A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Seattle's minimum wage $15 an hour! - Ready to move

Posted: Jun 02, 2014

Higher than California's $13 an hour.   Of course, the increase will be gradual over the next few years, but in the same amount of time, the state I currently live in will stay one of the lowest despite one of the highest populations and most expensive cost of living.  I'm ready to move...

Just another - state

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from which MTSOs will not hire.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out for businesses and job creation. Fast food places (the targets of the law) are already developing automation that will eliminate the need for more than a couple of humans at a location. Businesses are going to raise prices to cover the inflated demands of the unskilled workforce, so that $15/hr before long will not go very far.

People would be better off acquiring the skills that command a living wage without the nanny state having to intervene. Aspiring to a minimum wage job and then relying on an artificially inflated minimum wage benefits no one.

Nanny state my butt - this is about fairness

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The nanny state has been in the favor of millionaires and CEOs for a heck of a long time. Why do we have so many tax loopholes for the wealthy, did WE think those up?

Upping the minimum wage to make it STILL less in real terms than many many years ago BECAUSE MARKET FORCES ARE NOT WORKING is not artificially inflating anything - what is artificially inflated is the fact that the corporations and very wealthy have absolutely nothing to check their unrestrained greed and power, including consciences or concern for their fellow human beings, apparently.

Really, that's the way it should be, that's fair? Nanny state has been entirely on the side of the rich and corporations, and THAT is what has to stop IMO.

This is the real world, Unrealistic to think things must be fair. - If you want it that way, YOU need to do SM

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something about it. Not wait for someone else to do something. But to think the world is a fair place, or will ever be a fair place, is pie-in-the-sky thinking.

It is easy to come to an anonymous message board and vent about the world being unfair, not so easy to actually start trying to do something about it.
How did it get that way - I wonder?
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Those rich corporations and people got the GOVT to do what they wanted, that's how this unfair situation arose. Of course THEY can do something about it, they're rich and they bribe!

The solution of trying to get rich yourself and screw everybody else so you also can pay politicians to do your bidding is not attractive to me.

Personally, I believe a level playing field (seeing as how this is what this country is supposed to stand for) is something to at least aim for, not to emulate other abusers of the system and try to "get what's yours."

The $15 minimum wage is not remotely close to other countries, it is a pittance, but it's a start. And total BS by the way to say prices will rise. Tell those CEOs who make multiples of any other country CEOs to take a bit less because they DON'T deserve it.
I think it got this way cause the lttle guy LET it get - this way. nm
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It seems you know nothing about business... - sm
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and the trickle-down effect this is going to have. Small businesses (which comprise a great chunk of the business sector) will HAVE to raise their prices to pay for the increase in wage. This is delusionary thinking if you don't think they won't have to. This in turns causes inflation more than we already have now. The simple logic is this: It is going to cost more to produce what we have now. The field workers get more money to pick the lettuce, in turn the farmer will raise his prices to the grocery store, who not only has to pay more for the lettuce, but has to pay his employees more - a double-whammy to guess who - us, the consumers. It's across the board, not specific to a burger flipper. The states that adopt this are dooming themselves to unsustainability for its people. Fast food work is an workforce entrance job. You get some experience, you go on and obtain better employment with a higher wage or go to school to achieve the same. It's not a career, save for a few management positions. You'll see. This country wasn't found on a level playing field; it was founded on work hard, and you will reap the benefits. There are too many out there who won't work at all or just as hard as those who are making a good wage. Bravo for the CEOs and companies who are making a killing - they are using the law to their advantage, just as the slouches and multi-generation welfare recipients are doing as well. I make my own way and I don't care how much anyone else makes. It's up to me to be rich or poor. If I lived in CA or WA, I would be outta there right quick with this new development. It is going to ruin what little chance the CA economy had for improving.
Trickle down in the - first sentence
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And I am not interested. Trickle down - you mean like all that wealth is supposed to do when you cut taxes on the wealthy? That happened. Right.

Maybe you should move to West Virginia, that sounds like a good fit. No regulation, very low wages, environment kaput, but yay freedom!!!
trickle down - anon
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I think she means trickle down as in the expense of the labor will trickle down to you.

