A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Important info - Nuanceisjobfromhell

Posted: Jun 22, 2015


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3 Very Important Questions Have Surfaced So Far
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Important Work? Couldn't Be
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It's ironic how we get emails about how important we are to patient's medical care and safety, yet we get paid a beggar's rate. Flipping hamburgers is a more important job; no customer wants a burnt hamburger, which explains why you can make more money at McDonald's. ...

Important Video About Automation
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Reposting This Because I Forgot 2 Important Tips
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So, I'm not really asking for a show of hands here, but have you been "moved" in the last 2, 3 weeks or so to a hospital account in the upper northwest part of the country that is rather a booger-bear to learn? It is INTENTIONAL, you will be FIESA'd to death if you are not already. (You were likely told that they need you there because it is a difficult account to keep staffed, at least that is what they told the last person). Just warning you. Be on the lookout for that one plan ...

IMPORTANT NOTE. Check Your Line Counts.
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I POSTED DOWN BELOW EARLIER ABOUT MESSED UP LINE COUNTS.  We are hitting the holiday weekend.  Line counts are off. Go to your statistics and type in date May 1 through May 15 and what does it show you? Go to your statistics and type in dates May 16 to todays date and what does it show you?  Type in May 19 to 21 or May 18 to 19 and what does it show you?  EVERYONE SHOULD CALL ON THIS.  Supposedly, there is not enough people calling for them to do anything about this. ...

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This Is America Where People Are Important - Not COWS! So Stop Telling Me I Have "inactive"
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Info On Accentus US Ambulatory? Is It Associated With Nuance? Any Info Appreciated. NmNm
Feb 18, 2014

Xx ...