A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Does anyone at Nuance work IC status or all employees? - me

Posted: Apr 29, 2013

Have they switched everyone over to employee from the companies they have taken over or are there still IC status workers ? 

I think it is all employee. Why would anyone want to be IC anyway? - anon

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I like to have them pay 1/2 my SS tax.

As an IC you now have to have a set schedule, so what is the point of being IC now days?

Why IC versus employee - sm

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Although more and more companies are asking you to provide a schedule, most will just ask for a general idea of what you plan on working, which gives you more flexibility. Also if you are looking for part-time or prn work, you can get away with not having to *commit* to 24 hours a wk. Me personally, I prefer IC because I cannot work 24 hours a week, more like 14 hours a wk, because of my full time job. Most companies will let you pick your own schedule if you are IC.

"Most" companies, where? I worked IC and all of them made me provide a schedule. - so why bother paying my own higher taxes. NM

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