A small coffee shop pays a worker minimum wage to make a pot of coffee and pour it in a cup or press beans and froth a little milk. Now the business owner must pay them double what they were making. For that.

Where do you think the owner gets the money to pay the worker? He has no choice but to raise the price of a cup of coffee. Now everyone is screaming that coffee is too expensive, only the rich can afford it, that is unfair, and now we must again raise the min wage. And the cycle continues.

How about the worker who pours a cup of coffee for a living go find a job that pays more than minimum wage? How about that worker try to become the store manager or use his skills to go open his own coffee shop? No, he just wants to pour the coffee and make what you make typing all day and never go out and try for anything more. Next time around, he will just scream, cry, and whine that the min. wage is not enough and it's not fair. Yep, that's the fair TRICKLE DOWN plan - NOT!

You guys should go over to the - Politics board
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You will find many like minded there and you can jump on and pat each other on the back like they do endlessly.

I have learned it is futile to argue with people who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

Somehow the minimum wage turned into coffee shop people making double (somehow) because the minimum wage gets raised a dollar or two, and that will be the end of our economy.

I would rather relate minimum wage to us MTs, the fact many of us are very close if not on it. I do not need "economics" lessons from right wing believers, thank you very much, just personal experience.

Not your husband's business, not some abstract coffee shop, but what about you? If you are making minimum wage or close to it, it's got to be good to get a raise, right?

Never mind. Please no more lectures.
lectures - anon
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Since the current fed min wage is 7.25, 15.00/hour is actually more than double, not a dollar or 2. In Wash state, the increase is a 75% raise.

I do not need a lecture from an "all corporations are greedy and make billions" mentality that is too removed from real world business to argue with logically. The vast majority of companies do not make billions of dollars or even millions.

You really do not understand business 101. Costs of doing business are passed on to you. If you force a raise on wages, it has to come from somewhere. One less worker or more for the product. The owner can't pull it out of his a$$, so, I hope you are happy with having to pay more.

To your last point, if I were making min wage at this, I would find another profession. I have been in a number of fields and risen to higher levels within each and every organization. I have no special talents. I work hard, show up every day and on time, and volunteer to help in any way I can without complaining, and I haven't made min wage since 11th grade, even when starting in a new direction in whole different field. I become a valuable employee, then ask for a raise. Nine times out of 10, I get what I ask for.
I agree-wrong board for all this. NM - mt3
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kinda says they don't know what they're doing...I'm supposed to believe what they're saying? I skip over these.

So why not - make

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the effort to acquire the skills that the mean, evil corporations do value? There are a lot of people in those corporations making a very good living, and not just at the C-suite level. The people getting the good salaries are the ones with the skills and knowledge that bring value to the company and further its success.

You can whine about unfairness (which is nothing more than jealousy over the results of someone else's efforts to succeed), or you can learn from the successful and follow their lead.

Uh, because I have no desire to get a job - screwing good MTs out of $
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That's what you're saying, really? Because the almighty corporations value it, we should aspire to it?

The question is, how would you look in the mirror each morning knowing your purpose in life and your bonus $ was obtained because you are valued by the corporation because you screw deserving people like MTs out of a decent salary, really?

That is why McDonald's and Wal-Mart think it's okay to pay minimum wage and rake in the billions. There is a lack of ethics here.

I believe any company that makes huge profits should be forced to pay for their own employees' food stamps, Medicaid, or other benefits, instead of us, the taxpayers. We are subsidizing them, and you think that's so great? You want a job helping them?

That's how this country went downhill and got that way, CORPORATE welfare and shamelessness.

I am not jealous, I just think success is a relative term and I'm not buying that the skills these corporations want are the ones that the COUNTRY needs.
Interesting that your entire concept of - xx
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careers available to the American population is focused exclusively on MT work. And even if it is, why should acquiring new skills valuable to a company involved in the medical records industry have to mean you were "screwing good MTs out of $"?

The world is full of opportunities. Look beyond the end of your nose. Business is not evil, but if you persist in refusing to understand how it works, you cannot take advantage of what it has to offer.
This board is called MT Stars, right? - Last I checked?
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Not "Careers available to the American population stars"?

