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What was that payroll email all about? - North MT

Posted: Nov 20, 2012

Letting us know that FICA wage limit will change from $110,100 to $113,700.  Thanks.  I know I was stressing about whether I would be under the magic number.  I also was worried about the max I could put in my 401K.  Good to know it is $17,500 but I can also catch up an extra $5000 even though it is more than I will make gross all of next year.  Sometimes I just got to shake my head at these emails.  Why don't they send an email letting us know what number we need to be under so we don't get any federal tax taken out at all?  Or what wage we are still considered poverty level and eligible for assistance.  Who exactly was the intended audience of this email?  Certainly not the working MT with talk of thresholds at $113,000 or $200,000 for Medicare tax rate.

Payroll Email - Indy MT

[ In Reply To ..]
i had the same reaction when I read the line about the FICA wage limit. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. They obviously are too cheap to send out an email to the suits that make that kind of money and then another to the lowly employees. I also agree that maybe they should let us know what limit we should stay under to still qualify for food stamps. Geez. Talk about being clueless.

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