A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

get your questions answered - fedup

Posted: Aug 05, 2010

I strongly urge that anyone with any type of Medquist complaints (gee, that would be about 99% of us, right?) e-mail ****** They need to hear from ALL of us regarding these issues . . .  no work, low pay, no responses.  Voice your complaints or opinions loudly . . . they need to be hearing from as many of us as possible.

what good is that going to do? - out of curiosity

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In my paranoid state, I feel that this would put me on one of those "lists" of "targeted employees (customers)" that are labeled as "trouble makers" and I certainly cannot take the chance on losing my house over an e-mail.

In the years and years that I have been at this place, no changes have ever been made to benefit the MT and I seriously doubt that some e-mails from the very low percentage of employees that work here would make a difference.

No good can come of this... In my opinion.

Agree - SM

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If one million MTs emailed the company it would make no difference. They know exactly what they are doing to achieve their goals, and they certainly already know how it affects each and every transcriptionist. It would do no good at all. It's not like it would be news to them. They simply don't care.

They would probably get a bonus - anon

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for a job well done.

what good - Joyce Garbark

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I must say I'm surprised at anyone being this fearful of speaking up. In 2005 when my father-in-law died, I was shocked to find out that only Medquist in-office employees got paid for funeral days, transcriptionists were entitled to nothing. So I wrote to the president of the company at that time and expressed my feelings. I brought up the fact that just because they don't see our faces in the office every day doesn't mean we don't need time to grieve just as the "office employees" would. The following year when my mother-in-law died, the policy was changed and I received pay for 3 days off for a death in the family. I'm not suggesting to scream and holler, I'm just saying they need to hear us. You need to vent where you will be heard, venting only on this site won't get you anywhere. If you do it in a civil manner,on what grounds could they fire you?

Nobody's Afraid - Old MT

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Nobody's afraid, it's just a waste of time. Things were actually almost nice in 2005,but just going sour. I remember it well. Also, MQ probably found out it was illegal to not offer bereavment leave, so they had to do it.

As you can see, we have all made plenty of noise (do you think they don't read this and that the masses haven't sent e-mails?), and there is still no change in the ASR nonsense and other nonsense.

It would be a better idea to make use of EAP. - tnt

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The MQ Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) helps you cope with issues in your life. Call *** to speak with a professional counselor, 24 hours a day.

Of course, I would ask who was paying for the call ;) EAP is normally a free service provided by a company and the counselor is held to confidentiality.

Who knows, maybe they would help you leave.

Wish me luck - this weekend I take my test for a professional license which will be my ticket out of here. I've been busy at school for the past year to get my required courses so I can take this test.

BTW - EAP info is at MQ Central. - nm

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re: out of curiosity and sm and anon - marney

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It is exactly YOUR C.S. attitude that will yield no results. Unfortunately, your attitudes are the rule rather than the exception. Your HEAD IN THE SAND, paranoid, rather take a beating than stand up for yourself, sad, beaten down attitude.

I for one will and DO complain when I need to. I want my voice heard. I'm not afraid to try to improve my situation and am very PROACTIVE. Know what it does for me??

2. My CCM and QA and RTL know me on a first name basis and greet me, listen to my issues and HELP ME.
3. I AM HAPPY with my work and job.
5. I have enough PTO for VACATIONS.

Sure, there are issues that come up. This is by no means a perfect workplace, but the only way it can improve is by getting active and involved and having your voice heard.

If you are PARANOID or feel that you are going to be "TARGETED", then it's my belief you're not putting 100% into doing a good job.

Like any other job I have taken on, I give 100%. It's MY reputation on the line afterall. I do a good job, do a good days worth of work, and have self respect and pride enough to know that IF I call with an ISSUE, I am NOT going to "get in trouble" for it. I know MY worth.

To FEDUP: I hope you do use your resources to try to improve whatever it is that's wrong. I HIGHLY recommend it. I mean, GOOD GRIEF!! If they didn't want to hear from us, good or bad, THEY WOULDN'T POST A CONTACT ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER!

re: Marney - I have spoke up!

