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Fiesa fiasco had a bad report show up - nn
Posted: Dec 23, 2012
Well, I had a bad report show up. Was not running at 100% anyway and now this puts me just a hair under 98%. Am I likely to be terminated or what is likely to happen?
They don't fire you, you just don't get bonus for 3 months. NM - anon
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No bonus for 3 months?? I thought they figured this weekly and paid it out every 2 weeks??
No incentive pay, either. If you earn it for the next 3 - months, they will THEN start paying for it.
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With savings like that, is it any wonder so many of us have trouble staying qualified?
Nope, you get a quarterly QA score - anon
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For instance if you get below 99% from October 1st through December 31st, you will not get incentive bonus from January 1st through March 31st.
It is all done quarterly.
there are 2 possible incentive bonuses... - anon
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One is weekly, and one is quarterly... it was all just in that new recorded presentation a few weeks ago along w/ the actual #s needed to hit each one.
Actually , that is not correct. - anon
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There are 2 bonuses and BOTH are linked to quarterly QA scores. One is paid biweekly based on your quarterly scores.
One is paid quarterly based on quarterly QA score.
Your post audit QA score is done quarterly and will be used for BOTH bonuses.
The only difference is when they are paid out and the score necessary to achieve them. The quarterly score you need for the biweekly pay-out is 99%. The score needed for the quarterly pay out is 99.5% or higher.
One is a 99+% QA pay incentive applied to all lines, up to a "raise" - of 2cpl, the other is a 100% QA bonus.nm
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Based on QUARTERLY QA scores, not biweekly scores. - anon
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If you get a 99% or higher quarterly QA score the bonus is paid based on line count every 2 weeks.
A 99.5% quarterly QA score gets you a bonus of 10% of total pay for the quarter you got 99.5%.
A 100% quarterly QA score gets you a bonus of 15% of total pay for the quarter you got 100%.
All bonuses are based on Quarterly Post Audit scores.
What's the difference, if - MT
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They make it impossible to achieve because of arbitrary scoring, and making sure a lot of people never meet those numbers...
Nope. sm. - Been there more than once.
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No termination. As the other poster stated, just no bonus for 3 months. I had received a note from my supervisor letting me know about the low score and how I should try getting the score up to earn the bonus. Nothing threatening. I think if it happens too often, we get put on performance review status.
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