Beats me why people who hate MT and think so lowly of us are always on here telling us what to do. If I were so ambitious, I probably would not want to spend hours berating obviously intellectual inferiors who have a woeful lack of your obviously superior ambition and giving them advice.

Personally, I am an MT, I love the work and I want to save it. I know that is probably not very realistic, but I am certainly not interested in what you are selling, maybe you should go on a board where people are?

I don't know, "Corporate Masters of the Universe Stars" maybe?
Those companies already to pay for food stamps - sm
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welfare and Medicaid - it's called taxes LOL.
They do not pay a living wage - because they get away with it
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And WE subsidize all their workers because they would rather have billions in profit. Can you get that?

And speaking of taxes, have you not heard that most of these companies stash their income overseas and pay less taxes than you or I?

Oh, well, any day now we will all become billionaires and then we want these rules for ourselves, right?

what is fair? - anon

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I think everyone should realize the vast majority of people in this country are employed by small businesses, not giant corporations. I can tell you, my husband owns a small business and having to pay 15.00/hr to unskilled workers would result in layoffs of some of them as well as the more skilled workers having to be paid less to cover the now higher cost of the lower paid workers. How is this fair.

Minimum wage jobs are not meant to be a way of life. If you can't get a job and advance yourself to a level beyond minimum wage, you are not working hard enough. My teenage daughter started at a local chain restaurant at minimum and within a year has a dollar an hour more in wage plus now gets tips because she works the take out window. On busy nights, she makes in the upper teens/hr. She shows up on time and does whatever they need without complaint. She says she is one of a very few who do this. The rest show up late and complain about every extra task they are asked to do. That is why she was able to ask for and receive a 1.00/hr raise when the others got a minimal amount.

My sister has a gov job. The first year she took over her dept, she gave bigger bonuses to those who actually deserved and put in the extra time rather than splitting the $$$ equally. The ones who just put in their 40 had the nerve to report her as having not been fair in distribution of the bonus. They got paid for their 40, didn't do anything extra, but wanted equal bonus to those who had put in the extra hours. They actually thought they weren't being treated fairly.

Market forces aren't working because people keep tampering with them, like upping the minimum wage to unfair levels so that those who really DESERVE the extra can't get it. If that was the minimum here, what incentive would my daughter have had to work as hard as she did? There wouldn't have been any extra to pay her better than the ones not working as hard.

What about you as an MTthough? - many make minimum wage
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Through no fault of our own. And I think we all know the market forces involved in our profession, the motivation for outsourcing and offshoring and just plain wage screwing down.

We or the govt haven't manipulated those market forces, the MTSOs, the Chamber of Commerce and similar multinational corporation advocates, as well as our supposed representatives in the AHDI have.

Many of us in untenable situations, whether unable to move to where the jobs are or too old, etc.

I personally would love the minimum wage bumped up. I make more than minimum wage but a lot less than I should and there is virtually no way to make more in this stupid job anymore except working more and more hours, which, yes, I do. I think the MTSOs won't be happy until we all do make minimum wage or quit, so it's all well and good to say small businesses can't afford it, but MTSOs can and should do it voluntarily, but of course they won't, just like McDonald's or Walmart.
doing okay as an MT, but - not what I used to
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No, it is not our fault that MT is a dying field, just as it was not the fault of the typist in the typing pool when word processing took over or the fault of the phone operator when that system got automated. Unfortunately this is a dying profession. In many offices the doctor enters your info in the electronic chart. The ERs have scribes. Then of course there is VR.

Younger people should not get into this field and those still with years and years to go should be working on their exit strategy. Unfortunately, for the older folks like us, it is either stay until the end or start over at something new. Also, fortunately I have saved well over the years when the salary was good and can ride this out until the end.

My old hospital job was outsourced and the MTSO that took us over was the absolute pits. Minimum wage if I was lucky, always out of work, 5 days PTO after 25 years in the biz, etc. I started looking immediately and found a job with all typing and decent pay and benefits. Not what I was making at the hospital, but it is a better job that 90% of what I see on here. I have been there 2 years and worked hard. I always worked extra when asked and never complained. Because of this, I was asked to help fill in on quality assurance when people were out and have since transitioned into a full time QA position with them with a decent salaried position. If this MT job hadn't materialized, I probably would have gone back to the hospital and taken any position I could find until I had worked my way up there. If that hadn't worked out, I would have found something else to do and kept my eyes open for any opening to transition to from there.