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I have a great CCM, QA, RTL, and district manager who I know on a first name basis by not only email, but mostly by phone contact.

Then I was moved with my primary to another new CCM. I have spoke to her on the phone numerous times and emails. I keep running out of work.

I feel my current boss is inept and controlling. She doesn’t want to bother with communicating with you because I am higher in cost and she has enough people right now, for the next five minutes. Thus, she thoughtlessly tells me I am “out.” Not enough work.

But then I make a move to my own advantage, out of self-respect, to find a reasonable workload, and she becomes panicky and doesn’t want to lose that all important ability to CONTROL other people. She wants to have all the chess pieces under her control without losing any, but she doesn’t want to be bothered with taking care of the chess pieces or treating them with any respect, because they are only chess pieces after all. What a short-sighted, inhumane perspective. Geez.

I just hope I can keep stepping up and asserting my own righteous and just position as a longtime professional who deserves respect. I can keep doing this without insulting them, although I would imagine that is very hard at this point. I deserve better. Period.

re: spoke up - six gun

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Why don't you go over her head if she is so "inept and controlling". Why give that one pawn in the game all the pieces? I felt the same way and as soon as MQ posted the RTL numbers, i was on it! My issues were resolved, my concerns with my CCM discussed and I'm happier! If it dips down again, I'm making another call. Plain and simple.

I also give 100%, more like 110. I also believe in speaking up for myself and using any and all resources made available. I certainly don't consider myself a pawn in a game.

re: Marney - sm

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Whatever! I wonder really, what your "proactiveness" gets you? How steady can your pay be with ASR paying so little! I do my work, stay low and look what it gets me? I get 9 cpl for the every rare transcription and 5 clp for ASR! wooo. rolling in the dough... I say keep our mouth shut and hope we keep our jobs.

RE:: MARNEY - out of curiosity

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What does me not sending an e-mail to MQ central have to do with me not doing a good job or putting in 100%?

I do my job to 100% every blessed day! I have worked for the Q for 14 years. I pass my audits, I get work for now, occasionally run out and if I do, I do ask for work.


I hope you are better at comprehending the work you type than you were at my previous post!

You assume a lot - SM

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What makes you think we haven't sent dozens of emails,had phone calls, emailed the higher-ups? I know I have, and my CCM told me over the phone that she fought to the point of exhaustion for us, and in her words the higher management is "unyielding." This was last year when my work was so damn bad I was in tears with audio that was too atrocious to describe. I was given two out of three warnings for sending too many reports to QA. I told her over, over,over,and over and even emailed Human Resources telling them I have job numbers and proof that QA could not get 95% of what I could not get. Guess what Marney? My CCM almos broke down over the phone when I finally quit. She said she was actively looking for another job because what this company was doing to its best MTs was horrible. Those were her words. Don't ever tell me I haven't complained. They plain out don't care. So there.

Not To Burst Your Bubble, BUT... - Old MT

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You are apparently new here. People have been screaming for years to no avail. I gave up and just left.

re: old MT - Columbia

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uh huh... very telling Key words: "I GAVE UP and left..."

Don't know about the others, but like Marney, I don't take it blindly and I'm happy here. I'm not new at all, 13 years as a matter of fact.

I also use all resources available to me, call whomever I need to when I need to and don't stop until I get the result I want.

I have been doing this for 6 weeks. - Counted 16 emails

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and 8 phone calls. I have everything recorded. I even BEGGED to be moved back to old CCM with work. Talked to district manager, RTl, you name it I have done that.

Yet in the evenings, I sit with no work and now I cannot pay my cable bill.

Company is forcing me to quit.

Giving Up - Old MT

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I personally don't enjoy a life where I have to daily "fight" to get what I want. First of all, I did, for several years here. Gives me no pleasure whatsoever to throw my weight around day after day after day, to maybe have it work, maybe not. I think it's much more useful in life to just have a job that's not a daily "fight." Peoples' personalities vary, I understand--some like the thrill of the fight, winning, etc. That's all well and good, but you can't berate someone because they have made a decision to not spend their days, months fighting for what should rightfully be their's to begin with.

