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IMPORTANT NOTE. Check your line counts. - Messed up.

Posted: May 25, 2010

I POSTED DOWN BELOW EARLIER ABOUT MESSED UP LINE COUNTS.  We are hitting the holiday weekend.  Line counts are off.

Go to your statistics and type in date May 1 through May 15 and what does it show you?

Go to your statistics and type in dates May 16 to todays date and what does it show you? 

Type in May 19 to 21 or May 18 to 19 and what does it show you? 

EVERYONE SHOULD CALL ON THIS.  Supposedly, there is not enough people calling for them to do anything about this.  Get a ticket number.  The more calls there are, then maybe they will do something. 


At first they thought it was my computer setting since they only received about 4 calls with this problem.  I do not believe it! 

If you check each individual date, it will show your correct line count.  Do it daily and copy it to maybe an email or print it out??  Not sure what to do!

I called support and told they have nothing to do - with this and to call CCM

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as it is a payrol thing. I am wondering if it is a date screw up within DocQmanage as whatever date range you put in, the first day you worked for that date range is not there and double for the last date. Still makes you go hmmmmm....

You are right!!! - I have nothing showing

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for the 18th even though I put in a full day.

I will call my CCM in the morning. Better to get on it before the pay period closes.

I too have the same problems for 24..sm - ververyoldMT

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I DID send in requests and got 2 ticket numbers from support. Both of them said that the issue had been resolved NOT!!!!! My CCM stated to get with support as she was traveling. (She is a good sup by the way). I have 1 report showing for all of Monday, May 24. I drew attention to the problem of the jobs I did from 3-5 pm not being there. And then the slow down at 11 pm. I was able to transcribe and complete 3 reports before it went haywire.... Now, it seems nothing is going to be done about it.... Am I going to start being more scrutinized because of not letting it go? I have been more than loyal to the Q and want to stay that way. I don't like the changes, but I will roll with the punches. This is really not good.

Keep track and do complain about this because... - huh?

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I had something similar happen to me several months ago.

The end result, I got called on the carpet for supposedly not making my line counts because this is how they figure how many lines per hour you are doing.

Fortunately for me, I was able to prove I had done my work. Do start with your CCM because if they can see and understand the problem, they can make support look into the matter. Starting with support often does you no good.

By the way, this is an excellent argument against the time they said not to waste time keeping a log of all the work we do.
Did u see the new notice about maintenance ? sm - ververyoldMT
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They just posted that maintenance update to correct some problems that arose from update Sunday will be done at 5 a.m. 5/26. Ahh.... Now something strange, why do the job #s we get on reports and the ones showing on DQM internal job #s totally are different? My CCM is out of town again....

Line counts are not off - I keep a log every day of line amounts - the only thing messed up is the dates

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I checked yesterday. Yes, the dates are off. However, it is just the dates. The 17th's count (which is missing) shows up as the 18th's lines. The 18th's count shows up as the 19th's lines. The 20th's count shows up as the 21st's lines and so forth until you hit today where what you are actually seeing as the 25th's lines doubled with 2 different numbers is really the 24th's lines and the 25th's lines because the dates are off a day.

Again, when I checked, the line counts are indeed accurate. The dates, however, have all skipped forward a day, eliminating the 17th (Monday) and doubling the 25th.

The worst thing that could happen if this continues is that the last day, Memorial Day, will have a double count, so double the holiday line pay. Cheers!

Calm Down Everyone - MT

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Things are skewed, but calm down. If you go into your Daily Counts at the end of each work day (wait a bit to make sure everything is processed) and write it down, you'll notice that it comes up even. I keep a spreadsheet of sorts and log this every day. That way, I know what's what.

no, unfortunately my jobs done on 24th are not there... nm - ververyoldMT

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I wish this were so. With the system going bonkers Monday night, I lost 3 reports. I did trust MQ and did NOT write down the job numbers. They are gone, vanished, vamoose, sayonara. Dum,Da, Dum, Dum DUMB!!!!! me... Now I am doing another log, and like I said the job #s I see on DQS do not match anything that is on DQM's internal job #. Where do they get that number from. Still does not change the fact the burden of proof was left to me, and I fell through by trusting that the line count and jobs done were there. Quite frankly they always have been before. This was something I did not have a problem with before....

My counts are fine. - Perhaps not everyone is

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involved? I just checked everything, and they are all showing up properly.

me either - noproblemo

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Is this only happening in the region with the lockdown? Is this the same region having problems with DQS freezing up all the time?

I have not had any problems with line counts or with DQS going slow(freezing, not loading jobs, etc.).


DQS Problem, Not Just MQ Problem - Old MT

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I don't work for MQ but I do use DQS and things are mixed up, so it's not a regional/MQ problem.

Did you guys check your status from the 16 to today? - Does it show double anywhere?

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If I do just one day statistic like today or yesterday, it is fine. But if I do 2 days or more, like May 24,25 and today, it is screwed up.

Your DQS linecount is not what they use to pay you with. - nm

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what do they use then?...nm - vickypage

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That's what they are supposed to pay you with... - Sara

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Not the DocQmanage line counts--which are lower. At least that's what we were assured when the Q brought our company---that the count on the MT's PC was the correct one and the one they would ''pay you with''.

huh? - mt

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key word there is "assured";)

They go exactly by whatever it says in your "statistics" in DQM.

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