A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

When will the stats show the reality in transcription? - Scooby-Doo

Posted: Nov 15, 2009

In searching the web for a new job I keep running into federal and state stats that say the low end salary of a newbie transcriptionist is $14 and high end is $24.  They must be talking American dollars because Indians make $0.78 an hour.  They also say it is a growing field (so much so it's spilling into the sea and floating to India) and there is a high demand for experienced medical transcriptionists (!?) 

Where the heck do they get their outdated information???  I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone where I'm the only one that has a clue to reality. 

blowin smoke.. - MT17

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So they say the demand is "high" for experienced MTs? Funny thing is, I am an experienced MT, 20 years, laid-off from major MTSO, wishing at the end I could have even hit $14 an hour, with all the awful ESLs, horrible audio, shall I go on? Oh, then my job floated to India! They are blowin a lot of smoke don't ya think?

actually, floated to.. - MT17

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the Philippines....sorry me bad!

They left out important data: That the MT field is only - growing in India and Philippines, NOT here. nm

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blowin smoke - rierie

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Nearly everything about the US Government is outdated, - ESPECIALLY their information. -nm-

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outdated or downright misleading? - ggmt

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When I researched MT back in 2007, the government information was dated 2006 and said that the field was growing and there were no end of jobs. Within 4 months of starting MT school I learned just how much VR and offshoring was affecting the MT world. I have a feeling that the government is downplaying the amount of offshoring that really goes on in a lot of industries.

Govmt = outdated. MT schools = misleading. - $45-50K a year? Gimme a BREAK.

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What REALLY burns me is that lots of these medical transcription schools are owned by the very same companies that will underpay the graduates of their own schools. Or not hire them at all, in favor of offshore workers.

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