How nice for you - SM

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And you scoff at the rest of us who were given trash dictation, no work, no responses to problems, not over months, but over years, because you're happy? Enjoy it while it lasts, kiddo. If you end up targeted and forced out you'll be singing a different tune. Stop putting people down and have a little regard for something other than your own happiness.
Not Scoffing - Old MT
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I'm not scoffing at anybody. I have sympathy, trust me. I'm just saying we have choices in life.

I do know my game is not forever, I'm just riding it through as peacefully as I can is all. Definitely not thrilled with the career anymore, even though I work for a reasonably nice place.

I'm considering other career choices.
My post was not to you - SM
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My post was to Columbia. I am sorry this happened. You thought I was speaking to you.
LOL - Old MT
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No problem. I get confused here sometimes. I could swear I'm directly replying to someone and it turns out I'm not.

Anyway, glad to hear I'm not scoffing!
Not in the Least! - SM
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I was so sorry when I saw what I wrote, and to see you thought I was answering you! Take care, friend. I totally agree with what you said! I get confused, too!

do you honestly think they will tell you the truth? - they dont care

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I sat through a call yesterday regarding my unprofessional attitude in asking for them to provide me work and refusing to take PTO or take the days without pay. I was given every excuse as to why work on my primary has slowed down except for the truth. My primary is up for contract and the work has trickled to nothing, meaning the primary is going with another company or being sent to India. I was told to change my hours (to what they could not tell me because there is no work anywhere) and keep track of my NJA tickets. I am not allowed to leave the BOB or the region. Why would they care about me when they can force me to quit and hire 2 new employees for the same price plus get a tax break? I am going to say this again, THEY DONT CARE!!!


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Exact and I am exact same scenario. Holy cow!

There is an account that I know of that have late jobs "consistently" and need help on it. Late jobs are anywhere from 25-200 on this certain account.

Guess what? They will not move me. I have been fighting this for 8 weeks to be moved out of the group. Just cannot do it. They are doing everything and I mean EVERYTHING to get me to quit. Sorry, I am going to be a thorn at their side to the end.

they are "culling the herd" - sickntired

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As I have seen in the past at other companies, MQ is probably run by a lot of people promoted to their highest level of of incompetency.

I got "let go" a couple of weeks ago. Oh yes, I went weeks with no work also. Punch in, punch out... to the point of being nauseated.

I had been having spinal issues (DDD, HNP, OA, spinal stenosis and cervical radiculopathy). I had been getting injections and going to physical therapy. Know what they told me - productivity and attendance. That's right - they used by medical problems for an excuse, even though my CCM approved all of my time off. I hope everyone of them wind up with a pinched nerve because it is not funny. I would love to see them winch in pain everytime they moved their arm.

That being said, I think they did me a BIG favor. I am now happily working as an IC - that means nobody breathing down my neck, no time clock, plenty of work. Oh - and I am making more money. OK - so I don't make PTO. It's a small price to pay to get the heck away from all of the micromanaging and BS. All I want is work and a check. Why do they have to screw it up and make it sooooooooooooo complicated. Does anybody really understand your check stub? I never could.

Anyway - best of luck to you all. I hope they don't screw too many others. We have suffered enough.

A lot more than two of you - SM

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I said I was going to hold on, too. I got so sick and tired of the crap, changing requirements constantly, inconsistencies in QA feedback depending on who was reviewing the report, anything and everything to screw up line counts. When they saw I was not going to quit they started picking at my blanks, stating I was sending too many in to QA. Funny how QA couldn't get it either. How the H are you going to type words that are cut off? How are you going to understand dictation that sounds like the dictator is in a tunnel with his hand over his mouth? I hung on until I realized I was only hurting myself. I made a high line rate, and they were determined to give me the boot. Out and thrilled about it. I hope you can hang in there, or better yet that you can GET OUT. It won't change.
More like hundreds, and soon THOUSANDS, Im sure. - nm - Rocky Raccoon
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