help to get a 2-hour nap in. If not, before you go to bed in the morning, try getting a good yoga cd and do that each morning before going to bed. It is really relaxing and maybe you could sleep longer. Another thing that helps is to realize you are working full time and if you are like me, your mind was always on the things around the house that had to be done along with that job. Well, learn to say poohy on the things that have to be done and you will get done what you can and the rest will be there until you can get to it. Remember housework and raising kids is a full time job and if we are working moms, we really have 2 full time jobs. I'm over trying to be a supermom. I just do what I can and let the rest go until another day.

If all else fails, take a 15-minute power nap - Love Being a Night Owl

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I agree that people are either born a night owl or an early bird – and never the twain shall meet.  I have ALWAYS been a night owl.  When I worked in-house days, I was always late in the morning because no matter what time I went to bed, I could not fall asleep before 3 am. 

I do not work third shift because of any extra pay for shift differential – it is because that is actually my natural circadian sleep rhythm. 

Not to discourage you, but that is really something you should keep in mind and don’t flog yourself because you cannot get used to working nights.  Some people never do.   Another bit of bad news for night owls, “In late 2007, the World Health Organization classified shift work as a “probable” cause of cancer -- a position that the American Cancer Society indicates it is likely to follow.”   The consequence of that could be higher health insurance rates if you ever have to buy insurance on your own and do not qualify for an employer’s group policy.   

So, if you are working the third shift because of the extra pay, so you can share childcare with your spouse, or any other reason other than that you are truly a night person, I would highly recommend that you try to change shifts as soon as you can.  The damage you do to your health now may never be repaired. 

As far as sleep, what’s that?  As a night owl, I let my body decide when it wants to sleep.  I have alternated between going right to bed when my shift is over at 8 am to staying awake and going to bed at 6 pm, 6 hours before my shift is to begin (I never sleep more than 5 to 6 hours straight no matter when I go to sleep, so I do not bother trying to get 8 hours anymore). 

I try to break it down by the week.  I work Tuesday through Saturday.  So on Saturday at 8 am, I go lie down.  If I fall asleep within 15 to 30 minutes, then that is my schedule for the rest of the week. 

However, if I lie down at 8 am on Saturday and am still awake at 9 am, I force myself to get out of bed and go about my normal routine until 6 pm or later.  I do that schedule until I work my five days and Saturday rolls around again. 

Don’t try to switch back to being up days and sleeping at night on your days off.  It never works.  You just end up being more tired and sometimes more irritable for the first couple of nights that you are back at work.  Once you get some kind of schedule going, stick to it. 

It is a real pain for your family to adjust to you going to bed at odd times, but they (and you) will eventually accept it and adjust activities accordingly, even on your “days off.”

Once you get into a sleep rhythm, you will find that staying alert for 8 hours overnight will be easier.  When I have gotten minimal sleep because of a family crisis or appointments that throw off my sleep schedule completely, I do try to get up and move around.  Every hour or two I get up for a glass of ice cold water and sip on that instead of soda or coffee.  I keep a bowl of crunchy vegetables (carrots, celery, radishes) on my desk and chomp on those.  Sometimes just the act of chewing wakes me up, but I do not like to chew gum. 

If all else fails, I have tried this and it actually works for me.  I go into a dark room, set a timer for exactly 15 minutes, sit in a large comfy chair (no lying down – I do not want to get too comfortable), elevated my arms on the armrests of the chair, close my eyes, lower my head, and try to erase any thoughts from my brain.  Sometimes I do not even fall asleep; I just sit calmly and listen to music with no thoughts whatsoever.  When the alarm goes off, I open my eyes and feel like I just got up from a decent sleep. 

Here is the documentation for this

Scientists say that a successful midday nap depends on two things: timing and (no kidding) caffeine consumption. Experiments performed at Loughborough University in the UK showed that the sleep-deprived need only a cup of coffee and 15 minutes of shut-eye to feel amazingly refreshed.

1.   Right before you crash, down a cup of java (or other caffeinated drink). The caffeine has to travel through your gastrointestinal tract, giving you time to nap before it kicks in.

