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Nuance/Transcend merger back on - anon

Posted: Apr 24, 2012

News is that Nuance waived their requirements so the merger is back on. Sorry to those from Transcend :((

Did not know the merg was ever off? - where did you read this info.

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merger - anon

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Read the multiple posts below concerning the merger. It was not officially off; however, Transcend seemed to be dragging their feet and had not met one of the conditions for the merger. Nuance extended the deadline for that condition to be met, and now they just totally waived the condition, so it will proceed as planned. You can Google Nuance/Transcend merger and there are multiple market sites that report on this, it is not just from 1 source.

Oh, I see. - had not been following. Thought it

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was moving along as planned. Thanks for the info.

merger bonuses - nunforus

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