I just can't understand it. For the past 2 weeks my line counts have been slowly dropping below the 1200 daily quota. Feeling the need to make up some lines, I crammed the work yesterday, going as fast as I can, still maintaining quality, proof reading each document, etc. I was excited to see how much I did. A measly 1400 lines. What the? It was about 1/3 straight typing, 2/3 ASR. Even when on 100% straight typing I used to do 200+ lines p ...
I have spent hours so far this morning trying to make something intelligible out of doctors who can't speak, nurse's who are apparently unqualified to dictate a medical report, and ASR which can't understand any two words in a row ------ but I AM THE ONE WHO IS ALWAYS GETTING SCRUTINIZED, AUDITED, AND TRYING TO BE REPLACED? The MT is the overpaid unnecessary link in this chain? ...
been running out of work consistently (about 3 days a week). Turned in my notice Friday. Had plenty of work yesterday. Ran out today and guess what? They assigned me a new account. Why couldn't they have done that weeks ago when I was running out of work so much? Kinda' crazy! ...
Okay, I'm new so I am not making much yet. Can we all just make a post saying how many hours we work, what we gross, how long you've been transcribing, and whether it is vr or st? Don't name your company. This way we can guage what we can expect to be making down the line.
I've been transcribing for 2 months. This week I worked 37 hours and grossed $259.00 and it was 90% VR. ...
Why do companies call you and if you are not there they leave a number. Then when you call back they are not there. You tell them that you are interested, but they never call back. I even called back twice and never got a call back.
Plus I have had companies send me e-mails that they are interested and fill out the form. Then I never here anything. What is up with all this? ...
can i see a show of hands of how many of my fellow MT's are THIS CLOSE to throwing in the towel, not only with MQ, but just transcription companies in general? I am first, who's next? Let me see those hands!!! ...
I JUST WANT TO VENT. I don't remember the exact name of this new NBC show making a comedy out of outsourcing - but I think we all need to find out who or where to write and tell them OUTSOURCING OVERSEAS IS NOT FUNNY!! From what I gather from the ads the jobs go to India (I believe) and it's supposed to be so funny. It's not freakin amusing in the least. We aren't the only industry who have been royaly SCREWED by big companies. T ...
Okay everyone... who knew TTS and Nuance were affiliated??
Come to find out, they do our "overflow" and here's the nasty, subversive part -- They get paid more to do it. Feelin' the love. ...
With straight typing, one space after a period or two? I haven't used two spaces since the old days of typewriters.
Am I getting a lower line count with using only one? ...
Just because I'm curious, and I bet lots of others are as well, how many working Nuance MLSs are actively looking for a job? Please vote 'do not like'. How many Nuance MLSs are planning to stay with it for at least another 12 months? Please vote 'like'
So 'like' if you like being an MLS and want to stay with it.
My vote will be the first one cast.
Hopefully we will be able to see what our wages will be on Webclock. But they will probably try to disguise that with complex calculations too. If not and we see drastic reductions in our wages, my bet is that there will be more call offs than usual on Christmas eve and Christmas day.
In searching the web for a new job I keep running into federal and state stats that say the low end salary of a newbie transcriptionist is $14 and high end is $24. They must be talking American dollars because Indians make $0.78 an hour. They also say it is a growing field (so much so it's spilling into the sea and floating to India) and there is a high demand for experienced medical transcriptionists (!?)
Where the heck do they get their outdated information??? I f ...
Did anyone see the show Undercover Boss last night? Do ya think the suits at MQ would do that - ha, never would be a consideration for them -- if any of them did see it, they probably laughed. They don't realize and don't care to realize what we do to fill their pockets. Bottom line for them is money in their pockets and the big bonuses they get for signing papers and closing those deals that don't benefit the MT at all -- the ones who are keeping the profit going for them. ...
Well, I had a bad report show up. Was not running at 100% anyway and now this puts me just a hair under 98%. Am I likely to be terminated or what is likely to happen? ...
When looking for a job and you're on unemployment and have to show proof of the job search, is it possible to use all these MT companies? I mean, we take all this time to submit applications and take tests and then don't get hired...it seems we could use them as job contacts. Has anyone done this and it was okay? ...
As far as I know, I qualified for the final quarterly bonus from 2014. I keep checking the ADP site, but it's not showing up yet. I know it's supposed to be paid out on 1/31, but it would be nice to know the amount so I can plan it in my budget. ...
picketed and millions of emails from MTs like ourselves should be sent to them complaining, just as others are doing. This is an absolute disgrace, comedy or no comedy!!!! The show is called Outsourced. If you do not want to click the link below then Google NBC - Outsourced, as I did, and read about the show and also read the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are writing NBC and complaining! Such poor taste!
http://www.nbc.com/news/2010/05/07/nbc-picks-up-three-n ...
That's what this forum is starting to sound like. Over here the "braggarts and liars" (I don't think anyone's lying, personally, but stay with me on this), that can be the Hatfields because they were better off than the McCoys, which here would be the "miserable people with no skills" (and for the record I think you are all skilled, I don't think you are miserable and you are probably underpaid.)
Doing an orthopod Dr. He says "At this point this is mostly (coach, codes, closed?) healing which is not going to show up on x-ray. This is a 7-year-old boy with a left clavicle fracture. Think it might be "closed". Can't find coach or codes. Any ideas if "closed" would be right? ...