Skills that command a - living wage

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"People would be better off acquiring the skills that command a living wage without the nanny state having to intervene. Aspiring to a minimum wage job and then relying on an artificially inflated minimum wage benefits no one."

Geesh, being an MT used to be one of those skills, but not any more. I barely make minimum wage doing apparently an unskilled job.

There is no guarantee that - xx

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today's skills will continue to retain their value next week or next year. The pace of technology has increased, and everyone needs to be in a constant state of skill enhancement. That's just the way it is. The people who understand that are the ones who will weather the changes and succeed. Unfortunately, we can no longer learn a single skill set and expect it to remain in demand for the rest of our working lives. We have to keep an eye on new developments and figure out how we can make ourselves valuable in the world as it will be, not as it was.
While there is some - truth in what you say
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An MLS requires a certain skill as does the person stocking the shelves at Target, but what are the chances that a person stocking shelves at Target can transcribe a report accurately? I probably could stock shelves at Target pretty well, I have done a similar job like that in my teen years. I, myself, have moved with the flow, edit instead of straight type, etc., but it seems to me what you are saying is that our knowledge and abilities are basically minimum wage jobs. Sorry, but I respectfully disagree.

Also, I don't know about you, but my working life is nearing its end and while I am game for keeping up with the changes of transcription, I am not about to change careers at this point in my life. You sound like a person who has many years left to change careers, then I say go for it. Also, I feel I am very valuable, but apparently the MTSOs do not think we, as MTs, are anymore.

But the cost of living here - Is very high

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You might not like the down side. Plus traffic in the city is horrendous.

CA is supposed to be $10 by 2016, - not $13. nm

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Too little, too late. More people becoming - homeless every day in this state.

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it's just insulting to me - sm

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insulting that some folks will be making more than me and can be totally unskilled -- and I've honed my skills over 35 yr and don't make that much an hour anymore. shameful. I think each state should have to raise EVERYONEs pay by the same percentage as minimum wage goes up.

The thing is, cost of living is different everywhere. - My 1-bdrm is $1200 a month.

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I live in a high-end tourist area and none of the workers who support the tourist industry would be able to live here if the minimum wage was the same as, say, Arkansas.

I know, grew up on west coast - sm

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however, the work we do is the same everywhere, requires the same skills, etc. and the min wage keeps going up while we never get raises anymore.

I am glad I live in a place, say like Arkansas but - not the same state because

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I bought a new stucco and brick home, 4 bedrooms, 3 and a half baths, 2 car garage and only paid $220,000 for it. My SIL visiting from California could not believe what we paid, said there it would have been nearly a million. Lucky me!

Don't move. Get a socialist elected to your city council - the way Seattle did.

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It's interesting to see how many people in this country actually do favor the obnoxious concept of governmental wealth redistribution when it comes right down to it.

People who favor wealth redistribution usually couch their ideas in beguiling terms such as "fairness", but when really pressed to the wall you find that either they're unable to define define "fairness" in meaningful terms, or the lame definitions that they put forward don't hold water.

take it to the politics board, please - nm

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Who ARE you people? - sm

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"Nanny state" this,
"Socialist" that,
"Wealth redistribution".
I've work with and talked to lots and lots of MTs in the past 2+ decades I've done this work, and I've yet to hear a single one of them use any of those terms?

They're the same people being taken advantage - of by the current "system", and yet - sm

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they're totally AGAINST anything being done to set things back on a fairer path. It makes no sense at all.

I believe it's a - case of

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Fox News-itis.

These are the buzzwords of the tea party right wing promoted by Fox and other right wing organs that consists mainly of senior citizens with lots of time on their hands watching and learning to hate all sorts of people and label them as bad so you don't have to feel responsible for anyone but you and your kind.

who are you people - carrie

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they are what you call idiots

people who can't see straight. - anon2

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the whole thread is on the wrong board. nothing to do - with transcription. NM

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watch what you're doing.

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nm ...

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