2.   Close your eyes and relax. Even if you only doze, you'll get what's known as effective microsleep, or momentary lapses of wakefulness.

3.   Limit your nap to 15 minutes. A half hour can lead to sleep inertia, or the spinning down of the brain's prefrontal cortex, which handles functions like judgment. This gray matter can take 30 minutes to reboot.


Hope that gave you something to think about.

Good luck on your night shift. 


3rd shift - us_mt

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I have been working the 10-6 shift for just over a year now. I find the best thing for me is staying awake to do my paperwork, watch a little TV and go to bed around 10 or 11 a.m. That way I sleep until (hopefully)3 or 4 p.m. This puts me at only 14-15 hours awake at 6 am. Usually people are awake about 16-18 hours during the regular work "day", so this schedule puts you in the same schedule so you can stay awake. I have always been a night owl anyway, goint to bed around 2 or 3 am and getting up at 7 or 8 am, I just figured it would be better to be paid money to be awake those hours lol. My problem is a lot of the time I can't get tired enough by 10 to go to sleep and end up staying up longer, thus sleeping later and boom, there goes the perfect schedule. If you find that happens, go for an hour snooze an hour and a half before your shift starts (you'll be amazed how that "power nap" will help you make it through the night) I need that 1/2 hour extra to wake up completely before starting. Hope this helps. Trust me, you'll find your perfect schedule. I love working this shift because there are no interruptions. Good luck to you! :)

Night Owl here... - RubySoho

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I work 2nd and 3rd shift and love it. Like the other poster, I've always been a night owl, even since childhood. My internal clock runs on Wonderland time or something, lol!

The best tip I can give for energy for staying awake is to try to avoid a lot of excess caffeine. You'll just crash and burn even harder after a couple of hours.

I find the best thing to perk me back up are the Atkins protein drinks (lots less sugar and carbs than the other energy type drinks but packs a lot of protein). Also, I try to keep healthy snack-type stuff at hand (soy nuts, string cheese, Atkins protein bars, raw almonds, etc.) for a little added energy and nutrition.

If I'm still a bit distracted, I'll cruise over to You Tube and blast my ears clear with a couple of songs that make me want to get up and move around.

I think I love working the night shift because I can be as crazy as I want to and have fun while I'm working, because it's really easy to convince yourself that you're the ONLY maniac awake and perky at that hour, lol! Sometimes I even grab one of my little dogs and dance around with them, too. They love the unexpected attention.

Good luck to you and let us know how you like the other side of the looking glass after your system adjusts :-)

NightOwl 2B - Tami

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I'm glad you asked this question, because I am fixing to start night shift and wanted some input. My schedule is going to be somewhat odd. I will be working 2 different schedules, rotating weekly. One week I'll be off Mon and Tues, then work 6pm-6am Wed and Thurs night, off Friday until 6pm-10pm, work Sat 5am-7am, then back on at 6pm-10 pm and Sun 5am-7am and 6pm-10pm. The next week it will be working Mon and Tues nights 6pm-6am, off Wed and Thurs, and then Fri, Sat, and Sun will be same as the other week. I have children and know there will definitely be less interruptions and they are all in school as of this school year too, so I can sleep some during the day if need be. I'm enjoying all of your suggestions and hope to incorporate some of them into my routine. Oh, and I am on a 100% VR account also, which I have never done, so that is going to be different too. I'll let you all know how I am doing once I get going.

Thank you for the suggestions... - passing through

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I have always been a night owl also, but normally in bed by 2 a.m. at latest 3. It is the extra three hours that really gets to me. I have tried to ask them to adjust the schedule, but they need someone for the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., so kind of stuck there. I don't get extra for that shift, but the account is one of the best hospital accounts I have been on, so that is why I keep it. I know it is getting easier to make it through the shift, so hopefully soon it will become more of a habit and work better for me. Good luck to those getting ready to start this type of shift, because as some of the posters say, you either have a body clock for this shift or you don't and you will find out quick if you don't. ;o)

What worked for me was a hot shower, eye mask, ear plugs, and melatonin - Sassy Pants

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