A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Does anyone know the # to payroll dept? - blondie

Posted: Oct 21, 2013

I no longer work there and need to get in touch with them.  Need a copy of W2 and did not have to file a tax return because I did not make enough and do not have a copy of the W2.  Need it for financial aid.  

Did you try getting on the ADP web site? sm - polly

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I don't think ADP takes you out of the system for several years. When I left MM I was able to get my W2s for ages afterward.

Don't remember how to get to ADP site or log in. - blondie

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I don't remember how to get there to that site or log in info.

I got logged in but says not authorized to use.NM.. - blondie

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Going to IRS office - blondie

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I might as well go to the nearest IRS office an hour away. I called the main number for Nuance and had to say what dept I was trying to contact in which they direct you to a voice mail box. I left a message and left my name and number and what I needed. Never called back. I also emailed them yesterday morning and heard nothing. So if I wait for them to contact me I may never get it. I will just drive to the nearest IRS office.

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